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Any idea when you could add this wonderfull suite to the qt4 repository in:
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Originally Posted by z2n View Post
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My goals for KDEPIMPI, in order of importance, are: [...]
Thanks for the clarification - sounds good!
Andrew Flegg -- |
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As a long time user of kdepimpi on zaurus and windows machines, news of the port to maemo is what tipped the scale in favor of buying the N810.

Now with the new N810 in hand, I installed QT4 from and then kdepmi from

When trying to run the applications, I get the following error, howerever:

/opt/kdepimpi/kopi: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

How do resolve this dependency?

Keep up the great work on the port!
Posts: 109 | Thanked: 91 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Originally Posted by jdm View Post
As a long time user of kdepimpi on zaurus and windows machines, news of the port to maemo is what tipped the scale in favor of buying the N810.
Glad I was able to help!

I do need to warn you...kopi is functional on the N810, but there are a number of cosmetic issues that make it difficult to use. For example, the configuration window to set up synchronizing is larger than the screen...and doesn't scroll. This means that it's very hard to configure a new sync target. My temporary solution was to configure a sync target on my desktop machine as if it was sync'ing to itself, then add that configuration via the Xterm command line window on the tablet. The file to check (on your desktop) and modify (on the tablet) is ~/kdepim/config/ksyncprofilesrc. This is a poor hack, but it shows that the issue with the Maemo port is with the GUI, not with the basic functionality.

Originally Posted by jdm View Post
Now with the new N810 in hand, I installed QT4 from and then kdepmi from

When trying to run the applications, I get the following error, howerever:

/opt/kdepimpi/kopi: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

How do resolve this dependency?
Sorry, you need to install the qt3 compatability libraries as well, since KDEPIMPI is still a QT3 package.

The package is available on the QT Maemo Garage site, at

I plan to release a ".deb" package of KDEPIMPI soon (thanks to the excellent pypackager utility!).

Originally Posted by jdm View Post
Keep up the great work on the port!
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Thanks for you quick reply!
Went to the qt3 site to install the package, but got the following from the application manager:

Unable to install libqt4-qt3support.
Incompatible application package.

Posts: 74 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Yup; same error message here!
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Mar 2008
After months (no joke!) of fooling around with all the instructions on how to get a PIM like korganizer up and running, seems the solution to my mainproblem is:

DO NOT use the LATEST image.
I just installed: RX-44_2008SE_2.2007.50-2
And FINALLY the install prozess worx. Kapi starts up fine, Kopi starts, yet closes after an error msg (when startet in terminal). So still some things to do.

2nd (@ z2n)
Please update your Installation Instructions:
tar xf kdepimpi-packaged-ARMEL.tar.gz
tar xf kdepimpi-packaged-ARMEL.tar
Please explain how/where to get the necessary packages/libs:
-> gainroot (becomeroot) available via package manager - after adding another repository just by klicking on the .install file.
-> 4 libs (all 4 necessary after a fresh flashed tablett): libqt4-core libqt4-gui libqt4-qt3support libqt4-sql all available at maemo garage


I am working on linux for some years now (ubuntu) i guess that's why i never even thought about using the older image. Of course there are compatibility problems when versions change. Yet in this case i just didn't think about the possibility of a Version change. For me the numbers indicate minor fixes.
That said i'd like to offer my help! I am completly helpless as a programmer - but i can update your instructions (i.e. the stuff i wrote above), correct layout issues and try to find possible sollutions for minor problems.

Oh - and one for NOKIA:
IMO this whole Nokia/maemo thing is one big disaster. Nokia doesn't give a **** on users who want to do anything but watching some websites (of course not the ones using java re). I never expierienced such a lame linux distro ever before (and i include openPMA and Archo's Qtopia here!)

Last edited by 2beers; 2008-06-18 at 19:05.
Posts: 109 | Thanked: 91 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Originally Posted by 2beers View Post
After months (no joke!) of fooling around with all the instructions on how to get a PIM like korganizer up and running, seems the solution to my mainproblem is:
Wow! Many thanks for helping debug this and for providing such detailed information. This will be a big help.

