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sillydad's Avatar
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Alberta
I am a new user to the n800 and recently purchaced the igo stowaway keyboard. I had no problems pairing it up thanks to the advice of this website forum, however when I turned my device on again the next day, I was unable to connect the 2 together again.

So I went into "bluetooth devices" under Contol Panel and hit "edit/connect" and I keep getting "Connection failed to Think Outside Keyboard."

Anyone know a trick to get this keyboard to automatically recognize my n800?

Pushwall's Avatar
Posts: 373 | Thanked: 110 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Is your bluetooth set to on in control panel?

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Posts: 19 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Alberta
yes it is. Also, when I turn the n800 on, do I have to go into Conrol Panel/Bluetooth Keyboard and hit pair first?
Posts: 333 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Use have to key the PIN code into the IGO keyboard.

So when to start to link type the pin directly on the keyboard and it should work.

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The pin code from the origial pairing yesterday? when I turned it on today there was no prompt for a code....

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briand's Avatar
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once I finally got my iGo keyboard paired, all I need to do is:

1) make sure BT is "on" on my n800

2) open the iGo and hit a couple keys (up/down arrow) a few times, and the two pair up without issue [you'll know you're paired up when the BT icon on the n800 changes from white/gray to blue]
sillydad's Avatar
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there is no BT icon.... what setting turns that on?
"You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
sillydad's Avatar
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Alberta
So far under Bluetooth devices/device details the connect button switches to disconnect periodically, however I still cant get it to work.

The igo does not pair when I start up. when I try to connect manually, I get the "Connection Faileid..." message

and yes I have Bt on BUT there is no icon in the tray that says its on...

Guess I should of bought a Nokia SU-BW.

"You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
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First step. In the control panel open Bluetooth > check on > then check visible. It will now show an icon on the status bar.

In my experience once they are paired as Briand said they stay paired, but perhaps when you try to re-pair it causes problems?

To re-pair be sure that you again press the Control key and the two FN keys at the same time till the green sync light flashes on the keyboard, start the pairing from the n800 then enter the new code from the nokia and proceed

Good luck

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briand's Avatar
Posts: 566 | Thanked: 145 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Tallahassee, FL
...also bear in mind that once they're paired (and you make sure that the 'trusted' checkbox is enabled during that initial pairing!!), you do not need to go through the pairing process again. Simply turn on BT, turn on the keyboard, and hit a couple keys, and they'll connect up automatically.

if you cannot get them to initially pair up, it may be necessary to manually clear out the bluetooth configuration (using the `rm` command in the xterm shell, detailed in another thread on this subject), reboot the system, and start the pairing process again.

If you feel you want to do this, and cannot find the relevant thread/post regarding clearing out BT prefs and starting over, I can try to locate the exact post...

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