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Originally Posted by Kabouik View Post
Thanks for your answer Rinigus.

Then the French translation of "Map matching" is inaccurate. Actually it is broken anyway: it reads "Fuse la position sur la route" but "Fuse" does not mean anything in French. If I understand correctly what this option does, it could perhaps read "Forcer le positionnement sur les routes" or something similar.

Good to know that Follow Me and Navigation modes force Map Matching regardless of what the user set in the settings. It might not be trivial, as shown by the fact that I thought having Map Matching unchecked was the reason because I had no speed limits displayed.

You mentioned that Stadia does not provide speed limit information, and therefore this feature is only for offline data "for now". Does it mean you have ideas to expand it to online data later, or that it is fully dependent on whether Stadia adds this as a service in the future (I guess it is unlikely).

I created an issue on Github.
Re translation: should be possible to fix at

Re Follow Me/Navigation: corresponding setting is in Preferences/Navigation. In English, its "Snap to road" (same under Exploring). Settings under Navigation work in navigation mode, settings under Exploring work when you just explore the map.

Re online & map matching: I am keeping options open. Although, GPS coordinates are renewed at 1Hz usually. On device, its OK to have dbus calls with such rate. When going online, you may end up having old coordinates matched. Would work probably OK for street name / speed limit, but probably too low bandwidth for matching position on map.

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Hi rinigus,

thank you for your prompt reply.

Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
Re HERE: not yet, but planned. You could chip in if you wish and have time as a part of . It will require understanding their API and integration into Pure Maps. With the latter, I'll be happy to help, if needed.
I guess I have to implement a router plugin as mentioned here?

Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
Re Stadia and OSM Scout: I am working on Valhalla update for OSM Scout. If that will not help, let's start filing the issues at Valhalla. You could also check at if the roads have been marked as toll roads / highways. Find out how to mark them and correct at OSM.
Both also ignore "avoid highways" which let me think it's a different issue than the roads not being marked as toll roads.

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@spag: start with the geocoder: . That will be required for HERE router as well.

RE toll/highways: they should take it into account. so, check if OSM does mark them. if its marked, but ignored, let me know of some example. for privacy reasons, if you wish, feel free to send example by email or PM.

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Starting harbour-pure-maps with a python os.system() command and a geo: argument starts pure-maps if not running and switches to it if already running. If not already running, I got to remember to put an "&" after the command so it doesn't permanently grab hold of my text-mode app.

So cool, I've now got an implementation of "find my car". It shows up as "unnamed location". That's normal, I assume. Reading the "geo:" references on the web, I can't seem to find a way to name the point. Is that even possible? Doesn't matter if not, I was just going to call it "My Car" or perhaps the description of my car from the server.

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Originally Posted by robthebold View Post
Starting harbour-pure-maps with a python os.system() command and a geo: argument starts pure-maps if not running and switches to it if already running. If not already running, I got to remember to put an "&" after the command so it doesn't permanently grab hold of my text-mode app.

So cool, I've now got an implementation of "find my car". It shows up as "unnamed location". That's normal, I assume. Reading the "geo:" references on the web, I can't seem to find a way to name the point. Is that even possible? Doesn't matter if not, I was just going to call it "My Car" or perhaps the description of my car from the server.
Right now it gets geo and just applies reverse geocoding to it. If you find some way to give a name within spec, then let me know.

Let me work on DBus API and corresponding CMD line options. As I understood, you want to give coordinates and name to POI, right?
Any other wishes? (related)

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Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
I will look in near future into fixing integration with apps calling Pure Maps, such as SpritRadar. As for compass, the issue was filed and please formulate specifics over there. Can't promise it soon, there are many other things which have been in the backlog. But should get there and make it optional (opt-in) for those who want it.
Thats fine for me and there is really no pressure on this. Discussion about compass stuff will move to Github feature request issue you mentioned a few posts earlier.

Last edited by Nekron; 2019-09-05 at 19:05. Reason: Typo

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Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
Any other wishes? (related)
Broadcasting navigation instructions (i.e. all the instructions and updates normally shown to the user while navigating), and receiving things like pause and continue navigation might help with integration in other apps. Not sure if this should be in Pure Maps, or even in in OSM Scout Server.

My goal once was to get navigation instructions on my Pebble, while biking. It's unfortunate development of Pebble came to a halt, otherwise I reckon it would have been quite easy to implement on the Pebble's side.

Still, with a DBus-interface it would still be simple to create a QML app which translates the instructions to normal notifications, which of course are shown on Pebble and other smartwatches.

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Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic View Post
Broadcasting navigation instructions (i.e. all the instructions and updates normally shown to the user while navigating), and receiving things like pause and continue navigation might help with integration in other apps. Not sure if this should be in Pure Maps, or even in in OSM Scout Server.

My goal once was to get navigation instructions on my Pebble, while biking. It's unfortunate development of Pebble came to a halt, otherwise I reckon it would have been quite easy to implement on the Pebble's side.

Still, with a DBus-interface it would still be simple to create a QML app which translates the instructions to normal notifications, which of course are shown on Pebble and other smartwatches.
Its a good idea - to make some public dbus api with the current navigation state. That would have to be on Pure Maps side though

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Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
@spag: start with the geocoder: . That will be required for HERE router as well.
I've implemented a basic version of the HERE geocoder but have yet to figure out how to properly integrate it into Pure Maps.

e.g. when searching for a place "autocomplete" is executed and the results end up below the search field as a "Suggestions" list.
Unfortunately HERE do not provide any coordinates with the autocomplete list so one has to look them up through the regular search API. Is there some sort of callback after the user taps on one of the suggestions?

Right now Pure tries to open them directly and shows 0/0 for latitude/longitude.

Also are there any parameters besides query, lang and limit I can put into the URL?
e.g. API keys and current position or map boundaries to prioritize local search results?

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@spag: good job!

Re local results: I am planning to work on it (, please add corresponding API description or link to it in python comments .

Re keys: add them as in . HERE has 2 keys, names are given at

Re regular search: regular search is executed when you hit Enter. Does that work?

Re autocomplete: OK, that's a different but probably sensible API. Do they give some special key that can be used for callbacks? I have not needed such callback yet. Maybe we should add 'autocomplete_callback' to python module and I will write a small extension calling it? Assuming that you get your autocompleted object as an argument...

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