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Posts: 2 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2008 @ philadelphia
Hi all!
I'm hoping you all will be easy on me as I'm not too technically talented- so after reading through all of your generous posts on the subjects of Verizon and USB support on the N800 - here's the question- just how do you connect the usb modem to the N800?

I've intsalled verizon's instalation disc for the usb modem -this is where I'm stuck- on my PC- the internet tablet shows as a drive letter- and it shows Verizon's software as being installed.

However- on the N800 itself-- when I look for it in application manager- it does not appear.

Any ideas on how to get this to work? Is it a windows vs linux issue?

thanks in advance!

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Posts: 53 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Toronto
The software you installed on your PC was exactly that... for your PC. There will be no software provided by your carrier or the hardware provider to get it working on your tablet. Also, there is no need for what you are trying to do to involve the PC at all. If you've got a PC connected to your USB modem, you really don't need the tablet around to surf...

Physically, you will need to connect your USB modem directly to your tablet. For this, you will likely need an adapter. There is a thread on the forum for where to get the or how to make it yourself (but just pay jolouis for on, they work great and far less headache for a non-techie), please look for it or use the search function of the forum.

In terms of software, that's a bit of a crapshoot. Maybe someone else will have tried it, and maybe it does work, but you'll have to hope that there are already drivers which will enable your USB modem to be recognized and work on the device. You will get no support from the manufacturer or Verizon, so best of luck to you! If the drivers exist on Linux desktop, there might be hope for it working or some intrepid soul porting it over.
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Nokia N800 Internet Tablet (OS2008)
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