Poll: Did you order a Jolla tablet?
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Did you order a Jolla tablet?

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Posts: 57 | Thanked: 96 times | Joined on Jul 2012
Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
What would have happend if Jolla built second phone instead of the troublet?

Would Jolla be in better, same or worse state...it's impossible to tell but still an interesting thought.

While you think about that. Think about this.

What will be Jolla next move...how long can they survive without proper hwpartners...and sales
IMHO, jolla would be better.
They can focus only on phone specs.
No need to think about different processor, tablet display, split screen, etc.
So the OS and software development could also grow faster.

I also think they could get more pre order, as for example is myself.
I've been waiting for jolla phone 2 since the first phone came out.
But when I heard their campaign is about tablet, I feel a little disapointed.
Because I already has a tablet and I don't need another one.
So I just decided not to pre order and instead buy a jolla phone 1 to replace my N900.
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My worry is how do they keep the lights on? If their only income is licencing sailfish to inex etc, how much do they expect to make per device?
mosen's Avatar
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Originally Posted by tommo View Post
My worry is how do they keep the lights on? If their only income is licencing sailfish to inex etc, how much do they expect to make per device?
Not wanting to go into numbers, at least they target the right markets!
We as users can only profit from intex offering to 1 Billion potential customers.
Also mi-Fone has a good strategie, operating from central african country Nigeria, it could be possible to expand to the whole continent.
mi-Fone is propagating the hastag #miAfrica, indicating this ambition.

Looking from outside, jolla is exactly doing what i personally would suggest every small business:
Find, focus and specialize on your core product.
Offer it to the broadest potential customer base possible.
Operate with minimum risk.

So after,
"Hey, we need 100.000* Phones sold per year to survive in HW Business, aah no problem, we will make it"
"Woohoo, look, here TABLET, BestofMobile Award, we compete with frikkin' Apple"
"uuhuuu, we are sinking*, please support us with all* you got",

licensing business of a 92%* finished product with minimal effort in distribution and focused forces into development sounds like a sane idea.

*exaggeration or personal empiric measurement

Last edited by mosen; 2016-04-16 at 01:50.
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Originally Posted by mosen View Post
Not wanting to go into numbers, at least they target the right markets!
We as users can only profit from intex offering to 1 Billion potential customers.
Also mi-Fone has a good strategie, operating from central african country Nigeria, it could be possible to expand to the whole continent.
mi-Fone is propagating the hastag #miAfrica, indicating this ambition.

Looking from outside, jolla is exactly doing what i personally would suggest every small business:
Find, focus and specialize on your core product.
Offer it to the broadest potential customer base possible.
Operate with minimum risk.

So after,
"Hey, we need 100.000* Phones sold per year to survive in HW Business, aah no problem, we will make it"
"Woohoo, look, here TABLET, BestofMobile Award, we compete with frikkin' Apple"
"uuhuuu, we are sinking*, please support us with all* you got",

licensing business of a 92%* finished product with minimal effort in distribution and focused forces into development sounds like a sane idea.

*exaggeration or personal empiric measurement
how do you think a scam of their most loyal customers fit their strategy of the billions of customers?
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2016-04-16 at 09:49.
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
how do you think a scam of customers fit their strategy of the billions of customers?
It is not nice to say, but the potential new customers don't know the history... As much as we complain over being left behind as a community, intex customers have propably never heard of Jolla but will think SailfishOS is an intex thing.
Those few people having seen or bought the Snapdeal - JPhone or even participated in TabletGate are likely to be close to our communitys mindset and not representative of the indian market.

Intex is a common brand in India, as i understand people buy an intex because they want to support theyr homemarket or the Phone being affordable in comparison to western offerings.
It is kind of a fresh start.
When Jphone started people complained about low spec hardware, alpha stage OS and buggy Alien Dalvik.
Those factors have vastly improved for the coming Intex fresh attempt.

Last edited by mosen; 2016-04-16 at 10:19. Reason: endless typo orgy
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Posts: 7,075 | Thanked: 9,073 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Moon! It's not the East or the West side... it's the Dark Side
Then I will head over to india and tell them unless Jolla don't come through with full refund to those who wants that.

We tell one customer today, next day two knows. The day after 4 knows and before you know it a billion customers boycott Jolla until they fully refund.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2016-04-16 at 12:30.
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Community Council | Posts: 1,669 | Thanked: 10,226 times | Joined on Nov 2014 @ Lower Rhine
please don't!
I know you are an honest guy, but that would ruin it for all of us

And as much as i bet jolla is waiting with the first round of refunds until all left tablets are sent out or at least asigned.
I firmly believe they bet on the future again and do not have the money for the second round "yet".

Shouting scam all over india will hurt your own refund propability
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It's just for jolla to pay us back...Jolla broke their word more times than allowed 20151231 11:59 CEST.


An organisation with money is no match for a man on a mission.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2016-04-16 at 14:22.
Posts: 72 | Thanked: 194 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ Norway
Originally Posted by tommo View Post
My worry is how do they keep the lights on? If their only income is licencing sailfish to inex etc, how much do they expect to make per device?
Inex make watches.

Intex make phones.
Posts: 435 | Thanked: 1,599 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by hhbbap View Post
Inex make watches.

Intex make phones.
Well done, you get a Ron Atkinson spotters badge for for finding that!

Maybe inex sailwatch will be the new scam

On a side note I bought a watch in India once, it lasted just under 3 days. I hope they make better phones, Jolla's life depends on it!
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moral hazard, paypal refund

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