Poll: Did you order a Jolla tablet?
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Did you order a Jolla tablet?

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Copernicus's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
1. What is happening with restructuring?
2. What is happening with investor?
3. What happening with the issues with the supplier?
Actually, we already know these things.

1) The restructuring is underway, and the court has already suspended any efforts of creditors to seek compensation from Jolla.

2) The investors who were planning on adding funds this year pulled out last month. No new investors have been found.

3) There are NO issues with the tablet parts suppliers. The factory has already proven that it can manufacture tablets perfectly well, at least in small numbers. They are merely waiting for funds from Jolla...
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Originally Posted by jjaone View Post
How do you know you are number "8000 odd"..,?
Someone created a spreadsheet based on time and date of order, it was useful until it got lost in the middle of this thread.

That was back when we still had hope
pichlo's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
The scam continues.
Like other things mentioned with regards to Jolla, just repeating it ad nauseum does not make it true.

"Scam" implies an intention. There is no evidence of the intention of not delivering the tablets. In this regard the Jolla's campaign is very different from the Ubuntu Edge one.

There is evidence that Jolla witheld information from the backers about their financial troubles that prevented them to ship the tablets but this is:
a) common (which is not to say that it is right);
b) prudent (exposing financial troubles too early would scare off customers)
c) depending on local legislature, may even be the only legal way of doing things. For example, in the UK it is illegal for a company to announce "we are going to announce redundancies". The only legally permitted way is to say, "we are announcing redundancies".
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Dave999's Avatar
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I'm not sure if it's true or false. Why open Jolla shop when you were in trouble to even ship (500) tablets?

No evidence. So I could be wrong or right. But it smell like fish.

Jolla should sell the covers back to lastu and get some money and ship at least 100 more tablets.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2015-12-10 at 13:20.
Posts: 71 | Thanked: 621 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ UK
Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
Jolla should sell the covers back to lastu and get some money and ship at least 100 more tablets.
you can be sure I would be 102nd in that 100 more tablets list! :sadface:
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 78 times | Joined on Jan 2012
Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
I'm not sure if it's true or false. Why open Jolla shop when you were in trouble to even ship (500) tablets?
Because it is a way to get money. If you don't open the shop and you don't get any more money, you won't be able to ship anything. If you sell more tablets (with a profit margin), you can ship some tablets. It's that simple. If a company is in financial trouble and they close down the shop in order to prevent people from potentially losing their money when they go bankrupt, then they are making absolutely sure they will go bankrupt, because they're closing their source of income. Also as pichlo mentioned, in most jurisdictions this is not even legal to do and you might even become personally responsible (and bankrupt as well) instead of just the company.

Jolla should sell the covers back to lastu and get some money and ship at least 100 more tablets.
And this is just plain stupid, as Lastu apparently never even received the money. Apart from that, I highly doubt that they'd take them back if there is no market for them (almost no tablets).
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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
What I'm getting from Google Translate appears to indicate that Jolla is having trouble from creditors trying to get their money back, and that they've requested protection from the court. And it appears that they've gotten that protection, from the last paragraph. Here's what Google says that they said:
That is basically correct. Jolla has filed for debt restructuring, but the filing has not been processed by the court yet. Jolla has stated to the court that active debt collection would bankrupt the company, and for that reason filed for a temporary restriction for debt collection and other debt recovery procedures. The court has approved the temporary restriction until the debt restructuring filing has been granted or rejected by the court.

The debtors include State Treasury and an employment pension company, among others. Those who pre-ordered and paid the tablet are creditors, too (but not the crowdfunders, I suppose).

Last edited by IlkkaP; 2015-12-10 at 14:02.
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 552 times | Joined on Jul 2011
Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
Not at all! Consider QML, the scripting language Qt built (and Sailfish uses, among others) to simplify creation of user interfaces. QML works by creating and managing C++ objects, but you'd never know it. (There are also a number of other language bindings for Qt.)
That's quite a short list though (and even then I don't think some are full bindings), compare it to GTK+. I think the reason GTK+ has so many more is because it's plain C.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Jun 2015
I sent a report to Jolla care one month ago. They told me to hold on due to some problems (that are obvious nowadays) today they answered me to send the phone back to repair.

