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Originally Posted by Jedibeeftrix View Post
does anybody else have a problem with GPS on the XA2(Plus or otherwise)?

Started with 3.0.1, and could not get any of three mapping clients on SFOS to find 'me'. Same problem with 3.0.2. Wondering if the situation will continue with 3.0.3?

Basically have mapping, but no navigation as the phone cannot get a lock on where I am.
By comparing XperiaXCompact and XA2 with side by side I can tell you that XA2 does not utilise AGPS (network-assisted GPS) and is reliant upon device GPS, so hopeless indoors and needing 10 -15 minutes from cold start outdoors (just like Nokia of old and I should know from NSD days) if no ephemeris GPS data stored. In both cases microG is installed so you can compare these screenshots below.

In both devices getting lock upon Here, Waze & Google Maps but XA2 still unusable daily, as lost 10% battery (presumably Wifi drain supposedly addressed) just conducting this exercise for you.
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Last edited by aspergerguy; 2019-04-27 at 15:38. Reason: Addition

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Originally Posted by jenix View Post
Anyone else having issues with battery drain after the 3.0.3 Update? My Xperia X went down from 1.5 days to around 9 hours, which is not enough to survive a day
Will try to figure out, what the culprit is. Are there any battery statistics for that?
I did notice, indeed. Looking at System Monitor (SysMon), I noticed a graph for CPU sleep. During some periods CPU sleep reports zero while the device is actually doing nothing.

Long periods when zero, battery drain seems seems to be going twice as fast. Also in Flight mode, when wi-fi should not cause any battery usage, right?

When I notice a long period of zero CPU sleep, I reboot. Restarting home screen does not help.
Palm Treo -> N900 -> N9 -> Jolla -> SailfishX -> XA2
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Originally Posted by jenix View Post
Anyone else having issues with battery drain after the 3.0.3 Update? My Xperia X went down from 1.5 days to around 9 hours, which is not enough to survive a day
Will try to figure out, what the culprit is. Are there any battery statistics for that?
Yeah, I didn't see any improvements w.r.t. wifi and battery drain in I've added my findings to the topic on TJC. My work-around so far: disable WLAN, reboot, keep WLAN disabled. Witfhout WLAN, battery life is fine.

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Originally Posted by jenix View Post
Anyone else having issues with battery drain after the 3.0.3 Update? My Xperia X went down from 1.5 days to around 9 hours, which is not enough to survive a day
Will try to figure out, what the culprit is. Are there any battery statistics for that?
In that case I must be the only one not affected.

I have both a Jolla 1 and an Xperia X. I use the Jolla as my daily phone since the X is a bit too large to be convenient but I have recently (like about a week ago) started using the X after my old Android tablet died and I had a game in progress So my X has an Android support installed (I do not use it for anything else anyway) whilst I would never allow it to touch my Jolla.

After your message and the responses, I started paying close attention to the battery drain situation. The verdict: on neither the Jolla nor the X have I noticed any change at all after the OS upgrade. Unplugging both of them fully charged at 22:00 and checking again at 05:30 the next morning, the Jolla is at 88-92% and the X at 100%, like it has always been.

What I have noticed is an awful battery drain on the X while playing the game. Each minute takes the battery down by about 1%. But that was the case on my old Android tablet too and is not specific to Xperia X or SFOS.
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Regarding battery consumption, yesterday I was using Xperia X as a WiFi hotspot and it was using battery faster than it charged. Closing Android support seemed to help a little, then it was charging faster than consuming.

Do not know which was the problem: Android support or hotspot. All I know is that I have not had such problem before.

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Thank you all for the replies. In my case, I think I found the culprit. I'm using Amazfish to sync with my smartwatch. The app requires libicu 52. Since libicu was updated during the 3.0.3 upgrade to version 63, I have additionally installed the old library (provided by piggz). However, this seems to be the issue. While Amazfish is running, the battery drain is massively increased (like around 9 hours idle time with a full battery instead of the usual 30), as soon as I close the app it is greatly increasing again.

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Originally Posted by aspergerguy View Post
In both cases microG is installed so you can compare these screenshots below.
Hum, I am also using microG as my Google Service provider, but I can't get GPS to work at all in Android apps.

GPS works flawlessly on native apps (Laufhelden, Pure Maps, etc.), but when I open android apps (Uber, Lime, Tier, Flash, Catch-a-Car, etc.) it never gets any location, the location icon doesn't even appear on sailfish.

Do you have any idea how to debug this?

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Originally Posted by DrYak View Post
Hum, I am also using microG as my Google Service provider, but I can't get GPS to work at all in Android apps.

Do you have any idea how to debug this?
Upon my XA2 in Location > Custom with GPS positioning, Offline & Online position lock from Mozilla enabled. Under microG have Apple UnifiedNip Backend, Déjà Vu, Local GSM location & UnifiedNip (no GAPPS) Location provider middleware installed. Had just about given up until GPS suddenly showed 9/35 Satellites in use/view after leaving phone outside for about 20 minutes. Whether installation of Google Maps triggered something however I know not.

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I haven't used Google maps on this device, but have Waze (also owned by Google) instead.

I had a similar issue post-update where it only connected after 10-15minutes.

I had issues connecting with Pure Maps for the first time after the update too, and my issue might be related to the fact that my last 'GPS online' location (ie. where I'd been last when my GPS was on) was some 50 miles from my current location, and I seem to find it straight away these days when I'm quite close by to the last 'GPS online' location.

edit: This is without having microG installed.

OT, but I'm a Pure Maps convert now, as we can use Here Maps' traffic tiles.

Last edited by mrsellout; 2019-05-02 at 15:54.

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I'm still experiencing massive battery drain when bluetooth and / or wifi is enabled.
As soon as I enable bluetooth, the CPU never goes to sleep. The same happens on some wifi connections. When I'm at home and my phone is connected to my wifi, everything is fine. When it's connected to my companies wifi, I see the same issues (battery drain because the CPU no longer enabled sleep mode).

As a first I'm now downgrading from EA back to and hope Jolla will fix this prior to the official release of 3.0.3.

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