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gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
I just read about Maemo Sardine on the Maemo website. Bleeding edge Maemo - that's sounds like something interesting!

I don't know what's new, and I don't even know if it works yet, but it's good to know that development didn't just stop with Maemo 2.0.

Anybody else thinking about taking Sardine for a spin?
=DC='s Avatar
Posts: 564 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Fayetteville, GA
I never liked sardines...I think I'll pass on this (for now) as well.
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Odin's Avatar
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Texas
Originally Posted by gnuite
I just read about Maemo Sardine on the Maemo website. Bleeding edge Maemo - that's sounds like something interesting!

I don't know what's new, and I don't even know if it works yet, but it's good to know that development didn't just stop with Maemo 2.0.

Anybody else thinking about taking Sardine for a spin?
Two comments:

1) Bloddy sardines, ick!

2) The phrase: "Back up your data, sooner or later you will need to reflash your 770".

Last edited by Odin; 2006-07-15 at 20:21. Reason: (forgot title)

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