Originally Posted by 2beers View Post
DO NOT use the LATEST image.
I just installed: RX-44_2008SE_2.2007.50-2
Hmmm.... I'm also running 50-2. It would be very difficult for me to debug why kdepimpi doesn't work under the newer version, and at the same time, I'm really horrified at making an older OS version a requirement for the PIM. Clearly, this needs to be resolved.

As you can probably tell, my "development" of kdepimpi (the port) has stalled. There's a good reason for this...the developer of the original package has released some updates (after 3 years!), and I've been trying to work with him about getting the Maemo port in sync with the current release. Overall, I think that's vastly preferable to forking the original project just for Maemo, but it means quite a bit more work for me.

Originally Posted by 2beers View Post
Oh - and one for NOKIA:
IMO this whole Nokia/maemo thing is one big disaster. Nokia doesn't give a **** on users who want to do anything but watching some websites (of course not the ones using java re). I never expierienced such a lame linux distro ever before (and i include openPMA and Archo's Qtopia here!)
I agreee with a lot of that. While there are development tools, and the Maemo distribution starts from a pretty recent Linux base, the lack of a decent PIM suite supported by Nokia is a huge deficit.
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Mar 2008
It would be very difficult for me to debug why kdepimpi doesn't work under the newer version
KdePIM might just work fine - but there is this incompatibility issue when trying to install libqt4-qt3support under the latest OS image.
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Mar 2008
Got it working on latest OS (RX-44_2008SE_2.2007.51-3):
1. Get two new repositories from
-> add "Eko-one" to repositories & install becomeroot from Application manager
-> add "Qt4" to repositories and go to 2.

2. Red Pill Mode (please dont ask me why Nokia/Maemo does such strange things like making it immense difficult to install some libs...)
a. Open Application manager
b. Menu - Tools - Application catalogue klick new
c. Insert into the field Web address: matrix (leave everything else as it is)
d. Press cancel
e. Choose Red

3. Now you will be able to install the needed QT4 libs via Application manager. libqt4-core libqt4-gui libqt4-qt3support libqt4-sql.
I installed libqt4-sql-mysql - there are others as well - and i am not sure, if my choice was the best. Anyway - when i look in my installed Apps list, i see libqt4-sql installed as well - seems it's a dependeny for one of the packages i installed. I might try the rest as well - not sure when though

Download and install the files provided by z2n
Restart your device (#shutdown -r now)

I startet Calendar via terminal (# kopi) - got some failure msgs:
QPaintEngine::setSystemClip: Should not be changed while engine is active
QPaintEngine::setSystemClip: Should not be changed while engine is active
QWidgetPrivate::beginSharedPainter: Painter is allready active
Segmention fault
After this kopi (=Calendar) quits
When i just restarted it again, i get:
QPaintEngine::setSystemClip: Should not be changed while engine is active
QPaintEngine::setSystemClip: Should not be changed while engine is active
QWidgetPrivate::beginSharedPainter: Painter is allready active
QWidgetPrivate::endSharedPainter: Attempting to end a null painter
Now the calendar starts up.
It's possible to start the calendar via "Extras-KOrganizer" as well.

Final Step:
If you are not familiar with Linux, Package management (like the tabletts Application manager) it might be a good idea to switch to "Blue Pill Mode" again (just the same way as described in pt. 2)

When started in Terminal, you might get a hint, whats going wrong, if something is going wrong. This is a thing that helped a lot the last years, i am using linux. And i don't understand, why Nokia&Maemo don't give us this opportunity from beginning on.

Installing this "gainroot" thing - i HATE that - it's a hack from somone, as are the extra repos. Everything u install this way can literally do ANYTHING on your device - a virus on windows is just a laugh compared to that.
As of now i see no alternative - i guess it's just a good idea not to store sensitive data - like PW'S - on your tablett, when u use 3rd party repos.

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