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Originally Posted by penguinbait View Post
OMG, can someone hildonize Xephry so it could run full screen on maemo. Then you could just run KDE in a window. This would work pretty good, even if memory is a tad low Sure would be nice for icewm or other minimal wm, window maker xfce
We got Xephyr working fullscreen with Debian xfce4 on top of OS2008. See this post for how to use wmctrl to do the fullscreen magic (wmctrl is included in my .deb). There's no icon for Xephyr on the Hildon desktop, but you can get back to the Hildon desktop with the window switcher (Home hardware button). I think you have to use "wmctrl -a Xephyr" to get back to your secondary WM.

Please, someone who uses KDE primarily, try the .deb and report back.
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Last edited by qole; 2008-06-19 at 04:17.
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UPDATE: I have a new deb: kbrowser-0.1-3_armel.deb (see post below for new link)

This adds a KDE menu item to the KDE Internet menu.

EDIT: Should I have dependencies on libice6, libsm6, libx11-6, and libxmu6 for my .deb? I notice that wmctrl needs all of these. I know they're all available for the tablet... somewhere...
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Last edited by qole; 2009-09-29 at 23:19.

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Originally Posted by qole View Post
UPDATE: I have a new deb: kbrowser-0.1-3_armel.deb

This adds a KDE menu item to the KDE Internet menu.

EDIT: Should I have dependencies on libice6, libsm6, libx11-6, and libxmu6 for my .deb? I notice that wmctrl needs all of these. I know they're all available for the tablet... somewhere...
can you tell us what is in the deb?

FYI, it works fullscreen in KDE too. KDE already has shortcuts to switch desktops, so wmctrl is not needed. Though it could be usefull for other window managers.
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Does copy and paste work between xephyr and the originating Xorg?
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Originally Posted by penguinbait View Post
can you tell us what is in the deb?
I've told you what is in the .deb, but I don't think that's what you're asking. You're saying, "How do I know this file isn't going to trash my system?" Fair enough, I did say it was my first .deb...

The .deb is just an installable version of the files I said you needed to get MicroB running in KDE:
  • Xephyr binary
  • Two pixman libraries
  • two bitmap font files
  • a hacked fonts.alias & fonts.dir with only the two bitmap font files listed
  • wmctrl for changing the window title from "Xephyr" to "MicroB"
  • my kbrowser script that starts Xephyr, matchbox, sapwood, and MicroB then changes the window name
  • A .desktop file for KDE

I have attached a .tar.gz file with everything but the huge Xephyr binary, so you can see what is in my .deb.

Originally Posted by penguinbait View Post
FYI, it works fullscreen in KDE too. KDE already has shortcuts to switch desktops, so wmctrl is not needed. Though it could be usefull for other window managers.
You can't resize a Xephyr window, as far as I know... wmctrl in my package is for renaming the window.
Attached Files
File Type: gz kbrowser.tar.gz (132.3 KB, 144 views)
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Last edited by qole; 2008-06-19 at 16:58.
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Originally Posted by Bundyo View Post
Does copy and paste work between xephyr and the originating Xorg?
Very good point. The two servers window managers seem to maintain two separate clipboards. You can copy and paste within the browser (using "clipboard-manager"), and you can copy and paste outside (using "klipper"), but the two clipboards are separate.

I'm going to do a bit of research, see if I can find a way to get them to share a clipboard. That's a fairly important thing...

EDIT: Looks like you'd have to write some kind of hack to get the clipboards to talk. That's too bad.

EDIT2: How about something like this? [Shared Clipboard Utility] It's python, so it should work on the tablets... I'll see... Hmm. Only for Windows and Mac...

Adding Linux Support: It makes a lot of sense to extend the program to support Linux for pure Linux users. To do so will require supporting at least GNOME and KDE, the most popular Linux windows managers. You can access Gnome's clipboard using pygtk and KDE's clipboard using pyqt. Another option is to require that the target machines have xsel or xclip, which work very much like pbcopy/pbpaste and implement Linux clipboard support on top of those.
EDIT3: Can anyone using a GTK WM (like XFCE4) tell us if the clipboard works? Theoretically, it should.
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Last edited by qole; 2008-06-19 at 20:26.

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PinCushionQueen's Avatar
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This is really nice Qole!! Good job I've installed and tried running Kbrowser v0.1.3 and it appears to work well for the sites that I tried. I was able to resize the window fairly easily.

The only real problems I have are that my icons don't work (the ones at the bottom of the screen for 'Back', "Forward", "Home" etc...) and after resizing the window (using Nano to edit the shell script) I get 2 of the Hildonized "Minimize" and "Close (X)" buttons.
When you wish upon a star, your dreams really can come true... Unless it's an asteroid hurtling towards earth that will destroy all life.

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Originally Posted by PinCushionQueen View Post
The only real problems I have are that my icons don't work (the ones at the bottom of the screen for 'Back', "Forward", "Home" etc...) and after resizing the window (using Nano to edit the shell script) I get 2 of the Hildonized "Minimize" and "Close (X)" buttons.
I would love to know what's going on with the icons. You get two, I get none, and PB says he gets them all. Is it a permissions thing? A theme thing? A maemo config thing? A KDE config thing? Argh.

I thought this might help, but no:
Originally Posted by Benson View Post
gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor

By the way, I don't have a Paypal account. Should I?
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Just to be clear... when I say that I have 2 Hildon Close/Minimize icons I'm talking about the little tab at the top right corner of the screen. The duplicate tab only appeared after I resized the window in the config file to 800 x 450 from your original setting. I don't get any of the Microb icons across the bottom by the address bar either.

Thanks again for your work on this
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Its an environment thing, at least for KDE. Open Konsole as user, su - user.

The environment for KDE interferes with Hildon so I keep them separate. If you open Konsole as user, KDE stuff will be in your path (for example, /usr/local/kde/bin and others). This is how the icons get all messed up.

While still in konsole, as user, run "sudo su - user" now the kde environment variables will not be set, it will be like hildon default. (mostly)

Now start it all up from this session, and it will have icons

Sorry, I been super busy, hoping to get some more time to play soon
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