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benny1967's Avatar
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Originally Posted by chenliangchen View Post
Regarding SW, as this will be solely on Jolla's side, I believe they can improve it into another level.
I reeally wonder if they can be motivated to improve some tablet-specific stuff. Re battery life for example: The display is too bright even at lowest setting. Adjusting this (if the hardware allows it) will probably have an impact on battery life.

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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
I reeally wonder if they can be motivated to improve some tablet-specific stuff. Re battery life for example: The display is too bright even at lowest setting. Adjusting this (if the hardware allows it) will probably have an impact on battery life.
Also don't forget about the WiFi being enabled eating the battery flat from 100 in <day.

Would be nice if the root cause of that can be fixed, so one does not have to manually disable/enable WiFi all the time.

If it can't be fixed I guess a crude workaround like this could be implemented:
- add option to automatically turn WiFi off 10 minutes after screen has been turned off
- automatically re-enable WiFi when screen is turned on again

That should help reduce WiFi related power consumption issues in idle to a minimum. Downside: The tablet is offline when the the screen is off.
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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
The tablet is offline when the the screen is off.
That would be a nice temporary option.
Even better if the function could check for active connections and keep wlan on in that case, like keep streaming music in the background. Or even wait for it to finish streaming with 30 sec timeout and then switch off. I would not need much more and could be considered as security feature .

Jolla looking into hardware adation sure depends on money as motiviation. As chen wrote here "we pay them licence, they will do the software and SW optimisation, and future updates", i conclude it is a quite linear relation between how many tablets chen sells and jolla having justification to put manpower into optimization?

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Originally Posted by mosen View Post
That would be a nice temporary option.
Even better if the function could check for active connections and keep wlan on in that case, like keep streaming music in the background. Or even wait for it to finish streaming with 30 sec timeout and then switch off. I would not need much more and could be considered as security feature .
Yeah - my idea could certainly by expanded upon (app whitelist, API for applications to prevent WiFi suspend, etc.), but I just wanted to formulate something that with the least amount of changes fixes the main issue with WiFi caused battery drain - while breaking as few features as possible.
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nthn's Avatar
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Even with WiFi disabled and airplane mode on, though, the battery still drains in a matter of days, so it certainly isn't the only thing causing the horrendous battery life.

For comparison: two days ago, I charged my six year old Galaxy Tab to 100%. I used it for about twenty minutes, then put it in airplane mode. I just checked the battery again: 96%. The Jolla Tablet in the same scenario would be closer to 46%.

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Originally Posted by chenliangchen View Post
What we will do for hardware, as mentioned, we will improve some common problems that was reported by the Jolla Tab users, as well as the assembling quality.

Regarding SW, as this will be solely on Jolla's side, I believe they can improve it into another level.

BTW as for today, we have adjusted and validated the toolings for this tablet (find attached pic). IT WILL HAPPEN and 128GB is coming!!

It was a tough one pushing it moving forward.
When are you opening up the sales?
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Originally Posted by tortoisedoc View Post
When are you opening up the sales?
By the end of this month.

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Does this workaround not work or nobody care to test it on

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to elros34 For This Useful Post:
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Hello chenliangchen,

Many thanks for the update! If you have further pictures about the production stuff (and you are allowed to share) please share them here.

I love watching these kind of stuff and I think many other guys here too. Production test, assembling stations whatever else would be interesting.

Thanks in advance!

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Posts: 133 | Thanked: 387 times | Joined on Jul 2011
One buyer here too Definately want to support this.

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jolla tablet, sailfish os

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