Poll: What age group are you in?
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What age group are you in?

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Posts: 95 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Just turned 14 in february first computer was probably the one my dad made me when i was 8 or so lived with computers for as long as i can remember taught myself html and some programming when i was 12 learned alot more programming,php,vb,python and some javascript when i was 13.
My it: n810 with latest os 2008
linuxrebel's Avatar
Posts: 182 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Jan 2007 @ Silly-Con Valley
Well listening (reading?) all of the stories. I have to admit I started out HATING computers. Started out trying out Fortran IV (using the Watt book hence the nickname "what for") Spent 2 hours waiting in line to use a punch card machine. Wrote a program that added 2 numbers together. Handed in the batch cards to the TA. Waited 3 days to get back my job (the University was renting computer time to a major construction firm so a lowly undergrads job ran low low low on the priority). Concluded that yes, 2 + 2 = 4, and that I could do it so much faster on a n HP RPN calculator. Dropped the class.

Then in the 80's 2 things happened. 1. BBS's 2. A little 3D red and white checkered ball. The idea of computers interconnecting, and the concept of information exchange really turned me on. So with my Amiga, a mind numbingly fast 9600 baud modem (later traded in for a 14.4) and my knowledge of Telephony (I was a Microwave radio/multiplexor/modem/ anything with electricity in it tech for Uncle Sam) I entered the world of BBS fun, and eventually became a Sys-Admin.

Funny thing is ... I installed my first Linux system because FreeBSD didn't have drivers for my new 33.6 modem. It was based on RH3.x and the installer was in Korean (I was living overseas at that time)

Here's one for all of you. The ONLY M$ system I've ever owned and used was a winCE device ... and I tried to get NetBSD runing on it (Sharp Tri-Pad) First Micro device. was a Libretto 30. Runinng RH4.2. and FreeBSD2.2.2 (dual boot!)
Posts: 89 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jan 2008
I'm 14, haha.

That makes all of you all old.
Benson's Avatar
Posts: 4,930 | Thanked: 2,272 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Except for the dozen or so other fourteen year olds who already posted, all with better manners.
(No, I'm not trying to keep count; I think it was around 3 actually.)
joshv06's Avatar
Posts: 346 | Thanked: 139 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Houston Texas
I'm 15 , I have manners... lol
Posts: 77 | Thanked: 53 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Chester, CA
16. and absolutely no one my age in my hick town knows what a N800 is for that matter. Hell i only know of two people my age in a town of 3000+ that know about Linux or programming. kinda sucks.
Benson's Avatar
Posts: 4,930 | Thanked: 2,272 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Don't worry, it's the same when you get older... my surroundings are somewhat more brain-dense here in the engineering school at University, but not awful much. Most people just don't care.
Posts: 49 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Looks like a normal distribution with me a couple a SDs out
Benson's Avatar
Posts: 4,930 | Thanked: 2,272 times | Joined on Oct 2007
So... are you 2 or 85?
IcelandDreams's Avatar
Posts: 228 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Ontario & Iceland
Originally Posted by eleseur View Post
i only know of two people my age in a town of 3000+ that know about Linux or programming. kinda sucks.
hardly matters how many NITwits are local when most of your contacts while *using* linux occur online. Even if many or most are doing the Mr Bill OS(TM) when not on the NIT. Or perhaps they are expecting a Mr Bill show on the NIT and are disappointed (see various threads). But most are happy geeks or free thinkers that may or may not be living in their parent's basement. There are some interesting folks around these parts (this being planet Earth). Big neighbourhood actually.

I'm on the older side of geekdom. Put it this way, my first real computer was sub 1MHz and had 3K worth of RAM. In fact I still have my very first colour monitor. It happens to have a composite input and to this day puts out a quality picture. I don't own a t.v. and still use the 30+ year old monitor as my video screen. hey, works for me and that initial investment has paid off big now. I'm in IT but have very few toys other than the N8.

farting dust

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