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I downloaded the roofs, and it runs AMAZING!! GREAT JOB man.

I had to start the desktop as root, but it is ok.

Only thing that would be awesome is to have a mouse on screen like onboard, similar to a laptop.

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I've been working on my manager again.

Also, I managed to get firefox-wayland to compile on archlinux x86_64. Need to cross-compile for archlinux-arm. This might get interesting.

Sorry I've been away for so long. Good stuff on the way soon.
Leap before you look.

Last edited by preflex; 2018-05-04 at 03:27.

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Originally Posted by preflex View Post
Sorry I've been away for so long. Good stuff on the way soon.
Sailfish has taught us the lesson of patience!

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The nix package manager works out of the box on arm64 and probably x86 sailfish devices (I tried it on my Xperia X) with xwayland and pulseaudio working

Even chromium works quite nicely if paired with kwin and onboard!

Before you install nix please make sure that you have enough space on your rootfs or do as I did and mount your sd-card to /nix.

Also run

devel-su touch /nix/.nomedia
to prevent sailfish from trying to find media-files in your /nix-folder which eats up a lot of cpu-power.

Here's a link to a patched arm64 xwayland with working touch-input (I applied this patch).
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Last edited by jakibaki; 2018-05-04 at 07:43.

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"sh: sorry, there is no binary distribution of Nix for your platform"

No armv7 support? Just 64-bit? Bummer ...
Leap before you look.

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Maybe guix for 32-bit fun?
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Originally Posted by preflex View Post
"sh: sorry, there is no binary distribution of Nix for your platform"

No armv7 support? Just 64-bit? Bummer ...
Someone made a blog-post about nix on armv7-sailfish which is how I got the idea to try it on my xperia x in the first place.

However a lot of packages won't have a prebuild version on armv7 so building chromium/firefox will take a 'while'.

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Originally Posted by jakibaki View Post
Someone made a blog-post about nix on armv7-sailfish which is how I got the idea to try it on my xperia x in the first place.

However a lot of packages won't have a prebuild version on armv7 so building chromium/firefox will take a 'while'.
firefox-wayland took all day to compile and chewed up many GB of disk space on my laptop. Not really doable on my 16GB Nexus 4 with no goddamned sdcard (gee, thanks, Google).

Thankfully guix has icecat 52, (but no chromium) precompiled, as well as prebuilt xwayland packages. However, it doesn't seem like the official guix repo doesn't precompile for aarch64.

Note: i had to add the
option when starting the daemon, to use guix on my trusty mako, which sadly doesn't have all the cgroups stuff enabled in the kernel for the old build.

It looks like nix for aarch64 users, and guix for the 32-bit crowd, at least, for now.

guix is weird, but I think I like it. It builds from source by default, and only takes binaries if you ask it to do so.

It doesn't look like guix has onboard in it, whether source or binary. Bummer. I guess I'll have to figure out how to build and package it. Sounds like fun.

Guix seems a lot like nix, but the official repo has less stuff, and it is very Stallmanite (can't blame 'em, guix is an official GNU project, after all)..

I wonder how much work it would be to write a local service to match Qt and GTK color schemes to the ambiance theme.

Much to think about over the coming days, including whether to replace my ailing mako with another mako, jump the shark to hammerhead (which has reasonably-good halium support), wait until next month to get a xperia, or hold out for the librem5.
Leap before you look.

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Originally Posted by preflex View Post
firefox-wayland took all day to compile and chewed up many GB of disk space on my laptop. Not really doable on my 16GB Nexus 4 with no goddamned sdcard (gee, thanks, Google).
What I do for large compilations, when I need a lot of scratch space is I mount a NFS share over usb ethernet to the device.
Additional bonus is I don't kill my battery while crunching it

When on the road you could probably mount something over air interface but I guess the latencies pretty much kill any usability...

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geez guys just set up the cross compilation toolkit, compiling on device is fine for small things...
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