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Posts: 121 | Thanked: 292 times | Joined on Mar 2016
Hi, i'm a volunteer firefighter which is a pretty busy job right now with lots of alarms. I need help with having some kind of alarm sound on a phone running SFOS.
I also happen to have a Jolla Phone which i really like.
We have 2 means of alarms: An app running on Android or iOS and a bulky analogue device.
When i go out for work or jogging, i usually take only my phone with me. And i would prefer using my J1 and not one of my Android phones that i'd rather leave at home. I tried running the Android app on it for alarms but no luck getting it to work so far. So this is a dead end (the Android app is called aPager Pro if you need to know).
What i did manage to do is forwarding the messages by e-mail from the app to my J1 using an app called NotifyMe. The problem is: I get a lot of e-mails. So if i have to take my phone out every time i get an e-mail, i'm more or less unable to work.
So what i need is a solution that reads my mails (or just the sender as that would always be the same for the forwarded alarms) and plays a sound as loud as possible. But i'm way out of my depths here. Does anyone have any idea how to solve my problem?

Last edited by Veraendert; 2020-04-17 at 14:32. Reason: better title

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Veraendert For This Useful Post:
Posts: 130 | Thanked: 77 times | Joined on Aug 2009
What about a dedicated email account for your alarm emails?

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Posts: 121 | Thanked: 292 times | Joined on Mar 2016
Wouldn't be a problem to set up- but i still wouldn't have an alarm?

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Veraendert For This Useful Post:
Posts: 301 | Thanked: 531 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ The Netherlands
My e-mail provider has a service to send sms (text) messages when e-mails come in according with filter settings. That would solve it, right? It will cost you a few cents per sms.

If not through your provider: the other day I was talking to a guy who had a Node-RED solution to keep an eye on his building. He used sms messages too, I think through Vonage. I don't know if there is a lot of programming involved.
Palm Treo -> N900 -> N9 -> Jolla -> SailfishX -> XA2
Developer mode novice, and enjoying it

Last edited by rob_kouw; 2020-04-15 at 18:48.

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Originally Posted by Veraendert View Post
Wouldn't be a problem to set up- but i still wouldn't have an alarm?
That would depend on the ringtone for incoming e-mails?
Palm Treo -> N900 -> N9 -> Jolla -> SailfishX -> XA2
Developer mode novice, and enjoying it

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Posts: 121 | Thanked: 292 times | Joined on Mar 2016
Isn't the ringtone always the same? Problem is i need mails from my main account in the phone, top.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Veraendert For This Useful Post:
Posts: 121 | Thanked: 292 times | Joined on Mar 2016
I probably should mention that i run my own Mail server, if that helps.

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Originally Posted by Veraendert View Post
Hi, i'm a volunteer firefighter which is a pretty busy job right now with lots of alarms. I need help with having some kind of alarm sound on a phone running SFOS.
I also happen to have a Jolla Phone which i really like.
We have 2 means of alarms: An app running on Android or iOS and a bulky analogue device.
When i go out for work or jogging, i usually take only my phone with me. And i would prefer using my J1 and not one of my Android phones that i'd rather leave at home. I tried running the Android app on it for alarms but no luck getting it to work so far. So this is a dead end (the Android app is called aPager Pro if you need to know).
What i did manage to do is forwarding the messages by e-mail from the app to my J1 using an app called NotifyMe. The problem is: I get a lot of e-mails. So if i have to take my phone out every time i get an e-mail, i'm more or less unable to work.
So what i need is a solution that reads my mails (or just the sender as that would always be the same for the forwarded alarms) and plays a sound as loud as possible. But i'm way out of my depths here. Does anyone have any idea how to solve my problem?
So can you describe how do you get the email from the alarm, does it work so that the android application sends the email when you are summoned? Or do you get the alarm email from the fire department?

Of course if the alarm backend system that "aPager Pro" uses had an open API then it would not be difficult to implement something in python that'd serve as alarm application on SFOS.

If this is not possible then indeed some filtering based on the emails is the next best thing.
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The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to juiceme For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by Veraendert View Post
I probably should mention that i run my own Mail server, if that helps.
A quick solution would be to set up a separate mail account. Use only this one for push notifications and fetch the other mails only manually. You said, that you get a lot of mails anyways. Fetch these only then, when you are not running. :-)

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Posts: 121 | Thanked: 292 times | Joined on Mar 2016
Thanks so far, i've set up a separate mail account, that probably helps a bit. There is no way to alter the sound of email notification i presume?

@juiceme: The application is closed source and as far as i can tell works with an encrypted message other than SMS/e-mail. This is sensible data so we don't want everybody to be able to see the messages. No way they'd open the API just for me to mess around. But when that message is displayed, a different Android app NotifyMe grabs the displayed message and forwards it via e-mail.

That's not perfect but still better than just hearing the siren from the first engine going out. We're short of firefighters so this is a rather pressing problem.

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