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I had read about some comparison between IPOD Touch and NOKIA N810 . Most of discussion are from the technical specs point of view . I want to talk something about my feeling , the different targeted markets and business models .

Somebody ever said , IPOD Touch is a media device which happen to have the internet browser , Nokia N810 is a internet tablet which happen to be a media player as well. That's almost true about these two devices technically . IPOD Touch has great media capability and quality better than NOKIA N810 , great UI as well . Nokia N810 has an external speaker which is a big plus as a media player , no mention I can carry a NOKIA N810 as a mobile computer with great capability of external storage ( USB keyboard , USB Thumb drive and USB disk drive ) . Look at IPOD Touch , there's nothing you can do without a computer and iTunes . The speed of web browser is fair .

Then , what's the good about IPOD Touch ?

The answer is the content and the superior customer experience .

APPLE has the great contents including music , movies , audio books , podcast and open courses , being organized in a good order . You can easily search , purchase and enjoy what you want on IPOD Touch by your finger . " Content is the king " , Apple knows it very well and put it together through iTunes , a software platform , which carefully , securely and exclusively stream the organized content onto superior IPOD Touch , a superior hardware platform . All they sell to you is a superior experience compared with other competitor's hardware selling . Then there's no wonder why IPOD Touch has very limited compatibility and expandability from either hardware or software . If you were Apple , you want to use the superior hardware and software to lock the customers and integrate the whole vale chain , then squeeze the juice from each section of value chain . So , you will see IPHONE bundled with AT&T , IPOD Touch bundle with iTunes and variable music companies . There's a similar business model when you see Amazon trying to sell books via KINDLE , printers designing their own cartridge and Gillette for their own blade .

As of NOKIA N810 , it's a computer or a device in computer concept . From the every beginning , the mythology of computer is the modularization of each function by using same protocol . Each components of computer is talking to other module based on certain protocol . Each module has the privilege in developing further but still compatible with others , while increasing the whole computer's performance or efficiency . Back to Nokia N810 , its open source , lots of developers and geeks are imaging want they want from NOKIA N810 and working on it . There's unlimited space for the whole community to develop . There's no such company or individuals provides a total solution for your superior customer experience as Apple is providing . But , It do provide some superio experience -- " IMAGE YOURSELF " .

APPLE is a great company with great products . Their creativity and imagination is superior . When you make the decision between IPOD TOUCH and NOKIA N810 , you already make the decision on enjoying Apple 's imaginations or developing your own imagination in a open community . The world is flat and everybody can easily obtain all kinds of tools and information which enable a global collaboration in an much easy way . The only key to differentiate you from others in the competitive world is the imagination on how to utilize the tools .

P.S. Do not get me wrong , I think Nokia N810 model in open source is the future trend than Apple Ipod Touch . Also , I want to make clear to everybody that my thinking about the these two devices . It would be a big plus for an integrated contents solutions together with developed software released for Nokia N810 , or somebody here can start working on this as an initiatives . Much like Geekbrief TV have a N810/N800 video format with video center being released .

Or can we start thinking about some solutions like a sub forum for all preferred media contents for Nokia NXX , or more alliance with some contents providers for Nokia NXXX , this forum at least provide a serials of podcast in video or audio for some updated status , stories , software problems and events etc .

Last edited by deter3; 2008-04-08 at 19:03. Reason: Be more specific on the subject since lots of guys talked about specs difference

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PS: Wrong forum

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Originally Posted by deter3 View Post
APPLE is a great company with great products. Their creativity and imagination is superior.
Just don't imagine being able to use their products to do something Lord Jobs doesn't want you to do.
pixel - pushing buttons that shouldn't be pushed, and fiddling with things that shouldn't be fiddled with
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Your SHIFT key sticks. You may want to have that LOOKED at.

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(Apple's) creativity and imagination is superior
No, their R&D is superior, that is something completely different.

I have both a n810 and a Touch right now.... in a couple of weeks I will sell ONE of them. I have come to a number of very interesting discoveries about the preconceptions of the devices that would probably surprise people, but that is for another post.
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Wow im so glad you took the time to write about this! I've been waiting months for someone to do a touch/n8x0 comparison, but somehow no-one seems to have tried the combo before. Oh well, keep up the good work, I really need threads like this to tell me what to think, othrwise I might end up making up my own mind!

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I have Ipod touch and Nokia N810 now . When I found out iTunes has tons of open courses material in video & audio , I become loving it . Ipod touch is my bridge to more useful material easily with Apple integrated solution , why not ? Meantime , Nokia N810 can provide best mobility for me . I can not live without it . One interesting thing is when you start using Ipod touch at the bed reading or watching something , you will find out the gravity device inside Ipod Touch do not know what to do and keep rolling back and forth . Funny ....worthy to try it ......hehehe
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your diction is very biased. In my opinion (having used a touch), the nokia N810 can do all that an ipod can + more. Sure, its in a different interface, but everything that the ipod can do the nokia can do if you know your way around the device.

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Thanks for the comments . Agreed with you . The only thing Nokia lack of is the integrated solution for well organized contents even how hard the community is trying technically . This has to be addressed from business model of Nokia N810 .

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Posts: 481 | Thanked: 65 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Westcountry, UK
Would it be possible to have a 'iPod vs NiT comparison' forum in here, it may be worth it!

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