, 15:36
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@ Capital District, NY, USA
, 15:42
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Joined on Feb 2008
, 16:54
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Really, but there is the cairo library, made to manage the transparency (composite manager), so I thought it was possible. I need to find another solution or maybe I can do the same way they do when I see transparency, is it difficult?
, 17:16
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I am trying to write an application which draw the movement of the cursor on the screen directly on the desktop. Typically, I would want to create an transparent widget on which I can draw strokes. I searched a long time in the GTK documentation and I didn't find anything, I even don't know if it possible to do it.
Another solution would be to use Qt4 which is working on os2008 but the transparent background seems impossible to set up too.
If you know a way to do that...