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Markkyboy's Avatar
Posts: 433 | Thanked: 727 times | Joined on Oct 2012 @ Costa Blanca, España
Originally Posted by rob_kouw View Post
. . . I have a self adopted keyboard . . . . .
What do you mean by self adopted?, is it your own creation?
..oO(Don't just sit there standing around, pick up a shovel and sweep up!)Oo..

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pacman's Avatar
Posts: 89 | Thanked: 532 times | Joined on Sep 2015
Originally Posted by rob_kouw View Post
With a (traditional) dark Ambience, the popup keys on the keyboard show white-on-white, suddenly after installing Nuuksio. Not very practical. Only light Ambiences work for typing text now.
(E.g. a long press on A shows a popup of additional characters including @. Or a long press on space bar shows available languages/keyboards.)

Can anyone confirm? I haven't done anything with any patches. I have a self adopted keyboard showing numbers on the popups of the top row, but it happens with all keyboards.
Yes, I see this too, but only when OKBoard is enabled. I was wondering whether this is something that needs fixing in OKBoard rather than SFOS, but I'll wait until after the holiday season before pursuing it further. For now, I'll manage without OKBoard.

Here are links to pictures showing the effect on the language switcher with and without OKBoard enabled:

Last edited by pacman; 2019-12-20 at 11:22. Reason: Fixed image preview links

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Same keyboard issue here, also with OKBoard installed. Too much muscle memory to live without it right now so I guess I'll put up with white flashes until it's fixed.

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Originally Posted by Markkyboy View Post
What do you mean by self adopted?, is it your own creation?
All right, yes, I shared it long time ago, 2015 or so. I put some characters with the dot (/]})>:!?) and similar characters with the comma (\;([{<). Other interesting characters I punt just somewhere, with the L (%*_&+-#'")

English was changed to:

import QtQuick 2.0
import com.jolla.keyboard 1.0
import ".."

KeyboardLayout {
    splitSupported: true

    KeyboardRow {
        CharacterKey { caption: "q"; captionShifted: "Q"; symView: "1"; symView2: "€"; accents: "q1"; accentsShifted: "Q1" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "w"; captionShifted: "W"; symView: "2"; symView2: "£"; accents: "w2"; accentsShifted: "W2" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "e"; captionShifted: "E"; symView: "3"; symView2: "$"; accents: "eèêéë€3"; accentsShifted: "EÈÊÉË€3" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "r"; captionShifted: "R"; symView: "4"; symView2: "¥"; accents: "r4"; accentsShifted: "R4" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "t"; captionShifted: "T"; symView: "5"; symView2: "₹"; accents: "t5"; accentsShifted: "T5" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "y"; captionShifted: "Y"; symView: "6"; symView2: "%"; accents: "y6"; accentsShifted: "Y6" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "u"; captionShifted: "U"; symView: "7"; symView2: "<"; accents: "uü7"; accentsShifted: "UÜ7" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "i"; captionShifted: "I"; symView: "8"; symView2: ">"; accents: "iï8"; accentsShifted: "IÏ8" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "o"; captionShifted: "O"; symView: "9"; symView2: "["; accents: "oòôóöº9"; accentsShifted: "OÒÔÓÖº9" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "p"; captionShifted: "P"; symView: "0"; symView2: "]"; accents: "p0"; accentsShifted: "P0" }

    KeyboardRow {
        splitIndex: 5

        CharacterKey { caption: "a"; captionShifted: "A"; symView: "*"; symView2: "`"; accents: "aàâáä@"; accentsShifted: "AÀÂÁÄ@" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "s"; captionShifted: "S"; symView: "#"; symView2: "^"; accents: "sß$"; accentsShifted: "S$" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "d"; captionShifted: "D"; symView: "+"; symView2: "|" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "f"; captionShifted: "F"; symView: "-"; symView2: "_" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "g"; captionShifted: "G"; symView: "="; symView2: "§" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "h"; captionShifted: "H"; symView: "("; symView2: "{" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "j"; captionShifted: "J"; symView: ")"; symView2: "}" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "k"; captionShifted: "K"; symView: "!"; symView2: "¡" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "l"; captionShifted: "L"; symView: "?"; symView2: "¿"; accents: "l%*_&+-#'\""; accentsShifted: "L%*_&+-#'\"" }

    KeyboardRow {
        splitIndex: 5

        ShiftKey {}

        CharacterKey { caption: "z"; captionShifted: "Z"; symView: "@"; symView2: "«" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "x"; captionShifted: "X"; symView: "&"; symView2: "»" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "c"; captionShifted: "C"; symView: "/"; symView2: "\""; accents: "cç"; accentsShifted: "CÇ" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "v"; captionShifted: "V"; symView: "\\"; symView2: "“" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "b"; captionShifted: "B"; symView: "'"; symView2: "”" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "n"; captionShifted: "N"; symView: ";"; symView2: "„"; accents: "nñ"; accentsShifted: "NÑ" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "m"; captionShifted: "M"; symView: ":"; symView2: "~" }

