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It looks incredible. EA has demoed SPORE, in full 3D. Monkey Ball from Sega. It may not be OSS, but holy crap its awesome looking. Apps from AOL (AIM),, Full Exchange support (ActiveSync licensed from M$) and even medical software.

Their only restriction on VOIP is that it has to be over WiFi, and apps cannot be illegal or malicious to be distributed through the AppStore (which is on the iTouch/iPhone). Zero cost to developers of free software and 70% goes to you if you charge for the app.

There is even a $100,000,000 iFund to help pay developers with interesting projects.

Last edited by sherifnix; 2008-03-06 at 19:46.
Posts: 91 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Guess Apple is serious about this 'internet in your pocket' thing, eh?
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2007
ouch... I'll probably be buying an ipod touch in June when this is released. I am a complete end-user type of guy and I love my N800 for for all it is trying to do- but the user base for the itouch/iphone application is going to be huge- thus so will the developer base.

After seeing that Monkeyball demo, I have to say I'm sold. This is quickly becoming exactly what I envisioned in my tablet device.

No hate for my N800... it's a great device, but the ante's been upped.
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It's huge. MS Exchange mail, calendar, and contacts push, remote wipe, Spore, Salesforce, AIM, Epocrates, Sega, App Store (iTunes for apps) where devs get 70%... They've covered everything today -- wow.

I think Apple just made it harder again for the competition...
Reggie Suplido
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Originally Posted by sherifnix View Post
[url]It looks incredible. EA has demoed SPORE, in full 3D. Monkey Ball from Sega. It may not be OSS, but holy crap its awesome looking.
It is cute, but I think you are falling a victim of Steve Jobs' Reality Distortion Field(tm). As far as I can tell, the SDK is nice but it is not anything special. Does what an SDK has to do. Does not create miracles. Whether it has any hidden caveats, only the time can tell. Let's wait and see.
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You can distribute free apps thru App store for absolutely free! But pay 100 bucks first.
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The other bits aside, if you read the Engadget article, it indicates "...a stripped down, cartoony version of Spore..."

We'll see where their 3D apis go. Sadly, if Apple had done a tablet device first (don't say Newton), everyone would be considered a copycat. Now they will still get credit when Nokia did the work. True, perhaps Nokia should have done things differently, but Nokia is learning and I can't see them bowing out- the internet has been and will be staying around long after we're all dead and gone. The need for a portable leash to the digital content we all now thrive on will only grow.

The market is still huge for a product along the lines of what Nokia has created hype about. Funny how many put down Microsoft and yet flock to Apple, only recreating a similar scenario themselves.

Sure, brand loyalty doesn't always pay off, but it's not about the payoff, it's about being able to do what you want, with what you have, and getting the vendor/manufacturer to either give you what you want or at least compromise. In using my N800 for just over a week on OS2008 I've seen some major improvements. Some of these I know would not have been possible if users hadn't stuck with their 770 and made their voices heard.

I have no doubt several Apple employees got their hands on Nokia's tablet and visited the user community sites prior to the final product of the iPhone being completed.

Competition is good. But will I bail? No way!
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It is huge and shows the difference between a professionl job and an amateur one for supporting apps. Makes Maemo look rather weak.
I could say more but what's the point, I decided to get an Itouch and it looks like that was a good decision.
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Jan 2008
Damn I just bought my N800, maybe I should have waited and bought an Itouch instead.
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Originally Posted by wazd View Post
You can distribute free apps thru App store for absolutely free! But pay 100 bucks first.
so? the $100 is for some developement tools to run a virtual iphone to test your app and a digital certificate giving you authorization to publish your apps to the App store. seems like a decent deal.

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