, 03:45
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Joined on Jul 2007
, 20:12
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Joined on Feb 2008
The solution I'm happy with requires del.icio.us, which provides RSS feeds for anything and everything. Now when I find an mp3 that I want to add to my queue, I tag the direct link to the mp3 file with something specific, and give it a useful title and description.
Del.icio.us creates an RSS feed for that tag (in my case !to_listen)... BUT it doesn't have a media enclosure...
A quick pipe in Yahoo Pipes solves this problem. Seed it with your username and tag, and it gives back an RSS feed that has an enclosure.
Now you can set up Canola's podcasts with the URL for that RSS feed, and voila—singleton episodes have been coaxed into the regular podcast interface!
Pipes give all sorts of ways to remix the web, and you can clone and edit the source of any pipe. It's one of my favorite tools on the web.