Poll: What advanced text entry method(s) would you like to see on Sailfish?
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What advanced text entry method(s) would you like to see on Sailfish?

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Posts: 69 | Thanked: 85 times | Joined on Mar 2013
In the file okboard.qml in plugin directory we can adjust the gradient values for the background:

 Rectangle {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    gradient: Gradient {
                        GradientStop { position: 0; color: Theme.rgba(Theme.highlightBackgroundColor, .15) }
                        GradientStop { position: 1; color: Theme.rgba(Theme.highlightBackgroundColor, .3) }
I've modified both values to 0.7 and the transparency is less, but we have more ambience color now

The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to frullewulle For This Useful Post:
Posts: 106 | Thanked: 205 times | Joined on Dec 2015 @ Spain
Originally Posted by cvp View Post
@matimilko , jap, i read it too. But i cant handle with it

A step by step how to is needing. Want to use the german lang.
+1. I think we can help with the addition of new languages but if there is a step by step how-to. I want to use spanish language in OKBoard with Sailfish OS, but I don't know how to add it.

Any help?

The Following User Says Thank You to ferlanero For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by frullewulle View Post
In the file okboard.qml in plugin directory we can adjust the gradient values for the background:
I've modified both values to 0.7 and the transparency is less, but we have more ambience color now
Thanks frullewulle, although not perfect the keyboard is much more visible now in the browser. The line with the suggested words is not visible yet.

And for anyone still struggling to find his way around (like myself): the directory to adjust this file is /usr/lib/maliit/plugins/
Palm Treo -> N900 -> N9 -> Jolla -> SailfishX -> XA2
Developer mode novice, and enjoying it

The Following User Says Thank You to rob_kouw For This Useful Post:
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Ok guys I have created the necessary files to the spanish dictionary following the instructions over here:


The results are:

add-words-fr.txt es-predict.dict lang-fr.cf
clusters-es.log es-test.txt.bz2 lang-nl.cf
clusters-es.txt es.tre predict-es.db
corpus-es.txt.bz2 grams-es-full.csv.bz2 predict-es.ng
db.version grams-es-learn.csv.bz2 predict-es.rpt.bz2
es-full.dict grams-es-test.csv.bz2 predict-es.txt.bz2
es-full.tre lang-en.cf words-es.txt
es-learn.txt.bz2 lang-es.cf

But now there is no documentary about what to do with that files.

Looking at the rpm, I think that the developer needs are these files:

es.tre.gz predict.es.db.gz predict.es.ng.gz

but there is no trace of them in the archive...

So I don't know what to do to implement Spanish language on OKBoard. Anyone knows?

If the developer needs it I can share with him the spanish dictionary that I have created.

The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to ferlanero For This Useful Post:
Posts: 89 | Thanked: 243 times | Joined on Jun 2014
OKBoard is awesome! Anybody working on Finnish yet...?

The Following User Says Thank You to ssahla For This Useful Post:
Posts: 102 | Thanked: 187 times | Joined on Jan 2010
FYI, I am working on Swedish.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to ljo For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by ferlanero View Post
Ok guys I have created the necessary files to the spanish dictionary following the instructions over here:


The results are:

add-words-fr.txt es-predict.dict lang-fr.cf
clusters-es.log es-test.txt.bz2 lang-nl.cf
clusters-es.txt es.tre predict-es.db
corpus-es.txt.bz2 grams-es-full.csv.bz2 predict-es.ng
db.version grams-es-learn.csv.bz2 predict-es.rpt.bz2
es-full.dict grams-es-test.csv.bz2 predict-es.txt.bz2
es-full.tre lang-en.cf words-es.txt
es-learn.txt.bz2 lang-es.cf

But now there is no documentary about what to do with that files.

Looking at the rpm, I think that the developer needs are these files:

es.tre.gz predict.es.db.gz predict.es.ng.gz

but there is no trace of them in the archive...

So I don't know what to do to implement Spanish language on OKBoard. Anyone knows?

If the developer needs it I can share with him the spanish dictionary that I have created.
well the rest of the build process can be found here:


see the part about $CORPUS_FILE and $WORK_DIR
and you need a lot of RAM to build them...

Last edited by frullewulle; 2015-12-28 at 09:59.

The Following User Says Thank You to frullewulle For This Useful Post:
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There are a lot of questions about adding new languages to OKBoard, so here is some details (sorry for the length, no TL/DR)

The main focus of this keyboard is to allow fast typing (higher words per minute), so it must be tolerant to inacurate strokes. Try to type as fast as you can and you will understand :-)
As a consequence, when you input a word, there are a lot of possible candidates.

A strategy is to get the "best match", but this usually does not work as when you type faster you will likely produce a stroke that looks like another word and this will reduce guessing rate.

The solution chosen is to implement a language model that can figure out which candidates are likely in a given context (and filter out the one that cannot occurs in this context).

Here is an example: I have just tried to type: "There is no place like home"
When I swipe "home", the context (surrounding words) is "There is no place like" and the candidates are home, hone, gimme, hinge, gone. The keyboard will clearly prefer "home" to other candidates because they do not make sense (or are far less likely in an English sentence).

To train the model you need to feed it with a huge volume of text. The text should be representative of the kind of text you will type.
For example is you use a Wikipedia corpus, the keyboard will be very uncooperative if you try to type informal text that would look unnatural in a Wikipedia article.

Building language files is not just a matter of pouring random text in the build tool or you will end up with a high error rate.
I recommend using a lot of text (my French corpus is over 40 million words, and in some cases this is not enough), and using different kind of documents: articles (new / wikipedia), e-mail, IRC and chat logs ...

At the moment the keyboard still has a lot of issues so that accuracy will still be low even with a good language model, but hopefully it will improve soon :-)

I have added lots of information to the README file (how to package and distribute files ...). Any patches or suggestions for improvement are welcome.

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Feathers McGraw's Avatar
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Is anyone else seeing OKboard choke on TMO in WebPirate?


I don't really understand why, prediction works OK in SFOS browser but the keyboard is really faint/overlaid.

Edit: it's not just TMO, it happens on my Drupal site too

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Originally Posted by ljo View Post
FYI, I am working on Swedish.
with a modest download count of 0 after already some days available in openrepos, https://openrepos.net/content/ellefj...ources-okboard or just search for OKboard in warehouse client, I recalled to update this status. Please remember the curves must go on a for å and ä and o for ö for the predictions to be the ones you expect otherwise they will be totally and insanely wrong.

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bettertxtentry, huntnpeck sucks, okboard, sailfish, swype

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