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I store my mp3 on the /media/mmc1/mp3.

I use Shure E2c ($73 from I have NEVER pay $ for ear plug, not even once, I thought. An earplug is an earplug. What difference can it make? Well, I bought this one and i think it worthes every single pennies! It takes some break-in (I am not quite sure about this) and has to push quite in into your ear-canal to create an air-tight situation and you can then have bass that you would not experience from, what, a earplug. I have to push it in every now and then to get a good good good air-tight for the base. BTW, I do not think I can enjoy my music if I use any earplug but this Shure E2c thing.

I use XMMS. It is the only one that has a built-in equalizer. I config the equalizer to be hi on either ends of the spectrum, and suppress the mid range.
Menu is on top Left upper corner, the icon looks like numeral '8' but lying 45 degree tilted. On the Righthand side, under the scrolling winder with song titles, there is two sliding bars and two buttons. The sliding bars are for volume and L-R balance, see below for its activation. The two buttons are Equalizer and PlayLlist.

XMMS tips:
- Double size: Ctrl+D (menu>Options>DoubleSize)
- EQ: click it to open equalizer menu
- To activate the sliding bars for volume and balance: Ctrl+P (menu>Options>Preferences), Audio I/O Plugins>Output Plugin click eSound output Plugin.... Without this, your volume and balance will NOT work.
- Special effects:
-- Echo: not enable
-- Extra Stereo Plugin: Enable Plugin (My choice, you can enable anyone)
-- Voice removal plugin: Not enable
- Every Special effects will introduce a small amount of distortion. However, I love the Extra Stereo. It worked wonder on this tiny N8x0. Sound comes out as if you have two speakers sitting in front of you separated by a room distence! Strongly recommended. In order to enable the extra stereo effect, one also has to use the configuration to choose from 0 to 15, I use 7. The more effect, the higher distortion, so experiment to your likeness
- Hardware buttons that are working; you have to touch the screen once for it to work:
- + or - : Jump to beginning of song
- Fullscreen: Pause/Play
- Dpad: up/down, inc or dec vol
- Dpad: Left/Right, move forward or backward on playing song
- Ctrl+D: DoubleSize skin
- Ctrl+F: Find/search
- Ctrl+J: Jump to time on playing track (similar to Dpad L/R)
- Ctrl+L: Location to play
- Ctrl+P or +V: Preference menu
- Ctrl+Q: quit
- Shift+L: playing directory

To move the XMMS skin: you got to click/kick it several times, it will then move, just like the way you treat your spouse/significant other . Or enable CTRL+E (menu>Options>EasyMove), it will turn very slippery.
To conserve battery, you can shut off the video by "Lock touch screen and keys", by either the power button or the lock button, XMMS continue to play.
Once minimized, XMMS can be bring back by
-- xterm
-- xmmsctrl launch main 0 main 1

Yes. You would have to install xmmsctrl. (Credit to Benson) Or one can use the killall command from osso-status-cpu command (select XMMS and stop the process, dont have to reboot)

Now I have told you about my mp3 setup. I want to know yours. Anything you do to maximize your way of enjoying the mp3 from your N8x0. Anything, old, new, just put it here please. What you think is common sense may help someone that has scratched their heads for days.

BTW, I DO NOT want to hear how the tablet is NOT a good mp3 player etc. There are many threads about it and I simply DO NOT care! I just want to hear how you can do it differently and better. I appreciate your input,



Last edited by bunanson; 2008-05-25 at 18:51.
Benson's Avatar
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First, how I do it. Then I will jump all over you for things you spake in error.

I use mpd, mmpc, mpc, sh, netcat, flite, powerlaunch, and dbus-scripts...
  • mpd is a music playing daemon. It sits in the background and plays music, or twiddles its thumbs, as you command.
    • Use ao output.
    • Configure libao to use esd; this permits HSP or analog playback, and is the only way I've found to accomplish that.
    • You probably want software volume control.
    • If you have A2DP cans, you can probably make this work by using the ALSA output driver; I don't have any, so I haven't tried.
  • mmpc is a graphical front-end for mpd. It is useful for building playlists and so on, or even using as a general purpose music playing interface.
  • mpc is a scriptable front-end. It's useful for controlling playback either from the hardware buttons, or from the headset's call button.
  • I have some scripts that do things mpc won't do, and also integrate flite (text2speech). These use netcat to directly interface to mpd.
  • powerlaunch is a mce replacement that gives you control over what happens when you punch the power button. I can use it to lock the screen, but not the keys, and use the keys to control playback...
  • I also use dbus-scripts to make my headset button work. Trivial, but a nice touch.
Hardware-wise, MP3s live on a 16GB Patriot SDHC, to wit: /media/mmc2/music, and /media/mmc2/audiobooks. Both of these are symlinked into ~/MyDocs/.sounds, so they show up in any media player. I have mpd looking only at ~/MyDocs/.sounds and below.
Playback-side, a pair of cheap noise-cancelling cans sometimes at my desk (1/8" jack), built-in speakers (at my desk when the office is empty), BT HSP headset (when not at my desk, and sometimes when I am), and a cassette adapter for my car stereo (1/8" jack) when driving.