I hope this means Jolla still standing up.
ste-phan's Avatar
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Just some thoughts..

Do you think, during all those negotiations aiming to fix a partnership with any major telecom player, Jolla people have presented themselves as a startup?

Jolla looks like failing company more than startup in need of financing to take off.

During the passed months Jolla has stated to be working hard to bring the Sailfish OS on Intex Telecom devices.

Intex was being called Jolla’s first licensing partner since mid '15.

At that point Jolla, IMO, by serving a contract outside of the mobile enthusiasts’ scope, has stopped being a startup and needed different kind of funding to match the chosen direction.

Investors that would commit to fully back this first commercial license project till its finished.

The tablet was already on the scene, and when the licensing agreement was discussed, they knew clearly what they needed to do and make, and of course they knew what profit would be in it for the company.

I guess that by the time that Intex project was introduced, the bigger seeding investors would have received information on what would be the minimal return of investment.
In India, even if you release a lousy phone, I guess you'd still sell 5000 - 10 000? If debtors are now knocking the door it seems that hey were not informed correctly or don’t agree with the chose direction (when Jolla stopped to be startup).

That is not surprising. If all you have to do is hand out ready made software with customer support in place and email license agreements that sounds like a good deal.

But a project absorbing all of the company's startup phase funded resources , imposing necessity for market specific software support (including partial development) and this for the next year to come, is something else.

Sailfish 1.0 becoming Sailifsh Intex (2.0) has shown clearly that the pure Sailfish OS would be tuned graphically in order to please the first licensing partner. There were not enough resources to cover both an independent Sailfish and a customised licensed version.

The project of creating the dream device that everybody would fall in love with without even considering its built in respect to privacy and not being iOS / Android was being replaced by the need to urgently deliver and support medium range cheap Android alternative phones for Intex.

I even suspect features like SIP voip Telepathy GUI introduction to be ignored such a long time in order not to disturb major telecom players as potential license partners.

The (intel) tablet being a project with lower prestige level than releasing a Jolla II in all aspects superior to the original Jolla should not have made it to mass production unless there was real profit to be made.

The tablet has not helped the Jolla case but to offer the early supporters an excuse for accepting the interface changes called “refreshed Sailfish with version number 2.0” as demanded by license partners.
Given the sales price, the profit obviously wasn't there.
We get it, Sailfish is flexible and adaptable but finally the Jolla tablet it is another case of x86 intel involved in losing critical time in alternative OS development.

It reminds me of Maemo + intel = MeeGo. Nobody was waiting for that and see where it left

Everybody could see that if Sailfish runs on Jolla phone / Nexus 5 phone it would run on a some tablet somehow ARM or x86 IF a hardware partner or licensee would want it to.

The problem Jolla is facing now is that they lack the funding (startup seeding money finished) to fulfil partnerships for which the only interest lays in fulfilling them , to not damage reputation (Jolla tablet with seeder investors willing to support no matter what and Intex phone with license partner, not investor) and support it all the way to earn a reputation.

For the people waiting for their tablet: it is much more important to give priority to fulfil the deal with Intex, if it is not being dropped yet. Or better, a license partner that has better reasons to switch to Sailfish and is willing to trust and co-invest with Jolla into Sailfish development.

As it is now I think that the early investors stopped to see the potential of the ongoin partnerships (tablet - Intex) realised in a way that would allow Jolla to continue working on the Sailfish devices that everybody wants in the near future.

Seeder investors will not continue to throw money and start to think about recovering it.. “I did not know, they did not tell me.. this is not what my bank / pension fund has told me I was investing it etc..”

My conclusion is, that they should have stayed startup long enough to finish Saiflish 1.0 and be open about it. If they would have told me they needed 199 USD to perfect Sailfish on Jolla phone so that potential partners would start drooling to have it on their device unconditionally, I would have happily contributed.
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