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Originally Posted by BanditRider View Post
J800's fix worked for me. 770, 2007HE.
edited /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf to make it automatically work on re-boot.

Nokia-770-36:/etc/bluetooth# cat rfcomm.conf 
# RFCOMM configuration file.

rfcomm0 {
        # Automatically bind the device at startup
        bind yes;

        # Bluetooth address of the device
        device 00:02:76:C0:79:82;

        # RFCOMM channel for the connection
        channel 1;

        # Description of the connection
        comment "My Nokia LD-1W";
How can you say that it worked for you on N 770, OS2007HE,
is the weblinked .deb packages are not installable (said Application manager).

Posts: 529 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Sort of. You can make changes to the POI database without corrupting Maemo Mapper, but the image is not automatically refreshed, so you'll need to force a redraw in order to see visual POI changes. The easiest way to force a refresh is to zoom in or out.

Not sure exactly what you mean, but if you just want to center the view on a certain location, you can use the "Go to" sub-menu of the "View" menu.

If you really want to simulate GPS, you can use the command-line program "gpsfake", which is part of gpsd. This isn't trivial.

Or, if you want to "simulate" having a "current location" in Maemo Mapper, so that you can use things like routing to a location from your "current location," then you can tap-and-hold on a location on the screen and use the "Set as GPS Location" menu item, in the "Tap Point" sub-menu.
Thanks for your great maemo mapper.
I have reflashed N 770 to OS2007HE version 4.2007.46-3
and tried hard (a week) to find any installable version of maemo-mapper
gpsd, kismet, libgps and failed.

Could you kindly give me valid web links to download and install
.deb packages of your maemo mapper, libgps, gpsd pakcages installable for Nokia 770 running OS2007HE (version as seen above).

Mayby the problem is I live off-wifi and indoor can download .deb packages to PC only.
But tried hard to download all dependencies, libraries first.
Unfortunately my Application manager still says, not installable package.


Visited any available link
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Originally Posted by jaska k View Post
Is it just me who is trying to use WMS (OGC-specification) with Maemo-Mapper? Or is it just my device that has unexpected behaviours with OS2008?

On my N800 device MM crashes allways, if I do not escape special characters (?&=) when configuring WMS repository. Now - when using escaped characters on MM's repostiory url - on server side I get request from MM which does not look like it should be. Query has lot of carbage that does not belong to configured query.

Log on server side (Apache), is the MM client: - - [24/Jan/2008:13:23:59 +0200] "GET /cgi-bin/orto_3067_wms0,000000service%3Dwms%26version%3D1.1 .1%26request%3Dgetmap 0x0,00001000008d2p-1022yers%3Dorto_kkj_mv (null)rs%3D900913%26bbox%3D0,000000,0,000000,0,000 000,0,000000%26width%3D256 0,000000e+00ight%3D256 HTTP/1.1" 404 336

For example, values/parameters 0,000000 and 0x0,00001000008d2p-1022yers are something unexpected.

Is this problem of Maemo-Mapper or could this be some OS2008 library issue?

I'm using proj library, and it is able to do necessary transformations when using command line tool (cs2cs).

And SRS=900913 (or 600613 ) , see
Sorry it took so long, but I finally looked into this. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), I didn't see anything wrong with the code, and I was able to use the two WMS URL Formats in the Maemo Mapper Repositories thread without any problems.

Are you sure you're setting up your repository's "URL Format" correctly? For a WMS-based URL Format to work, it must contain the "SERVICE=WMS" GET parameter somewhere in the URL Format, and it needs the following GET parameter to allow Maemo Mapper to "fill in" the appropriate coordinates: "BBOX=%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,%.6f". Look at the examples in the aforementioned Maemo Mapper Repositories thread for complete examples. (Note that you must copy/paste the linked URLs, since these forums abbreviate the links in the text themselves.)

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John... I know this is OT in this thread, but... have you considered making load-applet-run available for OS2008 ? I really miss it :-)
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Are you sure you're setting up your repository's "URL Format" correctly? For a WMS-based URL Format to work, it must contain the "SERVICE=WMS" GET parameter somewhere in the URL Format, and it needs the following GET parameter to allow Maemo Mapper to "fill in" the appropriate coordinates: "BBOX=%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,%.6f". Look at the examples in the aforementioned Maemo Mapper Repositories thread for complete examples. (Note that you must copy/paste the linked URLs, since these forums abbreviate the links in the text themselves.)
After flashing my device again with new ITOS2008 image available - no problems anymore. I do not have any idea what was wrong. Now everything looks fine - expect one thing - It looks like MM does not cut pixels off which are outside 256x256 pixels like it did before 2.0 version. Is this true? Is tilesize allways 256X256 pixels?
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Can someone please explain to me how to open map files that I have already downloaded, for viewing when I'm offline? Last night I was downloading topos from Terraserver. I can find some map files in Documents/Maps, all of which end in .db, but I can't seem to open any of them for viewing when offline.

I've only had my n800 (OS2008) for about a week. I'm completely new to linux. I'm enjoying the journey, but the learning curve is steep at times.

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Originally Posted by cmdowns View Post
Can someone please explain to me how to open map files that I have already downloaded, for viewing when I'm offline? Last night I was downloading topos from Terraserver. I can find some map files in Documents/Maps, all of which end in .db, but I can't seem to open any of them for viewing when offline.
How did you download the maps? Maemo Mapper automatically views the maps in its display, if they are available in the .db file. You shouldn't be trying to manipulate the .db file manually (i.e. outside of Maemo Mapper). Maemo Mapper uses that file to store maps that it downloaded - use Maemo Mapper to view those maps.
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Thanks so much for the reply I have to agree with just about everyone else here in that MM is one of the best applications for the NIT. I can't wait to hook up GPS and take the maps out in the field (think rural central KY).

But I can't seem to get back to my maps after I go offline. Yes, I've tried going through MM, but I must be doing something wrong. Which feature do you access to find maps previously downloaded? How do navigate between locally stored maps.

Thanks again for the reply and the great app.
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Okay, it seems I have some access to my downloaded maps when I'm off line through the "maps" option from the main pull down menu I can select the servers, from which I accessed the maps and then view the most recent downloads.

I still think I'm missing something, because I can't seem to access all the maps. Or I can't find them all. For example I was viewing some Terraserver topos a few nights ago. Should I assume that the topos I was viewing are still on my NIT somewhere? Or are they auto erased after so many downloads?

Is there a simple way to save specific maps for later viewing offline? Do I need to mark them with POIs or something like that, in order to return to specific places/maps/views?

I'm sure it will become apparent eventually, but any help is always welcome.
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Originally Posted by cmdowns View Post
I still think I'm missing something, because I can't seem to access all the maps. Or I can't find them all. For example I was viewing some Terraserver topos a few nights ago. Should I assume that the topos I was viewing are still on my NIT somewhere? Or are they auto erased after so many downloads?
Yes, they are still on your NIT somewhere, and no, they aren't auto-erased. They are stored in the .db files.

Originally Posted by cmdowns View Post
Is there a simple way to save specific maps for later viewing offline? Do I need to mark them with POIs or something like that, in order to return to specific places/maps/views?
You can use the "View | Go to" menu to go to any place in the world - if you have downloaded maps for that part of the world before, then Maemo Mapper should show them to you. One thing to remember is that Maemo Mapper needs maps on a per-zoom-level basis, so if you've downloaded maps at zoom level 4, then they will not be visible if you are at a higher zoom level (like 6). Maemo Mapper will show zoom-4 maps at lower zoom levels (like 2), but the maps will appear pixellated.

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