Poll: What to do about Plankton?
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What to do about Plankton?

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promethh's Avatar
Posts: 211 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Washington, DC
I know the subjects of hildon-theme-catcher, hildon-theme-sketchy, and hildon-theme-plankton keep coming up again and again, so I apologize in advance. ...I haven't been able to find *any* repository with hildon-theme-catcher and hildon-theme-plankton.

Has anyone make a backup of their packages? I was looking for "hildon-theme-plankton 3.1.0-1" and the corresponding "hildon-theme-catcher" o n Google. It looks like development is still continuing, with the last version being 4.9.0 at:

When googling "hilton-theme-plankton deb", the only package I could find was the Ubuntu 6 release at:

Since it likely won't install under the latest OS2007 due to the bug, I was planning on "dpkg -x" and copying to /usr/share/theme.

My only other idea was to use hildon-theme-plankton_4.8.2-1ubuntu6_all.deb as a basis, using the graphics and rewriting the theme for use under OS2007, but I imagine it would be far more time-consuming (and maybe kludgy?) than going with the original 3.1.0 release for the N770?

Any suggestions?
mfresh's Avatar
Posts: 91 | Thanked: 25 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Marlow, Bucks
Plankton is very wonderful on the N800

You can get it while it's hot from here

Credit where it's due: I found the link to Plankton on this very excellent blog which has nothing to do with me, but is very good indeed:

visit the Minty Fresh N800 blog
promethh's Avatar
Posts: 211 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Washington, DC
Very cool, thanks mfresh!

It's a blocked site under Websense from my office, so I'll have to grab it during lunch from a public hotspot over lunch. Nice "Minty Fresh N800 Blog" you have as well. I didn't know anyone had success with aircrack-ng on the N800, I'll have to play with that tonight.

Texrat's Avatar
Posts: 11,700 | Thanked: 10,045 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ North Texas, USA
I have good reason to believe the URL to the original repositories is (at least temporarily) gone.
promethh's Avatar
Posts: 211 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Washington, DC
Cool... I now have Plankton running on my N800 courtesy of mfresh.

So that I don't have to search for every package I've installed from repositories that might disappear, I've been backing up to my SD card at /media/mmc1/packages. I've also decided to mirror it. In case anyone else is interested, here's all of the packages I currently have installed on my N800:
...there are still a few I haven't mirrored yet, but I'll add packages to that site as I have time.

Thanks, again!
Posts: 29 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Out of curiosity, why did you install the version in directory http://tigert.1g.fi/blog-files/n800-theme/ instead of directory http://tigert.1g.fi/blog-files/n800-...experimental/? Is it known that the experimental build (3.1.0-1) is more unstable?
Khertan's Avatar
Posts: 1,012 | Thanked: 817 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ France
Experimental version isn't unstable, but if like me you prefer different color on special virtual key and more darker virtual key background you ll don't like the experimental version.
promethh's Avatar
Posts: 211 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Washington, DC
Originally Posted by calador View Post
Out of curiosity, why did you install the version in directory http://tigert.1g.fi/blog-files/n800-theme/ instead of directory http://tigert.1g.fi/blog-files/n800-...experimental/? Is it known that the experimental build (3.1.0-1) is more unstable?
In my case, it was just haste and convenience. I work in a datacenter in Washington, DC, and most personal sites are blocked by Websense. I had to go across the street to a Starbucks to get a public connection, and quickly grabbed plankton-3.0.0 yesterday. I saw your reply this morning, updated to 3.1.0, and mirrored the package to http://www.innospyre.com/v3.0/N800_Packages/

Updated Home for Hildon, FMradio, iPod:

In addition to upgrading to hildon-theme-plankton_3.1.0-1, I dropped the clock from my Home, added FMradio, and configured it for my iPod. Using a Griffin iTrip on my iPod (set for 89.7Mhz), I can listen to my iPod using my N800.

Thanks for pointing out the update, calador! The emphasis on the special virtual key, darker virtual key background, and updated scrollbars are nicer in 3.1.0 than in 3.0.0, IMO.
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i've got both plankton and sketchy. Prefer to use sketchy and set my desktop backgrounds with charcoal and pencil sketches that I find. This one is called surf's up and it was done by Mike Wieringo. I just found it browsing through google images.
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Posts: 11 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2007
I installed the cacher second by mistake .. plankton looks rubbish and am unsure how to uninstall to reinstall again ... any ideas? I just get big grey boxes.

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