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Originally Posted by peterleinchen View Post
So, yes. You are definitely right about the inodes thing. Should have read the figures more proper

But then I do not get where this message came from?
Was disk space low? Nope.
Was/is this message really about RAM? (then it should have popped up every day for everybody )
Or was it 'only' low 'disk space' on /tmp (to check with a normal df -h)?
I had also checked with df -h and also with the top command running, none of them showed a memory problem at all. I was beginning to be concerned it was a hardware issue, but seems I was lucky it is not!

But it has definitely fixed it by clearing out the thousands of MfE duplicate calendar entries. It has been running all day yesterday and all night now and no error. The calendar process is minimal or even zero CPU% now.

And with the added benefit of RootFS being now over 87Mb free, due to housekeeping while looking for the issue.

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