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Originally Posted by nthn View Post
Is it really necessary to split off, though? It would be the third virtually identical map application in the timespan of a year. Is there no way to co-author? If you suddenly find yourself in need of more time to review your own changes, is someone else going to create another fork, and then another, and one more? These applications are already more or less one-man projects, I don't think losing the coordinated development you have going on now is a good thing.
I liked the current arrangement on coordinated development very much. Unfortunately, as Osmo told me, he's planning to at least pause the development for some time. I am sure he will drop a note on it. Hence his suggestion to fork the app. I presume it allows him to continue from the point he feels comfortable.

An alternative would be to form a group in github and transfer WhoGo there. That's what we did with sailfish-keyboard project and it worked very well in terms of joining the forces. But then we still signed / approved all releases together.

Maybe forming a group is better, I am surely open for it.

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I agree with Rinigus about the icon, it looks less generic with the marker.

You guys are not fair. PeeGo would be a major issue, WeeGo distinguishing two words may be one too, but Weego while we already have WeGo pronounced the same way? I'm too naive for this world. Anyway, it would probably be a bit stupid to have the Wario of Meego but no version for Harmattan.

While I agree that the Sail-whatever are getting old, it is a bit of a shame that this fork arrives now that these names are not cool anymore (although I agree that avoiding yet another fork would be even better, but if the devs think it's best, then yay). Using the word "sail" for a navigation application would have made sense. Just "Sail" and a world map icon would have worked I guess. "Set Sail" doesn't start with the right word, maybe "Sail On" or "SailOn", "SailOff", "SailAway". It's not very original but I can't think of a more appropriate application than a navigation/direction application.

Or a derivative of WhoGo, like WooGoo or Goo Maps, and then you ask Fellfrosch to edit this to remove the vials and make the green half vaguely look like a floppy continent.

Needless to say I give up, which is better for everyone. My real vote goes to Pure Maps.

Last edited by Kabouik; 2018-08-21 at 17:06.

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@Fellfrosch exactly what I had in mind, thanks for giving it a go! And yeah, the fact that it IS a marker with the globe just as a background is what differentiates it from other icons. I'd even darken/fade the globe a bit, so that it doesn't get to compete for attention with the marker in the front.

And again, I also vote for PureMaps, it sounds really good, simple, and to the point.

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I haven't had time for SFOS development and I don't see that changing, so I suggested Rinigus fork the code. He's already familiar with the codebase and has new features prepared, so this change should allow development to proceed again.

Forking seems by far easier for me than transferring ownership or creating an organization. With the current user base, I don't see renaming being a significant inconvenience, half the user base is probably reading this thread right now.

And feel free to reuse any parts of the current name or icon – not that they are that good, but I don't mind any copying there.

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Originally Posted by r0kk3rz View Post
please no more sailWhatever apps...
How did I miss this post? If I could give you a thousand thanks I would.

About as bad if not worse are names giving away what that thing was made from. Like pySomething or qtSomething.
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Originally Posted by otsaloma View Post
... and I don't see that changing, ...
I hope it will change at some time soon, it would be hard for the community to loose you as a coder!
...And I think having time for things like that, means having a good work life balance, which I hope you have, not for the community but for you personally.
Thanks anyway for the work you've done until now!

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Ok, after otsaloma emphasized forking is a good thing, Idid a clean version of the quick and dirty from yesterday:

original png is there:
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Last edited by Fellfrosch; 2018-08-22 at 06:46.

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...And a further for the time being last version:

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Fellfrosch - looking good! Now we would need it in SVG (I presume that is what is used for drawing) and start testing in the app grid. I suspect that the white of the marker should be made bit grayish since otherwise it maybe too much contrast against black background of the app drawer. But that we can see while testing.

In addition to the app icon, we will need its version in black and white, as in . This is used as a background of the cover while the app is minimized. Again, would be great to use it to distinguish from WhoGo Maps.

As for name, let's stick then with "Pure Maps", repo will be pure-maps. Pure Maps was a clear favorite, when I looked through all the posts in this thread this morning. As for use of spaces, this is the same notation as Osmo was using earlier and, as far as I remember, he preferred having words separate, when possible.

The fork actually has one advantage from the support POV. I will at least avoid confusion 'Why there are no new features in my WhoGo Maps?' when people will install it from Osmo's repo. Also, it will avoid mixing configs, app name, and such.

Now, indeed, our community is small and, taking into account number of applications coming into it, I think all will realize the "new" app and can adjust to it. As for having so many apps as one-man-project, that's a sad reality. Let's just hope that Osmo will be back and we can merge the continuation later.

Last edited by rinigus; 2018-08-22 at 08:27.

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I'm a shutterbug, not a professional designer. So no, it's not a vector graphic but a bitmap made with gimp. If a vector graphic is needed, I have to look how to convert it. Otherwise I have to redraw it, but that would take it's time, because I'm not used to vector graphics.

Anyway i need to know for which icon you have decided (the last one is my favorite in the meantime).

A transparent 2 bit layer for the cover shouldn't be a problem.

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