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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
And enjoy the irony of Microsoft embracing a competing OS and platform.
There is nothing ironic about it. That is Microsoft's M.O.:
Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.
It is a model that has worked for them for years.

Linux is proving to be a hard nut for them to crack but I think they are trying hard to work the same recipe through software patents and prorietary formats ... both of these Nokia has publicly supported in the past and will continue to support via Silverlight. At least they are consistent too.

I personally think that users are better served by open protocols/formats and no patent encumberances on algorithms and business methods. Arguments that Silverlight is more open than Flash are along the same lines as OpenXML is more open than the old MSOffice format. It is a comparison between a maximum security and a regular prison. You'll still be imprisoned and you can still suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.
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Originally Posted by speculatrix View Post
nokia brought us the WSOD... but now, thanks to M$, you'll also be able to get the BSOD!!
BBSOD (Baby Blue Screen of Death)?
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I also stand by the "more choice is better camp".
I use AIX, Tru64 , linux etc on work but most of my home "desktop" env still runs windows (or is dual boot - except from my Mac G4 system ).
Why? It simply does the job quite well (and my windows desktops *are* as stable as my Linux system - sorry ) and I already have the licenses.
I'm not saying Mac or Linux or better or worse, they are different and that's the beauty of it.
Thankx (mainly) to the GNU/opensource movement there is nowerday's almost *always* a choise, and even in the case where it's not 100% what the "closed" counterpart offers, if that he "closed" counterpart pisses off enough users it won't take (to) long to have a full OSS replacment.
Fed up with vista but is Linux not "your thing" ? Join and make it stable before XP is like NT3.51 now.

The day's a company like Microsoft really can "dictate" a market *completely* without a counter reaction are over imho. Wich of course does not mean they can't provoke a mess

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Nokia could have said no to this deal and all would have been well; except they didn't and now MS is seen as the 'enemy.' Wow...
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ok, guys this is crazy to me, as far as i see it, right now this is just some healthy competition for flash, now MS isnt the kingpin in this arena. if ya think about it its not that bad, netscape dying wasnt a bad thing right? but i agree that MS is gonna be trying to take over, agressivly too, but for now, flash is the monopoly, and this is just some healthy competition. besides, for all MS monopolies, they fall, i think IE-Firefox, and more slowly Windows-everything else
so not a big deal, for now, cause unless they can take down gnu and public license, its a no-go for permenant monopoly

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Netscape was a slow-*** p.o.s. IE was better than Netscape. MS got complacent with IE and then Firefox came and kicked their asses all over the web. If Silverlight on mobile devices works out, then to heck with Adobe.

You're right, there does seem to be some third party implementations of Flash. My mistake.

The comparision between flash and silverlight is actually probably not a good one. I think AIR is probably the closer analogue.
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Now that I think about it some more, I doubt that MS can do what it has done in the past again. The OSS community seems to be much strong, thanks in no small part to companies like Google, who use it as a tool against Microsoft. MS is primarily a software company (although you can see signs of them trying to change this) competing against a new age of service companies like Google, Yahoo, IBM, etc. At the moment, it's in the best interests of the service companies to contribute code and money to the OSS community. It increases the values of their services which rely on OSS, and at the same time, cuts into markets where MS has dominated.
The fear that MS will somehow contaminate or kill linux, or OSS, is really misplaced. I think you'd see a huge reaction (particularly these days) before that could happen.
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Originally Posted by bac522 View Post
Since when has that been the case? That was true once, but today M$ diminishes value not add to it. There was a time when I was a M$ fanboy but once I started using Linux about 8 years ago I realized just how much M$ has stifled the development of the computer industry as a whole and now I have absolutely ZERO interest at running anything M$ on my tablet!!
That's pure bias talking. I was being objective. Just because you feel that way doesn't mean everyone will.

The value is in having another option, and having Microsoft recognize the validity of the tablets as a viable platform. Regardless of one's personal views on Microsoft, this will be perceived by industry as adding value.

Originally Posted by CyberCat View Post
This is honestly horrible news. Microsoft would like nothing better than to have Silverlight completely replace flash on the web. The one and only reason they're *appearing* to support other platforms than Windows is because they want to get a monopoly on Silverlight as soon as possible. I guarantee you, once they own the market, guess what. Do you really think they're going to keep supporting the Linux and Mac (etc) versions? No, absolutely not. They can kill the alternate versions and people on the other platforms will be unable to use web 3.0 Gmail/YouTube/Facebook/Flick/yourfavoritesite. You'll be forced to use a MS platform if you want to use a mainstream 3.0 web service. This is the One Microsoft Way (their street address, coincedentially), embrace, extend and extinguish the competition.
Whoa whoa whoa, Kitty-- slow down.

There is nothing fundamentally wrong with a company simply wanting to dominate an industry. That's what Adobe is doing NOW with Flash. I'm very sure they want to-- and here you are tacitly defending their status quo.

Some of you are sure getting really heated by for now what is merely an announcement of support, and you're letting the sins of the past dictate the future. It ain't necessarily so. Microsoft has tried total world domination many times and failed on many fronts. Don't get so angry over the effort-- worry about the results, if your fears actually pan out. I don't think they will.

Oh, and I'm already on record as preferring SVG support... but again, this is just another option at this point. No one has killed the internet yet.
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Last edited by Texrat; 2008-03-05 at 04:58.

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Originally Posted by mwiktowy View Post
There is nothing ironic about it. That is Microsoft's M.O.:
Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.
It is a model that has worked for them for years.
Cynicism does not extinguish irony.
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As for the complaints that Microsoft is planning to make the Silverlight implementations better on their own platforms as a tool for marketing: they can already do so with flash. As I said before, the Flash 9 implementation on Linux is bad compared to how it is on Windows and Macs.

On a tangent, double posting is all right here?

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