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preflex's Avatar
Posts: 172 | Thanked: 628 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Albuquerque, NM, USA
OMG! This just happened...

I downloaded Manjaro ARM rootfs from here and extracted the contents into /home/nemo/Manjaro .

I mounted some stuff and chrooted in.
cd Manjaro
mount --bind /dev dev
mount --bind /sys sys
mount --bind /proc proc
mount --bind /dev/pts dev/pts
mount --bind /run run
chroot ./
Then, I updated and installed some packages.
pacman -Syu
pacman -S plasma chromium plasma-wayland-session weston onboard
Note, I don't know which of these are actually necessary. You might not need weston.

Then, I created a directory in /run/user and exported some environment variables.
mkdir /run/user/1001
export $(dbus-launch)
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1001
Then, I did this:
kwin_wayland --xwayland &
... and an XWayland window opened!

export DISPLAY=:0
chromium --no-sandbox &
and Chromium browswer launched in the window, with full multitouch input! Touch-scrolling, pinch to zoom, and all that jazz. No onscreen keyboard though, when I try to type a URL.

onboard &
And now I have Text input! I can install uMatrix in Chromium! Yaaaaaay!

One caveat, it looks like it's trying to draw a 1024x768 window on the 768x1280 screen (Nexus 4, portrait mode). It's cropped on the right side, and doesn't fill the whole vertical space.

Anybody know how to set the screen resolution for XWayland?
Leap before you look.

Last edited by preflex; 2017-02-07 at 22:27.

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BluesLee's Avatar
Posts: 411 | Thanked: 1,105 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Europe
Damn, this comes late, I needed this two hours ago before installing aliendalvik on a Nexus5

Great news, really great!

Last edited by BluesLee; 2017-02-07 at 22:36.

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HtheB's Avatar
Moderator | Posts: 3,718 | Thanked: 7,420 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Bize Her Yer Trabzon
Can you take a video or some screenshots please? Very curious on how it looks!
Please donate if you think I'm doing a good job.

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mrsellout's Avatar
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Anybody know how to set the screen resolution for XWayland?
There appears to be a --width and --height option for the kwin_wayland command (and they default to the dimensions you mention):
kwin_wayland --help
Usage: kwin_wayland [options] [/path/to/application...]
KDE window manager

  -v, --version                           Displays version information.
  -h, --help                              Displays this help.
  --lock                                  Disable configuration options
  --crashes <n>                           Indicate that KWin has recently
                                          crashed n times
  --author                                Show author information.
  --license                               Show licence information.
  --desktopfile <file name>               The base file name of the desktop
                                          entry for this application.
  --xwayland                              Start a rootless Xwayland server.
  -s, --socket <socket>                   Name of the Wayland socket to listen
                                          on. If not set "wayland-0" is used.
  --windowed                              Use a nested compositor in windowed
  --x11-display <display>                 The X11 Display to use in windowed
                                          mode on platform X11.
  --wayland-display <display>             The Wayland Display to use in
                                          windowed mode on platform Wayland.
  --framebuffer                           Render to framebuffer.
  --fb-device <fbdev>                     The framebuffer device to render to.
  --virtual                               Render to a virtual framebuffer.
  --width <width>                         The width for windowed mode. Default
                                          width is 1024.
  --height <height>                       The height for windowed mode. Default
                                          height is 768.
  --output-count <height>                 The number of windows to open as
                                          outputs in windowed mode. Default
                                          value is 1
  --libinput                              Enable libinput support for input
                                          events processing. Note: never use in
                                          a nested session.
  --drm                                   Render through drm node.
  --inputmethod <path/to/imserver>        Input method that KWin starts.
  --list-backends                         List all available backends and quit.
  --lockscreen                            Starts the session in locked mode.
  --exit-with-session </path/to/session>  Exit after the session application,
                                          which is started by KWin, closed.
  --no-kactivities                        Disable KActivities integration.

  applications                            Applications to start once Wayland
                                          and Xwayland server are started

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preflex's Avatar
Posts: 172 | Thanked: 628 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Albuquerque, NM, USA

"xwin_wayland --width 768 --height 1280 --xwayland" did the trick!
Leap before you look.

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preflex's Avatar
Posts: 172 | Thanked: 628 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Albuquerque, NM, USA
Originally Posted by HtheB View Post
Can you take a video or some screenshots please? Very curious on how it looks!
I hope these attached properly.
Attached Images
Leap before you look.

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BluesLee's Avatar
Posts: 411 | Thanked: 1,105 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Europe
The next step would be to package everything so that the non techies can also profit from it.

Do things like sound, video work?

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Posts: 1,296 | Thanked: 4,321 times | Joined on Oct 2014
A reminder for who wants to try, be careful with the BIND mounts, deleting stuff from folders (for example /proc/) by mistake, can mess up your 'normal' SFOS installation

The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to nieldk For This Useful Post:
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Jan 2015
Really interesting !
Would it work on SFOS Ports aswell ?
Also I'm a noob in linux and it's commands so can someone explain me what kind of apps we would be able to run with this ?
Thank you.

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Posts: 387 | Thanked: 707 times | Joined on May 2015 @ Italy
It runs on a Nexus 4, so it works on Sailfish ports!

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