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Posts: 98 | Thanked: 223 times | Joined on Jul 2013 @ Prague

My MFE sync stopped working and I could not even "Edit Account" to delete it.

I have used rm -R to remove
modest directory all items and activesync directory all items
modest directory all items and activesync directory all items
and also all Modest / Activesync and mail items in that location.

I now have no email accounts at all, which was the plan. But somewhere in the "add new account wizard" there is a flag set which it thinks I still have a MFE account, so will not give me the option to create a new one.

Anyone know where such a flag is to be found?

If I try to use a backup RESTORE from a time when MFE was working, I get the account reinstalled but still cannot use it or edit it.

I tried to do a backup from my working OLD N900 and RESTORE that to the DAILY N900. But the result was the same, the email accounts al get added but the MFE one still doesnt work and cannot be edited or deleted.

The Activesync button has corrupted text, like if you delete used locales, but it is the only one affected, so perhaps there is a deeper issue. But it was all working and I have done nothing with the device when it stopped working.

I was at the point of reflashing, but I "upgraded" to windows 10 earlier this year. I found that reflashing with windows 10 is not likely to work. So the reflash will be more involved as I need to run it on a linux machine (I have that, so not a show stopper), but it motived me to try a more aggressive solution first on the phone.

Especially when I remember I have to reflash, install community SSU, then work out how to update the certs again, sort out RootFS space and yet not delete too much, and before all that work out what are the current depositories which work. Then try to get Mobile maps working again and also unlock the openoffice stuff... its all here, but so many threads and so much out of date info to sift through.. :-)

Any other things that are related to MFE and Activesync that might have become corrupted i should try?

Appreciate any pointers

The Following User Says Thank You to glo-worm For This Useful Post:
Posts: 98 | Thanked: 223 times | Joined on Jul 2013 @ Prague
Hi still looking for some guidance on getting this working:-
this is the syslog I get when running activesync:-
[I][Nokia-N900:~# grep activesync /var/log/syslog
Nov 3 10:12:31 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: AS-COMMON-UTILS Version: libas-common-utils (0.0.4-12+0m5) unstable; urgency=low
Nov 3 10:12:31 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: systemmonitor.cpp Line 41, AsSystemMonitor::AsSystemMonitor(AsStatusIndicator &): AsSystemMonitor::AsSystemMonitor(0x4918b0): start
Nov 3 10:12:32 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: systemmonitor.cpp Line 68, AsSystemMonitor::AsSystemMonitor(AsStatusIndicator &): AsSystemMonitor::AsSystemMonitor(): notifications: -855638002, -838860785, -822083568, -805306351
Nov 3 10:12:32 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: systemmonitor.cpp Line 112, AsSystemMonitor::AsSystemMonitor(AsStatusIndicator &): AsSystemMonitor::AsSystemMonitor() end
Nov 3 10:12:32 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: AsSystemMonitor::getTimeFormat(1)
Nov 3 10:12:32 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: AsStatusIndicator::updateState(): Complete
Nov 3 10:12:33 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: AsStatusIndicator::displayEvent(0)
Nov 3 10:12:33 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: AsStatusIndicator::AsStatusIndicator(0)
Nov 3 10:12:33 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: as-sb-dbusobject.cpp Line 136, AsSbDbusObject* as_sb_dbus_object_new(): as_sb_dbus_object_new()
Nov 3 10:12:33 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: as-sb-dbusobject.cpp Line 78, void as_sb_dbus_object_class_init(AsSbDbusObjectClass*) : as_sb_dbus_object_class_init(): start
Nov 3 10:12:33 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: as-sb-dbusobject.cpp Line 87, void as_sb_dbus_object_class_init(AsSbDbusObjectClass*) : as_sb_dbus_object_class_init(): end
Nov 3 10:12:33 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: as-sb-dbusobject.cpp Line 92, void as_sb_dbus_object_init(AsSbDbusObject*): as_sb_dbus_object_init(): start
Nov 3 10:12:33 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: as-sb-dbusobject.cpp Line 131, void as_sb_dbus_object_init(AsSbDbusObject*): as_sb_dbus_object_init(): end
Nov 3 10:12:33 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: as-sb-dbusobject.cpp Line 144, void as_sb_dbus_object_add_cert_pass_handler(AsSbDbusOb ject*, gchar* (*)(const gchar*, unsigned int), void*): as_sb_dbus_object_add_cert_pass_handler(): start
Nov 3 10:12:33 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: as-sb-dbusobject.cpp Line 156, void as_sb_dbus_object_add_cert_pass_handler(AsSbDbusOb ject*, gchar* (*)(const gchar*, unsigned int), void*): as_sb_dbus_object_add_cert_pass_handler(): end
Nov 3 10:12:33 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: as-sb-dbusobject.cpp Line 163, void as_sb_dbus_object_add_invalid_cert_handler(AsSbDbu sObject*, int (*)(const gchar*, const gchar*, const gchar*, const gchar*, gboolean, unsigned int), void*): as_sb_dbus_object_add_invalid_cert_handler(): start
Nov 3 10:12:33 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: as-sb-dbusobject.cpp Line 175, void as_sb_dbus_object_add_invalid_cert_handler(AsSbDbu sObject*, int (*)(const gchar*, const gchar*, const gchar*, const gchar*, gboolean, unsigned int), void*): as_sb_dbus_object_add_invalid_cert_handler(): end
Nov 3 10:28:45 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: AsStatusIndicator:nButtonClicked(): plugin executed
Nov 3 11:03:34 Nokia-N900 [1215]: activesync: AsStatusIndicator:nButtonClicked(): plugin executed
Anyone have any clue what the problem might be?

As previously stated one N900 works fine but the other just comes up with "error occured".


The Following User Says Thank You to glo-worm For This Useful Post:
Posts: 98 | Thanked: 223 times | Joined on Jul 2013 @ Prague
using this:-
cmcli -T common-ca -t ssl-ca -v <your-server-dns-name-or-ip-address>:<port-number>

Certs are verified OK

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