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Sounds great! I checked last night that the recovery image works - the one generated by CI, so we are ready for testing/fixing if needed.

When checking functionality: please check compass. On XZ2, when in SFOS, I have very fast updates and they don't seem to be very correct. As I forgot to check it on stock and AOSP, its a chance to hear what is an expected behavior.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to rinigus For This Useful Post:
Posts: 102 | Thanked: 187 times | Joined on Jan 2010
@rinigus The compass seems to be quite reliable on XZ3, at least after quick calibration in one of the two compass apps I tried.

On boot after flashing img it goes:
SONY logo
white led on SONY logo
white led turns off stays on the SONY logo,
so no white dimmed light and no blank screen.
Seems to confirm the previous report.

What should I now try in order to get more info for you?

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to ljo For This Useful Post:
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I presume you use Linux as a PC, correct me if I am wrong. If you are Windows/Mac user, we will have to improvise.

I think phone does boot into full OS, with a tiny absence of GUI. So, let's try to get the logs.

- Boot it as you did. After led will be off, wait a bit to be sure that init has finished, and shut it down by pressing and holding power button. I expect that the led will become red and, if it does, release power button and let it shutdown normally.

- Get into fastboot mode as you were when flashing. Now, let's get into recovery. For that, run

fastboot boot hybris-recovery.img

in the folder with unzipped SFOS images (it should contain hybris-recovery.img). After the command, device will show that message regarding unlocked bootloader, then will go blank and after a bit of time (maybe upto minute), boot into recovery. Do not unplug USB, keep it connected to PC.

In recovery, it should show on the screen, in really small letters for you, that rndis connection is available. I would expect that it allocates itself address

On your PC, you should see some messages in dmesg regarding new network card. On my PC, I have to assign network address in this case by running as root:

ifconfig enp0s29f7u6 netmask

(enp0s29f7u6 is a network card from dmesg, keep an eye if its renaming it from ethX to something like I have; use the last name).
If all is fine up to here, you would be able to login into recovery by running on your PC


(address as in phone screen, that one is expected).

If telnet works, you will be greeted with a menu. Choose to go into the shell and, surprise, reluctantly accept breaking the warranty. Assuming that my log scripts worked, you will find all kind of logs under /rootfs/root (/rootfs should be a root partition mounted on recovery). We are mainly interested in ones with .shutdown. in them. Let's start with journal one.

How to get it over to me, that's a question. One option is to capture full telnet session by using "script" command on your PC (run telnet unser script). Its probably the simplest way and then just cat all the logs we are interested in.

Logs send me by email, just in case. In particular, we don't want to have your private IMEI numbers to be put out online. I presume you have my mail. If not, check out authors in pure maps repo.

I hope that it all works as I described and we don't have other surprises.

Good luck!

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to rinigus For This Useful Post:
Posts: 102 | Thanked: 187 times | Joined on Jan 2010
@rinigus Thanks, I already went through the dmesg logs when you anwered , so I sent you two versions of the journal.shutdown.log you wanted to start with by mail.

Could it be
library "" not found
that makes lipstick fail to start or do you have that on other devices too?


Last edited by ljo; 2019-12-06 at 23:53.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to ljo For This Useful Post:
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It looks like error with finding touch device:

Sailfish lipstick[4615]: [C] unknown:0 - evdevtouch: Cannot open input device /dev/touchscreen (No such file or directory)
(wrong date is expected at start of the boot; also before setting it up for the first time)

to fix, we will replace /dev/touchscreen in


(online version with some /dev/input/event device. Question is which.

Earlier it used to be /dev/input/event3 , we can try with that. If it fails, we will find the correct one.

To change the device, please go in via recovery, as you did before for logs. Then just go to /rootfs and down to that file to edit it (vi is available).

PS: 'library "" not found' is OK, its the same on xz2

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to rinigus For This Useful Post:
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@ljo: you can find touch device in recovery. Boot into recovery, telnet into it, and then check what input devices do you have in /dev/input/

# ls -l /dev/input/
crw-rw----    1 root     root       13,  64 Jan  1 00:00 event0
crw-rw----    1 root     root       13,  65 Jan  1 00:00 event1
crw-rw----    1 root     root       13,  66 Jan  1 00:00 event2
crw-rw----    1 root     root       13,  67 Jan  1 00:00 event3
crw-rw----    1 root     root       13,  63 Jan  1 00:00 mice
Now go through event* ones by cat'ing them:

cat /dev/input/event3
While in cat, touch your screen (swipe or tap). If its correct device, it will produce noise chars on the terminal. Note that you maybe not able to Ctrl-C out of cat stream. Use Ctrl-Z and "kill %1" to get rid of it.

As soon as you know device, change it as explained in my prev post and boot into full SFOS.

Later, we will have to find a rule for XZ3 that we will add to

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Posts: 102 | Thanked: 187 times | Joined on Jan 2010
@rinigus It was fore sure /dev/input/event3 from my list:
/ # ls -l /dev/input/
crw-rw----    1 root     root       13,  64 Jan  1  1970 event0
crw-rw----    1 root     root       13,  65 Jan  1  1970 event1
crw-rw----    1 root     root       13,  66 Jan  1  1970 event2
crw-rw----    1 root     root       13,  67 Mar  1 08:18 event3
crw-rw----    1 root     root       13,  68 Mar  1 08:19 event4
crw-rw----    1 root     root       13,  63 Jan  1  1970 mice
I will find out the udev rule to add.

On boot it now went well with setup until the Jolla account screen where Internet connection, since I use my simcard in my xa2, says wifi is inactivated and pressing activate gives no visible action. So I assume there is a log entry to find for this too.

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For event3, run

udevadm info -q all -a /dev/input/event3
See example output for me at

As for WiFi, try to shutdown phone and then start again. Maybe its a first boot glitch.

Note that we don't have yet Jolla Store access for your model. Before getting that, few tests need to be done. Then we can ask for access

PS: udevadm we will do AFTER all is running. Let's get this Wifi ready first. Then its easier to grab all outputs and configs

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to rinigus For This Useful Post:
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on Oct 2017 @ Finland
Finally we have decent phone that running sailfish, brilliant @rinigus. Just mentioning that I'm planing to jump xperia xz3 and install sailfish on it.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Korkkiruuvi For This Useful Post:
Posts: 102 | Thanked: 187 times | Joined on Jan 2010
@rinigus The name attribute should be ATTRS{name}=="touch_dev".

The wifi is definitely not a first start glitch. Tried several times now. I finished the setup without wifi.
* NFC was on in Settings > Connection > NFC.
* In Settings > Information > About product, no mac for bt in addition to wifi. No imei shown.

OK. So let us get on with the wifi issue.

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