        BackspaceKey {}

    KeyboardRow {
        splitIndex: 3

        SymbolKey {}
        ContextAwareCommaKeyX {}
        SpacebarKey {}
        SpacebarKey {
            active: splitActive
            languageLabel: ""
        CharacterKey {
            caption: "."
            captionShifted: "."
            accents: "./]})>:!?"
            accentsShifted: "./]})>:!?"
            implicitWidth: punctuationKeyWidth
            fixedWidth: !splitActive
            separator: SeparatorState.HiddenSeparator
        EnterKey {}
CommaAware was changed to:
import QtQuick 2.0
import com.meego.maliitquick 1.0
import com.jolla.keyboard 1.0

CharacterKey {
    caption: MInputMethodQuick.contentType === Maliit.UrlContentType
             ? "/"
             : MInputMethodQuick.contentType === Maliit.EmailContentType
               ? "@"
               : ","
    captionShifted: caption
    symView: ","
    symView2: ","
    accents: ",\\;([{<"
    accentsShifted: ",\\;([{<"	
    implicitWidth: punctuationKeyWidth
    fixedWidth: !splitActive
    separator: SeparatorState.HiddenSeparator
Palm Treo -> N900 -> N9 -> Jolla -> SailfishX -> XA2
Developer mode novice, and enjoying it

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Posts: 1,313 | Thanked: 2,977 times | Joined on Jun 2011 @ Finland
Seems snappier. Me likey mucho grande.
My N9/N950 projects:

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pichlo's Avatar
Posts: 6,447 | Thanked: 20,981 times | Joined on Sep 2012 @ UK
Originally Posted by ajalkane View Post
Seems snappier. Me likey mucho grande.
That may be so, but these points are still present.
Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй!

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Hello guys im in desperate need of assistance as i have the xperia x dual and a xa2 ultra dual h4233. Ever since the nuuksioo update i have issues with using ussd codes. The issue is as follows, when i run a ussd code to check for balance it works, however when i use a ussd that requires several serial entries it ends up telling me the operation is already in progress and it wont respond until when another response appears indicating that the argument was not recognized. Please help as this makes it very difficult to execute carrier transactions

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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
Something funny happens to me when receiving a call. I am not sure if it is related to the Nuuksio release on my XperiaX or just unrelated thing;

When someone calls me and I answer, it takes almost 10 seconds before the audio connects. When I call someone it works OK.
Could be caused by CS (Circuit Switched) fallback: Phone normally on 4G, but switch to 2G/3G for native audio calls because (roaming) operator is not supporting VoLTE for this model. Less noticeable for outgoing call. Check if it is same delay on incoming calls if you are on 2G/3G network.

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Community Council | Posts: 4,920 | Thanked: 12,867 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Southerrn Finland
Originally Posted by hhbbap View Post
Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
Something funny happens to me when receiving a call. I am not sure if it is related to the Nuuksio release on my XperiaX or just unrelated thing;

When someone calls me and I answer, it takes almost 10 seconds before the audio connects. When I call someone it works OK.
Could be caused by CS (Circuit Switched) fallback: Phone normally on 4G, but switch to 2G/3G for native audio calls because (roaming) operator is not supporting VoLTE for this model. Less noticeable for outgoing call. Check if it is same delay on incoming calls if you are on 2G/3G network.
Sounds possible but I rather doubt it as I think the device should drop to 2G/3G when it starts to ring, and not only when I answer the call, right?

Actually I pinpointed the effect that's causing it, even though I am not sure why it behaves so;
I am using the Call Recorder by @dpurgin, and if I disable it then the received call is connected normally.

The workaround is simple really; I just let the phone ring about 5 times before answering it. Annoying but easy.
Dave999: Meateo balloons. What’s so special with em? Is it a ballon?

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Community Council | Posts: 4,920 | Thanked: 12,867 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Southerrn Finland
I just noticed an annoyance of which I'm not sure if it is a regression or if it has always been so.

If I have a number in my phone log that has no contact associated, there is no way to tell the date when the call was made/taken, only the time of the call. And also no way to know if that number has been called/calling before.

However immediately when I associate a contact to that number the past actions become viewable, with all related data.

I'd like to see that data also just by sweeping to the details of the number, without first making a contact of it.
Dave999: Meateo balloons. What’s so special with em? Is it a ballon?

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