Now, for the jumping:

Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
Do NOT minimize the XMMS. Please dont. There is NO way you can get it back other than a killall process or reboot. So beware.
Hogwash!!!! There's two things that can be done. You should be able to use kciconsbox to get it back (I haven't tried). But I know you can use this command to bring it back. Put that in osso-statusbar-cpu, personal menu, or whatever... use it for launch and for resurrection.

BTW, I DO NOT want to hear how the tablet is NOT a good mp3 player etc. There are many threads about it and I simply DO NOT care!
Fully agreed. Of course, no one will be surprised that I think it's a good mp3 player, when I'm willing to tolerate HSP, but it's not that I can't hear the difference (duh!), it's that I'm willing to put up with it for convenience...

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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
...Hogwash!!!! ...
Ouch! It hurts. You got to stop the spanking, after awhile I start liking it, you will be in deep that called S/M ?

Thanks for the tips to get XMMS back. I may try your command. But whats wrong with using a killall from osso-status-cpu? Just click the Xmms and re-start the program, should be do-able. I am using osso-status-cpu. I like to be able to script the command.

In the next several days, I may try your programs see how it measure up to XMMS, my chosen mp3 player with built-in EQUILIZER

I also have a set of mini desktop speakers with amp in my office. However, they do not measure up to my shure E2c. Only the stereo set in my home theatre beats my shure E2c.

Edit: I got it now. Killall will have to stop the music while resurrect does not stop the music, it sure makes a difference. Thanks again. I only issue the code,
xmmsctrl launch main 0 main 1
That will do the trick.


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-05-23 at 01:36.
PinCushionQueen's Avatar
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I have pretty much the same setup as Bun. Except that I use Sony noise canceling earbuds (~$35 usd). I too use XMMS but because I also use KDE as my desktop, I don't have any problems with minimizing the window. I didn't know about the Extra stereo plug-in. I will try it out.

Ok now for my additions to Bun's excellent post...

1. You can download and use almost any Xmms or Classic Winamp skin. Just grab the skin and make sure it's in a .tar.gz file and place it into your /usr/share/xmms/Skins directory.

2.The equalizer doesn't work for .ogg files. This is a known Xmms bug. However, the is a port of an additional equalizer that does work with oggs. Get the equalizer here The equalizer does work great for .mp3's though.

3. Another bonus to using the KDE/xmms combo is that I can easily create 'keyboard shortcuts'. I have Shift+right D-pad to advance to the next song without having to leave the app I'm using (like FBreader). Very handy!

Last edited by PinCushionQueen; 2008-05-23 at 13:19. Reason: added earbud & eq link

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I just installed Canola and put the music on my N810's internal memory card.

Err... that's it. I'm sure I could manage a more elaborate way involving half a dozen linked applications... but I'd rather just listen to music

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garciajj's Avatar
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Canola is very cool. I had never listened to podcasts or internet radio before. I have to say really blew my mind. I tried using some of the individual apps, but I like the whole canola experience and having everything integrated seems to make sense.

I have been using the n800 in the car and really like it. My problem with internet radio in the car is when I hit dead spots or switch cell towers. When the signal is strong, it is like an infinite ipod!

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In order to enable the extra stereo effect, one also has to use the configuration to choose from 0 to 15, I use 7. The more effect, the higher distortion, so experiment to your likeness


The Following User Says Thank You to bunanson For This Useful Post:
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I guess earbuds are short of like ones underwear, one got attached to easily. I wonder if anyone happens to have onhand experience about my earbud, Shure E2c vs PCQ's Sony EX81LP. From the review I read, people are complaint about the Shure's bass and Sony's sound crispiness. Apparantly most people are happy with Sony's bass. Any first knowledge? Comments? or new earbud suggestions? TIA,

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I'd use earbuds, but they just never fit comfortably in my ears... ever.
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Originally Posted by zerojay View Post
I'd use earbuds, but they just never fit comfortably in my ears... ever.
I agree, but again, if they dont fit, they dont seem to get got bass. So there is a trade off. BTW, good to hear you back.


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