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I have spent the last hour checking this out, and it appears that is the easiest way. I only have ubuntu on a laptop though, so not so easy. I could try and make a virtual machine? Any ideas if Emma will run and flash from within virtual box?
Thanks again,
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display, sailfish x, screen, warranty, xperia x |
I own a Sony Xperia X (F5122). It is still in the warranty period, however, I have had the screen replaced about 3 months ago.
It is currently being very temperamental. The following occurs almost every use: I unlock the phone, begin doing something, and within 5 seconds or rarely up to a minute, the screen either becomes totally frozen, or it tears, with the lower 3/4 frozen and only the very top updating. Locking the screen, and then unlocking it allows the above process to be repeated.
The OS doesn't seem to freeze though. That is, if I am typing something, I can continue typing (haptic feed back continues, but the screen stays static), and following locking the screen and unlocking it, the text will be updated.
This all started occurring around a week ago, after using a humidifier in our room overnight for the first time. I had not installed any new software, and the OS hasn't been updated since the last EA release.
I need some advice on what to do. I feel it is a hardware issue. Potentially moisture damage from the humidifier/vaporiser. However I don't really know.
Should I attempt to reflash Sailfish X or Android?
Should I return it to the repairer that recently replaced the screen and glass?
Should I return it to the place of purchase (
Any tips or ideas would be great - has this happened to anyone else before?
Thanks very much in advance,
Last edited by juz; 2018-05-28 at 12:56.