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Posts: 80 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jun 2006
yesterday i tried to compile and "package" a program for the OS2006-N770.

While installing the *-i386.deb (not on the real device but on the "scratchbox-device") i got the error message, that my package depends on the MAEMO package.

Is there really a MAEMO package which might be missing, or are there only to much dependencies in some of the package configuration files?

Its my second try to compile and package a piece of software for N770. (The first was Maemopad, which worked as desired). But this one is not specially designed for N770, so it might be a bit more difficult

Also when i run it "standalone" there are many errormessages with missing grphig-elements. But the application seems to work (nearly as good as the orgiginal deb for OS2005 )

Posts: 2,152 | Thanked: 1,490 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Czech Republic
Originally Posted by bsterix
Is there really a MAEMO package which might be missing, or are there only to much dependencies in some of the package configuration files?
There was such maemo package for IT2005. It is no longer used for 2006 and dependancy should be deleted.

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