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anyone got the full code to map the default keys so it works with drnoknes attributing default snes button layouts?
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2012
Aaahhhh! Managed to get all buttons working other then R1 mapped to the R key on DrNokSnes but while changing that none of the keys work anymore! The controller connects but no buttons work at all!

Can somebody please connect to the controller and in leafpad open the following file and give me the codes?


Please note it needs to be in root!

Also can you confirm which keys you have assigned to the n900 keys within the drnoksnes settings?

I appreciate all you guys help because this has driven me officially crazy lol
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 106 times | Joined on Jul 2011 @ Hungary
Originally Posted by ndhikaa View Post
this i cannot do.

i've installed the sixaxis support and sixad with fapman.

my controller model is CECHZC2U and running maemo 5 2011.38.1 with cssu-1T & latest kernel power.

i try to add the MAC address using sixaxispairtool via windows8 64bit.

turned on visible bluetooth on n900, pressed PS button on the controller, four red lights blinking , n900 bluetooth icon turns blue.

few seconds the controller four lights stop blinking. n900 bluetooth icon turns white again.

nothing shows up in the process. pushed buttons on the controller, no effects on n900.

what should i do now?

my main goal is to play metal slug with psx4m without doing harm to my keyboard. anyone done these?

How do you solved this problem?
I have it now too.
BT adress (pair) is complete
Phone asks to connect - i say yes, bt icon turns blue, than it turrns white, and the sixaxis stop blinking, no connection is established.
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Originally Posted by dy1ng View Post
How do you solved this problem?
I have it now too.
BT adress (pair) is complete
Phone asks to connect - i say yes, bt icon turns blue, than it turrns white, and the sixaxis stop blinking, no connection is established.
No, to connect sixaxis correctly is a bit different than the other Bluetooth devices. The phone *should not* ask you anything when trying to connect sixaxis, the BT icon will just turn blue if success.

If the phone ask you something, that means you didn't modify /etc/bluetooth/main.conf correctly, or didn't install the required package.
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Hello all!

I also have PS3 Wireless Cntroller, Sixaxis Dualshock 3, Model: CECHZC2E.

On PC I have: Debian 8 64bit
On N900 I have Latest CSSU11-thumb0 with cssu3-kernel.
Sixaxis-support package is intalled,

With Debian i could setup the PS3-Controller with QtSixA - running quite good.

Now my question is - how i could set in up or prepare for Nokia N900 on an Pc with Linux and QtSixA?

Or is there now other way to connect it to N900? Only with Windows?
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When you run sixpair use your N900's Bluetooth address as an argument:

sixpair xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Aug 2015
#927 am I counting as a necro-mancer now...?
N900 still occupies me like crazy. I dedicated one of mine only to gaming . Lots of WebOS, ScummVM, emulators - currently two sixaxis perfectly working .
Just one heart-wrenching stick in the eye that keeps me frustrated:
HOW do you use the buttons of the analog sticks? I searched this thread and the whole internet. The few tips I found didn't work out.
This one for example:
It just has no effect.

It would be great to map the stick buttons as anything (another letter from the keyboard), but emulating the mouse buttons would be of course the holy grail! The sixaxis could replace a mouse then!

So - did I overlook something or has anyone a solution?

I thought about maybe employing xdotool for that or gconftool-2... But how exactly, beats me.

I know that for some WebOS games gconftool-2 is used in the "hacks" scripts. But I don't know if that can be of any use here...

By the way, in case anyone is interested, I managed to automatically show the mouse cursor when the sixaxis is connected by including THIS in the "/usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/20-x11-sony-sixaxis.fdi":

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<deviceinfo version="0.2">
    <!-- Sixaxis configuration for Fake-Joystick Use (Keyboard) -->
    <match key="input.product" contains="PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller">
        <append key="info.capabilities" type="strlist">input.keys</append>
        <append key="info.capabilities" type="strlist">input.mouse</append>
EDIT: Just found something out...
If you delete or rename the fdi file the sixaxis has a different key mapping. Mouse buttons are emulated and the D-Pad produces arrow keys instead of letters. So as a workaround you can keep renaming the file depending on your current use case - you just need to restart bluetooth in between.

EDIT: I have to correct myself. Just renaming and leaving the file in the folder is not enough. Apparantly the settings are still read then. Better move the file to another directory. I wrote a QBW that moves the file with the currently preferred settings to the destination directory. Bluetooth has to be restarted, which is part of the script. I created one fdi file that maps the sixaxis buttons for ScummVM and another for Nintendo emulators. Works like a charm. The only downside is that the analog sticks really are no perfect replacement for a mouse.

Last edited by sebar; 2017-02-10 at 15:03.

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