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Originally Posted by peterleinchen View Post
Oh, cmon you two

I am pretty sure you know this list
and it is not only about social media stuff...
eh yes I know the list but I do not need anything that's listed there!
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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
eh yes I know the list but I do not need anything that's listed there!
Me either, and if it turns out I do need it, I open Firefox Focus. Most of the time - at least for the content I want to look at (TMO, TJC, Hackaday, looking up Gentoo USE flags) it's fine. It's typically responsive, and the UI choices are smart. I don't like reliance on javascript (or frankly, any other arbitrarily linked remote content) to look at a website.

Yes, I know this is anecdotal, but it's fine.
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Originally Posted by peterleinchen View Post
I am pretty sure you know this list
and it is not only about social media stuff...
Actually, no I was not aware of it. I avoid TJC like a plague. Too hostile - and that comes from a guy who frequently comments on YouTube.

I have looked through that list and like juiceme, I did not find anything I would use or need

I have one reservation, though. This comment: "videos do not play". That is patently not true. I spend countless hours a day watching and commenting on YouTube videos. My Jolla is (still) indisposed and waiting for a cold restart, but the stock Sailfish browser on my Xperia X is what I use almost exclusively. There are some odd problems with responding to other people's posts, but watching works perfectly fine.

There are websites where embedded videos don't work. For example, BBC. They look like they still use Flash so I am not surprised. Nor am I missing it.

But yes, I accept the answer, even though to me it is a case of Schroedinbug

Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic View Post
I'd say not unusable for an occasional link, but for generic browsing sessions, I wouldn't use it because of the absence of [...]
Again, thanks for the answer but that's a lot of advanced features WAAAAAY beyond what I would even consider using, or even know they exist, let alone know how to use them. First party isolation? Smart referer header? uBlock origin? Aggressive mode? Are you speaking in Elfish?
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Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic View Post
I'd say not unusable for an occasional link, but for generic browsing sessions, I wouldn't use it because of the absence of adequate build-in privacy, like blocking third party cookies, but also the lack of add-on support. The current web is just too full of tracking dreck.
I found out only recently that most familiar Firefox settings are accessible via about:config.
I already changed a few cookie-related.
Not as good as uMatrix etc. but it's a start.
Javascript still worries me though. On an outdated mozilla engine. It can be disabled completely, but if it can't be enabled easily that's not practical.

I will tackle hosts-based ad-blocking soon. I use system-wide domain blocking on all my computers and wouldn't want to miss it anymore.
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There is one important site that does not work with Sailfish Browser: . But I agree, SFOS Browser UI is very nice, so Angelfish does try to reproduce better elements from it as well.

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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
Likewise. I tried a bunch of alternatives but found it pointless, since the stock Sailfish browser was perfectly fine and actually better than most others, especially in the UI design.

I wonder what people mean when they say that it is "unusable". Can anyone give an example?
i confess i haven't tested the native browser much in 3.2, having abandoned it as inadequate in 3.1 ( joined the party on 3.0 with an XA2 plus).

it was chronically slow to load tabs, frequently failed to render a tabs properly, and occasionally seemed to completely lock up if it had to manage more than half a dozen open tabs at once (on a 6gb phone!).

since that point i have used firefox - whilst continuing to grumble that jolla need to fix this situation given how central the broswer is to SFOS's integrated account management user experience.

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I was submitting a Zendesk support request and there was a selection for Sailfish version.

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Just a reminder, coderus crawler(?) shows what you can "actually get" as regular Early-Access participant:

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EDIT: Never mind, I've gone for a backup of the entire /home with tar.
But would still like to know the answer, just to learn something. Original post below:


What does this mean? How can I fix it?

/usr/libexec/jolla-vault/units/vault-browser: undefined symbol: _ZN5vault4unit6getoptEv
It is the result of trying to make a backup before wiping my Jolla clean and starting over.

The full log (in sailfish_backup_2020-04-23T09-58-21Z_backup_log.txt) looks like this:
Status = Preparing
[UI] Preparing to backup files to /run/media/nemo/DINGHY-SD/sailfish_backup_2020-04-23T09-58-21Z.tar
Preparing to backup units: Accounts, Browser, Calendar, Gallery, Messages, People, Phone to /run/media/nemo/DINGHY-SD/sailfish_backup_2020-04-23T09-58-21Z.tar
Running unit script Accounts (1 of 7)
Status = UnitScriptStarted
[UI] Reading data
Start: mkdir -p /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/units/sailfish_backup_2020-04-23T09-58-21Z/Accounts/blobs
Done: mkdir [OK]
Start: mkdir -p /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/units/sailfish_backup_2020-04-23T09-58-21Z/Accounts/data
Done: mkdir [OK]
Start: /usr/libexec/jolla-vault/units/vault-accounts --action export --name Accounts --bin-dir /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/units/sailfish_backup_2020-04-23T09-58-21Z/Accounts/blobs --dir /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/units/sailfish_backup_2020-04-23T09-58-21Z/Accounts/data --home-dir /home/nemo
Done: vault-accounts [OK]
Status = UnitScriptFinished
Running unit script Browser (2 of 7)
Status = UnitScriptStarted
[UI] Reading data
Start: mkdir -p /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/units/sailfish_backup_2020-04-23T09-58-21Z/Browser/blobs
Done: mkdir [OK]
Start: mkdir -p /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/units/sailfish_backup_2020-04-23T09-58-21Z/Browser/data
Done: mkdir [OK]
Start: /usr/libexec/jolla-vault/units/vault-browser --action export --name Browser --bin-dir /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/units/sailfish_backup_2020-04-23T09-58-21Z/Browser/blobs --dir /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/units/sailfish_backup_2020-04-23T09-58-21Z/Browser/data --home-dir /home/nemo
Done: vault-browser [FAILED] Exit code: 127
Standard error was:
/usr/libexec/jolla-vault/units/vault-browser: symbol lookup error: /usr/libexec/jolla-vault/units/vault-browser: undefined symbol: _ZN5vault4unit6getoptEv

[ERROR] 3 Process exited with non-zero exit code or status, quitting.
Status = Finalizing
[UI] Finalising operation
Status = Finished
Removing working files in /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/units/sailfish_backup_2020-04-23T09-58-21Z
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Last edited by pichlo; 2020-04-23 at 16:59.

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One thing that I would love to see in the Sailfish browser is something I miss from desktop Firefox - multi-account containers (or even a simpler way to deal with multiple profiles). I was quite dismayed, therefore, when after finally installing mobile Firefox via Android support I discovered it doesn't support it either (apparently it's desktop-only? no idea why).

On the topic of websites that do not work in the SFOS browser, that includes pretty much all Google websites; most notably for me, Google Voice and Google Maps. (I know the response in this forum will be "stop using Google products then" but that does not address the issue of compatibility.)

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