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Obviously we can't find consensus or common ground here. The question is probably not what OS to choose but rather what is available, cheapest and easiest to ship. So far I haven't see a single post here, except possibly Endormeans that actually help this thread and helping Chen.. What's the goal with this thread guys

The question is what Chen are able to deliver and how many of us that are able to support him whatever OS. Would be good to know approximately how many supporters we need to be to bring this project to a start, and how the different OSes affect these numbers.

Would it be possible to take the parts form Xperia X and put it in a qwerty slider case or reuse the phone with new case straight up? That way we would have android and a sailfish port(maybe) out of the box simular to what Neo is trying to do.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2017-07-23 at 14:33.

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I would go for preinstalled dual boot android and sailfish if it's possible.
and it doesnt matter if the sailfish is community port or from jolla official.

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Well, in reality there are quite a few useful android apps to take advantage of. But I really like the idea of having a legitimate linux distribution at the heart of things. Perhaps take advantage of what Android has to offer but kind of keeping it quarantined. Kind of something like this...

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Originally Posted by mscion View Post
Android? I forgive you for your moment of weakness....
Well, given that Maemo and Harmattan are actually more closed source than AOSP, not sure what weakness we're talking about.

It's solid to go towards one of the more open Android options than a dead and closed OS or UI that doesn't allow people to innovate. It's arguable that Android is a dead end but Fuchsia and the rest are not ready yet either for consumer products. Yet.

Maemo is dead. MeeGo is dead. Tizen is full of holes. Nemo is changing up tools and important bits at the moment. Harmattan is closed. Ubuntu Mobile was stillborn. AOSP is a dead end. Fuchsia is not ready. Jolla and Sailfish require licensing and planning for drivers that may limit hardware choices.

Opinions are aplenty. But adopt what makes sense. AOSP is looking the best out of all mentioned so far. But let's see what else comes about.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Well, given that Maemo and Harmattan are actually more closed source than AOSP, not sure what weakness we're talking about.

It's solid to go towards one of the more open Android options than a dead and closed OS or UI that doesn't allow people to innovate. It's arguable that Android is a dead end but Fuchsia and the rest are not ready yet either for consumer products. Yet.

Maemo is dead. MeeGo is dead. Tizen is full of holes. Nemo is changing up tools and important bits at the moment. Harmattan is closed. Ubuntu Mobile was stillborn. AOSP is a dead end. Fuchsia is not ready. Jolla and Sailfish require licensing and planning for drivers that may limit hardware choices.

Opinions are aplenty. But adopt what makes sense. AOSP is looking the best out of all mentioned so far. But let's see what else comes about.
Keep safe and healthy

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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
How’s the sale of your Fairphone 2 going?

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Feathers McGraw's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
Have you tried it?

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My question is - if Android or AOSP sw, then what is going to be the deal-maker of Chen's phone over Moto Z + Chen's keyboard? For the people from small communities like TMO it's perhaps clear... Me personally I am gonna try to support Chen in one way or another no matter what and I can imagine I am not the only TMOer with this opinion here (although my personal vote on OS goes to 100% to the official Sailfish port).

But still, I don't see now what would turn an average smartphoner who's crying for an Android hw-kb (note that this is already a relatively small pool) to Chen's phone compared to Moto Z with Chen's keyboard add-on. To be honest, if Moto Z ever gets Sailfish port, it would get quite some chance to become my daily device considering community-ported Sailfish phones only. Having an official Sailfish support with Jolla's help of polishing + functional AlienDalvik indeed targets to a smaller audience, but with no competitor at all. Also, how much smaller will the audience actually be? Cause it's easier to imagine a Sailfisher with no interest in hw-kb itself still supporting Chen than anyt Androider that has no interest in hw-kb.

Indeed, if Chen can keep the final choice open to the users and offer both AOSP and official Sailfish, it would be perfect. Would it make sense to add a separate $??? perk on kickstarter/igg for "official Sailfish OS license" or sthing like that (sounds better to me than having there two phone variants). Then he can see what's the actual interest in this and see if it's worth the extra money & effort.

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Originally Posted by Wolda View Post
My question is - if Android or AOSP sw, then what is going to be the deal-maker of Chen's phone over Moto Z + Chen's keyboard? For the people from small communities like TMO it's perhaps clear... Me personally I am gonna try to support Chen in one way or another no matter what and I can imagine I am not the only TMOer with this opinion here (although my personal vote on OS goes to 100% to the official Sailfish port).

But still, I don't see now what would turn an average smartphoner who's crying for an Android hw-kb (note that this is already a relatively small pool) to Chen's phone compared to Moto Z with Chen's keyboard add-on. To be honest, if Moto Z ever gets Sailfish port, it would get quite some chance to become my daily device considering community-ported Sailfish phones only. Having an official Sailfish support with Jolla's help of polishing + functional AlienDalvik indeed targets to a smaller audience, but with no competitor at all. Also, how much smaller will the audience actually be? Cause it's easier to imagine a Sailfisher with no interest in hw-kb itself still supporting Chen than anyt Androider that has no interest in hw-kb.

Indeed, if Chen can keep the final choice open to the users and offer both AOSP and official Sailfish, it would be perfect. Would it make sense to add a separate $??? perk on kickstarter/igg for "official Sailfish OS license" or sthing like that (sounds better to me than having there two phone variants). Then he can see what's the actual interest in this and see if it's worth the extra money & effort.
The deal maker is that it actually possibly might will be something built in the end since it might attract a slightly bigger audience. To get this even closely to a working device, he must catch the waves and follow. He don't have a huge yacht cruising the sea as he wants (As far as I know).
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

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Originally Posted by Wolda View Post
My question is - if Android or AOSP sw, then what is going to be the deal-maker of Chen's phone over Moto Z + Chen's keyboard?
Thinner, lighter, better balanced, keyboard is a first class citizen and not something hacked on afterwards?

Not trying to put down the keyboard mod, but I don't think it will be as nicely balanced as a phone with an integrated hardware keyboard.

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n950 revival, q-device, qwerty keyboard, sailfishos, sailingchen

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