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, 23:13
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@ Ruhrgebiet, Germany
, 23:49
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@ Spain
Search for package rootsh and install with HAM, standard application manager (after having set the repo mirrors correctly).
Then sudo gainroot is your friend.
, 06:37
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@ Ruhrgebiet, Germany
Could I have installed it from the terminal as well? With what command? I tried apt-get install but it asked for root.
, 07:03
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@ Helsinki, Finland.
, 07:14
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@ Kula, Serbia
, 08:19
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@ Balochistan
Nope, hen and egg problem.
You need rootsh to get root access in terminal.
But how did you install? (my memory is fading and I am not sure if tapping this downloaded file in file manager launched HAM and let it install, like on N9/Jolla now).
The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to panjgoori For This Useful Post: | ||
, 16:31
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@ Spain
Nope, hen and egg problem.
You need rootsh to get root access in terminal.
But how did you install? (my memory is fading and I am not sure if tapping this downloaded file in file manager launched HAM and let it install, like on N9/Jolla now).
The Following User Says Thank You to Kalatti For This Useful Post: | ||
, 16:34
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@ Spain
I think if thou have not yet read the wikipage here in maemo forum thou could. Then instruction page "perfect setup for N900". But I am also curious have thou tried the Application manager and set up the working repositories? If not, do it. If need help for it, ask, and thee shall be given.
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I need root access to run commands like this:
apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
I run su, sudo, sudo gainroot, etc. But I can't run the update commands. The password is wrong, I have tried 12345, 0000, rootme and my unlock code but nothing works.
I have read in the following link that installing OpenSSH can be solved:
But I run apt-get install OpenSSH ... and it needs root permission too.
sudo passwd root doesn't work for me either.
When I run "apt-get update; apt-get upgrade" (with and without "su") I get the following error:
E: Could not open lock file / var / lib / apt / list / lock - open (13 Permission denied)
E: Enable to lock the list directory
E: Could not open lock file / var / lib / dpkg / lock - open (13 Permission denied)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/ var / lib / dpkg /), are you root?
What I can do?