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I bought the three year license via the Map software link to the wayfinder site.

It worked, and the routing was enabled. So of I went on my trip. Later that day, the nokia had to reboot. I wasn't able to exit from the Map software properly, and after the reboot, the license was gone.

So there are already two problems here - the Map software should save the license when it gets it, not at some later point. It seems that it will only save it upon a clean exit.

The other problem is that an email address isn't asked for during the sign up process. This means that you do not get a copy of the license key or a receipt for payment.

As others have noted, you don't get access to the support site without the licence key. Dumb. So your only option is to send an enquiry via their web form.

These are clearly ignored - there has been no response from the two emails I sent there for two weeks.

I found the email address published in a different thread and sent an email to them. Nothing for five days other than notification they had recieved the query, which stated that they had so many emails they would not be able to respond for a while. So I sent another email complaining at the service they are providing, asking for a refund if they are unable to service their customers.

Finally a response. This time asking me to try something in the which were clearly instructions for some other software. And also telling me that there was no registered license for the MAC address I had provided. But even after all this time, they only provided a single suggestion - try to update the licence and see if it magically reappears. Which it didn't.

So these guys are a joke I have concluded. The software isn't even that good in the first place - the route editing is painful and you cannot save an edited route. This is what led to the problem - I didn't want to exit the software as I would need to recreate the route. The maps are incomplete in any case, at least in Australia. Why are there no street names other than the one you are on or going to?

Do they even have a phone number?
Posts: 152 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ CA
I hope you paid with a credit card...I only use AMX when I can as they always refund my monies and I really do not know if AMX or the suppler eats the costs, I just get ALL my monies back and sometimes get to keep the item(s) as I never heard back form the vendor(s)...kind of my pay for all the troubles I guess...

Even if you used any other Credit card, call them and say you want the monies refunded...I always tell them what I have many e-mails, what the vendor has said and or done....sometimes the other cards take a few weeks to get the refund monies back....
Posts: 422 | Thanked: 244 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Yeah, that is the great thing about credit cards - the lions share of protection is on the side of the customer. I'll give them a chance to get their act together and otherwise set the wheels in motion to pull the funds back.
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Originally Posted by paulkoan View Post
after the reboot, the license was gone.


Do they even have a phone number?
I had the same problem a while back, and yes, Wayfinder has a phone number. How I came across it, I cannot remember. I do recall speaking with a customer service lady who simply reset my Wayfinder license. Try one of the following numbers:

(213) 808-6029
(202) 552-1028
Posts: 190 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Dec 2007
so, not to try to find a silver lining within your misery, but would you say purchasing the wayfinder routing software from the website rather than through the nokia n810 itself would have given you the license code in which to enter, plus a receipt and even if the mapping software screwed up, you'd still have the license code to enter it again whereas purchasing it from the nokia doesn't give you much opportunity for recourse?

Last edited by callanish; 2008-04-11 at 09:29.
Posts: 393 | Thanked: 112 times | Joined on Jul 2007
I've found Wayfinder telephone support to be absolutely brilliant in handling my requests. Speedy, efficient - the only downside is that they're only open monday - friday.

Email support is less than favourable though!

I'd give them a call, explain the situation.

To be honest when you enter the key, wayfinder restarts automagically and sets itself up in registered mode. I can't see how an intermittent crash would have scrubbed the key. Either way - if that did happen - the initial registration would have submitted your MAC address to Wayfinder and registered the serial that way. Somewhere on their systems they'd have a copy of your MAC and Serial. Call them, give them your MAC and see what they do.
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Posts: 1,674 | Thanked: 171 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Anderson, IN
look up how to crack the the license , takes about 2 minutes... unlimited 7 day trials ... macchanger is all you need to d/l
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Originally Posted by callanish View Post
so, not to try to find a silver lining within your misery, but would you say purchasing the wayfinder routing software from the website rather than through the nokia n810 itself would have given you the license code in which to enter, plus a receipt and even if the mapping software screwed up, you'd still have the license code to enter it again whereas purchasing it from the nokia doesn't give you much opportunity for recourse?
Yeah perhaps - the nokia purchasing path may be simpler to allow for the fact it is a mobile device - but I haven't tried this, and it is besides the point.

Not asking for an email and not providing a receipt is poor practice regardless.
Posts: 422 | Thanked: 244 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Originally Posted by yabbas View Post
I've found Wayfinder telephone support to be absolutely brilliant in handling my requests. Speedy, efficient - the only downside is that they're only open monday - friday.
And only CET - yet they still to the planet? If they are going to provide sell a product to all timezones, and only provide telephone support in a meaningful way, then it needs to be either 24hours, or they should provide the product cheaper outside of the US if there is no intention to provide support - this is a percentage of what is being paid for after all.

Email support is less than favourable though!

I'd give them a call, explain the situation.
Yeah, that would be great. I haven't found a time that I am prepared to be awake while they are open.

To be honest when you enter the key, wayfinder restarts automagically and sets itself up in registered mode. I can't see how an intermittent crash would have scrubbed the key. Either way - if that did happen - the initial registration would have submitted your MAC address to Wayfinder and registered the serial that way. Somewhere on their systems they'd have a copy of your MAC and Serial. Call them, give them your MAC and see what they do.
I gave them the mac in the first three emails I sent... They said that they don't have the MAC on file. So the actual problem wasn't the licence being lost by the software, but that the backend system didn't save it properly.

So somewhere they have an order on file without a MAC presumably.
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Spokane WA
I second the phone support. they reset my license no problem. Bought mine off ebay supposedly not registered but it was. They didn't have a problem resetting it for me though. Works great. Might be a pain to call in the middle of the night but I would, they are really nice on the phone.

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