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XL1200c's Avatar
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I have reinstalled Personal Menu and I have not had any problems. I have not reinstalled Modest, and I'm not planing on doing so since I did not use it much.
tuco penguin's Avatar
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OK--recap. I deactivated OMWeather and uninstalled Modest and had not seen any resets for several days. So earlier this week I re-activated OMWeather and had no screen resets for 2 more days (did have a couple of unexplained, spontaneous reboots, though, which I think happened once before turning OMWeather back on also.) So today I re-installed Modest (did not run it), walked away for an hour and a half, and came back to a reset screen. Modest is quite clearly part of the issue. From what everyone else here is finding, it might also be a conflict with the status bar clock, which I also have installed. I have in the past set one alarm with it, but have not had any alarms set since the problem reared its head.

FWIW: I do not have Personal Menu installed--never have. Nor Powerlaunch. Every time I have tried to use Modest, I have found its bugginess frustrating, so I intend to uninstall and leave it off my tablet until it is out of beta. Does anyone know if the Modest developers are aware of this issue/followed this thread? I am not registered over at for bug submissions.
fiferboy's Avatar
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Okay, I think to two common threads (and correct me if I am wrong) are statusbar-clock and modest. Does anyone have these resets without either of these two applications?

If this is the case, the most obvious thing they have in common is using the alarm subsystem (alarmd). modest uses it for the automatic mail checking, and statusbar clock uses it for the optional alarms. It could be both programs are using it slightly wrong, or there is a bug in alarmd, or I am barking up the wrong tree entirely.

I wonder if setting the alarms in world clock would cause this problem. I personally haven't had a reset in almost a week after uninstalling modest. I never use the alarms in statusbar clock. Anyone else have light to shed on this problem?
evad's Avatar
Posts: 354 | Thanked: 151 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ London (UK) / Zielona Góra (PL)
I have similar issues and I''ve even set up separate thread already - . I have simple-launcher 0.9.5, statusbar-clock 0.6-5 and osso-statusbar-cpu 0.6.1 enabled currently and I get 1-2 desktop resets a day.

However in the meantime the main question is: is there some way of restoring desktop along with all applets using some xterm command, instead of restarting whole device?
Dawid 'evad' Lorenz *
Benson's Avatar
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Control Panel -> Panels -> OK (just exit without changing anything) fixes the panel applets. Does nothing for desktop applets, though.
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Does nothing for desktop applets, though.
Somebody should file an enhancement request for a "Restore to Previous Settings" (or similar) menu item in the Desktop menu after a crash.

I would, but I'm way too lazy. I will vote for it, though!
Benson's Avatar
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There's one out there, I think...
fiferboy's Avatar
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General: There is the ability to compile a custom list of "safe" plugins to load on desktop crash. I am thinking of writing one that loads your currently selected plugins automagically.
evad's Avatar
Posts: 354 | Thanked: 151 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ London (UK) / Zielona Góra (PL)
I've had desktop restart last weekend, so I've disabled statusbar-clock to check if it would change anything. Now it's Wednesday late evening, and I haven't any restarts since then. I guess statusbar-clock was a problem, then..
Dawid 'evad' Lorenz *
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Originally Posted by evad View Post
I've had desktop restart last weekend, so I've disabled statusbar-clock to check if it would change anything. Now it's Wednesday late evening, and I haven't any restarts since then. I guess statusbar-clock was a problem, then..
Same here - it has to be the latest version of the clock that is causing it.

Perhaps someone who knows what they are doing can file a bug report?

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