, 10:06
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Joined on Jan 2006
@ Czech Republic
Is there really a MAEMO package which might be missing, or are there only to much dependencies in some of the package configuration files?
yesterday i tried to compile and "package" a program for the OS2006-N770.
While installing the *-i386.deb (not on the real device but on the "scratchbox-device") i got the error message, that my package depends on the MAEMO package.
Is there really a MAEMO package which might be missing, or are there only to much dependencies in some of the package configuration files?
Its my second try to compile and package a piece of software for N770. (The first was Maemopad, which worked as desired). But this one is not specially designed for N770, so it might be a bit more difficult
Also when i run it "standalone" there are many errormessages with missing grphig-elements. But the application seems to work (nearly as good as the orgiginal deb for OS2005 )