, 16:57
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@ North Potomac MD
, 17:07
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@ Moon! It's not the East or the West side... it's the Dark Side
Coming from you, I'm honored!
, 17:07
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@ Israel
Would the changelog not be the first place you've looked for this information?
2.0 Saimaa changelog... and there's other versions including the latest version 2.0.1.x.
It was a major OS release with many tweaks visible as well as under the hood. Taking a year is not outside the realm of things.
I'll keep it simple. Do I think it was worth 2.5 million dollars? No. But a scalable OS that remedied and perhaps backfilled all of the other issues that 1.0 invariably had... it might prove to be a worthy investment if licensing takes off and manufacturers decide whatever hardware they want to do/use and can do so.
But that matters none to us; we want our tablets we paid for, right? Not the investment into making their OS scalable. The argument that it should have been as such from day one is moot. It's there now. But at the expense of the user backed tablets.
So back to you. What are you asking exactly? Why did it take a year to produce a major update to Sailfish or are you asking why it cost 2.5 million and the tablets?
Or am I misreading what you're inquiring... which is a very possible outcome. And since my words have been taken wrongly in the past; do understand that I'm genuinely curious and wonder what you're inquiring. Thanks in advance.
, 17:35
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@ Moon! It's not the East or the West side... it's the Dark Side
, 17:45
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And that a lot of work was done.
So I'm trying to understand what exactly was done for tablet and why it cost so much.
So another question what would Jolla do regarding Os update if they would not get those money for tablet?
, 18:18
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@ Wigan, UK
, 18:25
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@ UK
They are shipping 10,000 little blue tablets to help IGG backers forget about 'TabletGate'.
, 18:27
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These ones?
, 18:27
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@ Warsaw, Poland
They are shipping 10,000 little blue tablets to help IGG backers forget about 'TabletGate'.
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moral hazard, paypal refund |
All these things are/were linked.
They had monies from coming from various sources grants, sales? indigogo etc.
This was all linked and used in various ways to achieve their goals.
Sadly the money ran out just a little too soon...
Just think what conversations we would be having now, if they had managed to pull it off!
No one would be asking how that Euro was raised and how it was spent..
so near ....yet so far......