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Originally Posted by otsaloma View Post
I have probably already said no to giant speed meters a couple times
For the record, I am not a great fan either but for those who are, I see an opportunity for an overlay plugin
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@mosen, gauge looking good. Not sure where to fit it though.

There was discussion over here about specific car navigation view. I could work on it when I get there - I am also using navigation mainly in the car and would love to get the corresponding mode available. Right now I am busy with the geocoder, though.

RE OBD: I remember when activating Jolla Store account there were some specific conditions regarding car interfaces and apps. If my memory serves me right, there were some specific restrictions regarding such apps. I suspect it has something to do with Qt and its use in cars. Assuming that it is just limitation of the store and not general for Qt, would be great to get the car speed via QtLocation API. I wonder if it has been done already.

Actually, I have somewhat WhoGo Maps related question: has anyone seen something similar for desktop Linux? We have modRana, but that's without Mapbox GL support (yet). Anything else, supporting geocoding, Mapbox GL, routing / navigation? When I looked for it, I couldn't find anything except few demos with rather limited functionality.

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Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
Actually, I have somewhat WhoGo Maps related question: has anyone seen something similar for desktop Linux?

I don't use it myself though, I don't see much point in a desktop app for maps, especially online.

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Just a "short" answer. Been travelling again...

I had to think into why you all read the proposed gauge is somehow ment to be big. Then i realised the giant 600px screenshots (for testing purpous in qmlscene on my 4k screen) and me not giving a mock-up of the whole screen placement might have lead you into that, sorry.

The gauge is kept simple and readability optimizes for the exact reason so it can be displayed rather tiny! I was thinking about the same height as the other lower items (menu+compass). That would not be wider than the current "n km/h" then also, but much more readable imho.

This post will be followed up by some clarifying screenshots as soon as i am back on my workstation.
Also i realize the background circle do not fit the overall ui, Thatmight get an update.

Thank you for taking my proposal serious anyway
I did not know gauges where already discussed.

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Actually, I like the gauge & I'd like to add it to modRana.

There is are already dedicated info display pages in modRana,
so it could be put there as a dedicated speed-gauge page.

As for displaying it on the map, there is already the compass widget
in the upper left corner, scale bar in upper right and the bottom corners
are occupied by buttons.

But I guess I could add a setting to configure what should be shown in the upper
corners - compass/scale bar or the speed gauge. Should not be that hard.

And sorry for thread hijacking & we can certainly move further discussion
about this to the modRana thread.
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So I've tried to play with mosens speed gauge (thanks! ), but the included shaders don't compile for some reason. I've posted the error log into the modRana thread to avoid any further hijacking of this thread.
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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
An even stranger thing happened about an hour later, when WhoGo was safely closed - or so I thought. I unlocked the phone for some other, unrelated reason, and it started speaking navigation instructions. I started WhoGo but it shut down instantly. I eventually had to restart Lipstick from Sailfish Utilities.
This has recently become the norm. Every time I use WhoGo for navigation, no matter how short, it always ends up like this. There was not a single time when it did not. I tried ending the navigation and clearing the route and all map markers before I close the application, but that seems to make zero difference. The GPS icon in the status bar is flashing and the battery drains about 4x faster than you would expect. Usually, unless I trigger this issue and the phone stays silent, I also get voice prompts even though no application is open.

I also found that restarting Lipstick is not enough. Only a complete reboot is. A reboot or power cycle every time after navigation has now become part of the experience. (This is on J1, but I have noticed at least one other user reporting a similar experience on the X.)

Is there anything I can do to try to help with debugging? Any special mode to trigger, logs to collect, that kind of thing?
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Did not happen to me (on Jolla C).

But must say I do not use navigation that much. Will try this afternoon again (and only reply if I smell something suspicious)...

nope, nothing wrong here
ps aux | grep blabla
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Last edited by peterleinchen; 2018-06-28 at 19:06.

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@pichlo: Check with Lighthouse if whoGo or OSM Scout Server is still running.

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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
This has recently become the norm. Every time I use WhoGo for navigation, no matter how short, it always ends up like this. There was not a single time when it did not. I tried ending the navigation and clearing the route and all map markers before I close the application, but that seems to make zero difference. The GPS icon in the status bar is flashing and the battery drains about 4x faster than you would expect. Usually, unless I trigger this issue and the phone stays silent, I also get voice prompts even though no application is open.

I also found that restarting Lipstick is not enough. Only a complete reboot is. A reboot or power cycle every time after navigation has now become part of the experience. (This is on J1, but I have noticed at least one other user reporting a similar experience on the X.)

Is there anything I can do to try to help with debugging? Any special mode to trigger, logs to collect, that kind of thing?
Sounds like there is an instance of WhoGo maps that is still running after you closed it. The voice commands are routed through WhoGo maps, so it should be that. Since its Python app, its somewhat harder to debug. You would have to use ps in the terminal to see if there are multiple instances running. I have

> ps x | grep sailfish | grep -i who
12293 ?        Ssl    0:09 /usr/bin/sailfish-qml harbour-whogo-maps               
12558 ?        S      0:00 invoker --type=silica-qt5 --single-instance sailfish-qml harbour-whogo-maps
and nothing after closing WhoGo. Let's see what do you get when its still chatting on the background.

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