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Originally Posted by hans-castorp View Post
how is power management being handled? It seems ACPI isn't present, is this correct? Would it be possible to compile it?

Is it possible to check battery status without ACPI?
Actually, the tablets don't use ACPI at all. From what I can tell, ACPI is mostly used on x86 machines (and maybe PPC Macs?). In the case of our tablets power management is handled differently. Most of this is handled in the kernel, but from what I can tell, in some cases we must tell the kernel to activate that power management, such as the case for turning off the backlight. I have more information up on power management on the wiki: . If anyone else has more info about turning on the bits of power management *or* would like more clarification, I'd be happy to help.

For checking your battery status, download kcbatt from here:


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Hello again!, i have ben trying to acsess Debain's version of the application manager but when ever i try to acsess it, it grays everything out including my onscreen keyboard and i can't enter the pasword. Is there eny way of fixing this problem? Also for some reason when i try to enter root mode in x-term and try to type in the pasword nothing happens, it refuses to enter the pasword. can you help?? I'm a N800 user.
I'm an advanced user and a bit of a modder.
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enhanced fedora port has been canceled in favor of NITDebian (TBA)

Last edited by b-man; 2008-06-14 at 01:48.
Posts: 161 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Originally Posted by b-man View Post
Hello again!, i have ben trying to acsess Debain's version of the application manager but when ever i try to acsess it, it grays everything out including my onscreen keyboard and i can't enter the pasword. Is there eny way of fixing this problem? Also for some reason when i try to enter root mode in x-term and try to type in the pasword nothing happens, it refuses to enter the pasword. can you help?? I'm a N800 user.
Gain root permissions from the terminal and run it from the command line. You can't do anything unless you have a HW keyboard. When you type a password in to the terminal, nothing will show up, but the letters you've pressed are there.

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I unfortunetly don't have a hardware keyboard...
is there a way of hacking the input of the onscreen keyboard so i can use the application manager in Debain?

p.s. I hope this could be changed in the next release.
I'm an advanced user and a bit of a modder.
I am involved with Mer, Deblet, and NITdroid.
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enhanced fedora port has been canceled in favor of NITDebian (TBA)

Last edited by b-man; 2008-06-14 at 02:28.
Capn_Fish's Avatar
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Has any progress been made on the WEP-not-working front?
Nokia N810 (Some mutation of Mer)
b-man's Avatar
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VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM!!! this just happened just after i booted into Debain just a fuew minutes ago. When the desktop loaded, all that came up was my program icons and my wallpaper. My two panels are missing and i can't get them back. When i went into the settings manager and tap on panels, nothing happens. Can you guys help? (yes i know i have a lot of questions )
I'm an advanced user and a bit of a modder.
I am involved with Mer, Deblet, and NITdroid.
My ports/creations/hacks: GNOME (for Deblet), Cdeb2», Ubuntu, playable flash games in the "Get Started" app, DBS, ect...

enhanced fedora port has been canceled in favor of NITDebian (TBA)

Last edited by b-man; 2008-06-14 at 03:50.
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Originally Posted by b-man View Post
VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM!!! this just happened just after i booted into Debain just a fuew minutes ago. When the desktop loaded, all that came up was my program icons and my wallpaper. My two panels are missing and i can't get them back. When i went into the settings manager and tap on panels, nothing happens. Can you guys help? (yes i know i have a lot of questions )
I have found that I need to clean up my Debian partition regularly; I had some serious problems after a lot of activity, and a good disk-check got things fixed. I guess this is a price you pay for multi-partitioning SD cards. I found that I needed to re-install some packages, however. You might have some file corruption, too.

Boot to an OS2008 partition, and then do an fsck (the Linux equivalent of DOS chkdsk). Replace the 0 with 1 if you have your Debian partition on a different card (I forget which is which at the moment, sorry ), and replace 3 with your Debian partition number:

fsck.ext2 -y /dev/mmcblk0p3

If the disk check finds a lot of damage, you might need to go into Debian and do some "apt-get install --reinstall <packagename>" to get things fixed (replace the damaged files).
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Originally Posted by b-man View Post
I unfortunetly don't have a hardware keyboard...
is there a way of hacking the input of the onscreen keyboard so i can use the application manager in Debian?
As Johnx said, gain root from the terminal and then type "synaptic" as root. It should let you run the package manager without having to type the password in a GUI. You can also boot to OS2008 and then chroot to Debian and install packages using synaptic, then boot back into Debian to use them.

Johnx, perhaps you could add the line to sudoers to let the user type "sudo su -" and gain root without having to enter a password?
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Last edited by qole; 2008-06-14 at 05:00.

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I'm having trouble getting sound to work. I looked in /dev/snd/, but there are no pcmxxxx devices, only controlC0. I assume this is the issue? Alsaconf doesn't find any sound cards.

Even if I load all of the modules in the "sound/pcm" directory, I only get /dev/snd/timer.

I'm trying to get VoIP to work, FWIW (and no, I don't want to just use OS2008).


EDIT: On the BT mouse front: The BT mouse shows up as /dev/input/mice, while Xomap is set up to use tslib as the mouse (it could be changed, but that would leave me touchscreen-less). Is there any way to use BOTH as the mouse, or to do something like routing the tslib info through /dev/input/mice?
Nokia N810 (Some mutation of Mer)

Last edited by Capn_Fish; 2008-06-15 at 21:04.
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job4031: You must be root when you use apt-get.

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