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Posts: 17 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ London
As a newcomer to the N8xx platform I have read the various posts on this forum with interest and I believe I have managed to build-up a reasonable knowledge of the more end-user focused tools i.e using utube, the browser, file manager etc.

However what I would like to do is learn more about the detail.

Whilst I am happy with the point and click method of installing apps and have quickly picked up how to use the app manager I would like to start getting a deeper knowledge of how the N8xx actually works.

Can anyone point me in the direction of resources which will help me achieve this ?
OSEmuTech's Avatar
Posts: 466 | Thanked: 142 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Temple Terrorist, FL
There's always the development and API guides:

Just a few days ago I searched Amazon for any book on Nokia Internet Tablets and Maemo. Sadly, I couldn't find anything. But there are plenty of books about the iPhone.
16-Bit x86 DOS: DOSBox
Amiga 68k: UAE
Apple II: Winapple
Apple 68k Mac: Basilisk II
Commodore 64: Frodo
Palm OS: Access GarnetVM
TI-89 Calculator: TiEmu 2
lemmy's Avatar
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ London
It's a big problem. I suspect that the reason there's no definitive documentation or books is that there's no one person who knows enough. Development on this platform is fragmented and chaotic.
For example, there are media players and messenging stuff coming out of its ears but no proper PIM or serious translation software.
Posts: 161 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Originally Posted by lemmy View Post
It's a big problem. I suspect that the reason there's no definitive documentation or books is that there's no one person who knows enough. Development on this platform is fragmented and chaotic.
For example, there are media players and messenging stuff coming out of its ears but no proper PIM or serious translation software.
It's not hard to figure out how the internet tablets work on the inside as long as you know how Debian does things under the documented maemo stuff. Please don't equate your overall ignorance to everyone else's level of knowledge.

Pimlico is a very polished PIM suite in the early stages. In a few months, it should be able to match everyone's needs.

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Posts: 364 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Feb 2008
here are some Debian reference links:

they help a fair bit.
Posts: 364 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Pimlico is a very polished PIM suite in the early stages.
what's a bit of hyperbole between friends?

something cannot be 'polished' AND in it's early stages. it has potential bit has a looooong way to go yet. still, it's on a good track so far.

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