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after investigating for hours on how to extend root fs in OS2006 I still don't know how to do it. The doesn't work on OS2006, but is there a way to still use links pointing on to my 1GB MMC for the installation routine?

There's another question I've got regarding the "Virtual memory" option:
Although I've inserted a 1GB card it only offers me 64MB maximum available space. The Memory card details tell me it's "Storage memory available: 966.5 MB".

Last edited by howlcoyote; 2006-07-30 at 17:24.
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2006
What are the consequences of using a MMC as a swap partition? I think someone's asked this question earlier on in the thread, and there hasn't been a satisfactory reply.

Based on the author suggests that a MMC (or any flash memory for that matter) isn't the best medium for swap files because it has a finite, and from what I understand, relatively small number (someone mentioned 100,000?) of maximum write cycles before it becomes unusable.

The article mentioned above also hints at the possiblity that MMCs don't have self-levelling processors. Is this the case? A quick google can't confirm or deny this.

Can anyone clarify? It would really suck to just have the machine start crapping out because the swap file is randomly corrupted after a couple months of use.

Found this bit of information:

SanDisk MultiMediaCard and Reduced-Size MultiMediaCard - Product Manual Version 1.3

1.8 Defect and Error Management (p1-3) - Almost the same as CF
1.9 Endurance (p1-4)
"The SanDisk MultiMediaCard and RS-MultiMediaCard have a typical endurance specification for each sector of 100,000 writes (reading a logical sector is unlimited)."

There's MRAM, but I don't think it's available yet...

Last edited by Kane; 2006-07-31 at 09:15. Reason: Found some updated info.
Posts: 286 | Thanked: 259 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Cambridge, England
Originally Posted by howlcoyote

after investigating for hours on how to extend root fs in OS2006 I still don't know how to do it. The doesn't work on OS2006, but is there a way to still use links pointing on to my 1GB MMC for the installation routine?
You could set up the links manually, look at the scripts inside extrootfs and enter the commands manually. Though I think you would have the same problem as per mmc-unionfs shutting down and umount the MMC card if /home is mounted on the card, see previous page of this thread or

Posts: 190 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Bee-u-tee-ful Garden Home, Oregon
Originally Posted by richie
Though I think you would have the same problem as per mmc-unionfs shutting down and umount the MMC card if /home is mounted on the card
I don't think that problem applies here.

This method uses /etc/fstab to mount an ext2 filesystem, then at shutdown, if you modify the shutdown/reboot scripts to explicitly umount the filesystem, I'd think it would work.

(I think that's a solution to the unionfs problem, but I could be wrong as well)

Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2006

As it was noted above, the package extrootfs_1.0_arm.deb doesn't work on OS2006. I have been looking for a working cfdisk for OS2006. I copied the cfdisk in the Maemo 2.0 SDK from and although it runs, I got an illegal instruction when running it:

Nokia770-26:~/bin# ./cfdisk /dev/mmcblk0
Illegal instruction

Any hints of what is happenning or links to a good cfdisk (or fdisk) for the OS2006?. Anybody has been able to partition the card within the Nokia 770 with OS2006?

Posts: 264 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on May 2006
I use qtparted or gparted under linux. You could use a live cd like knoppix to do it.
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2006
Yes I know how to do it with Linux. My question was about if the tools worked in the Nokia hardware. I couldn't make them work so I opened a bug for the Maemo SDK 2.0 (bug #735) as the binary should work without the "illegal instruction".
Posts: 356 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Finland
is there more in extrootfs than listed in wiki in maemo org? As Wolfram's deb is not installable in OS2006, could somebody, please mail me the complete script content,

mika joukanen at gmail com,

Posts: 9 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2006
Isn't this done on the 2006 OS edition by doing the following?

(1) Use stylus to launch the application menu.

(2) Click on Tools --> Control Panel

(3) Click on the Memory icon

A window will appear with 3 tabs

(4) Click on the Virtual memory tab

(5) Click on the box that extends the virtual memory to the MMC card (64 Mb max).

Once step 5 is done, the memory card is reformatted (presummably creating two partitions). It took a while for me and a blue bar went across the screen during the process. Once finished, I had just over 900 Mb of usable space on the MMC card.

Dr. Hood
Posts: 450 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Mar 2006
I have been frustrated for some time because Wolfram's seemingly excellent deb is not usable with OS 2006. I know that I can now partition swap space without it, but I want to be able to do more than that. I want to be able to fully effect the partitioning recommended by Wolfram (moving key elements of the root system to the memory card, and accessing them on the card). In other words (or the same words!) I want to be able to install Wolfram's script (or its equivalant aspects) to my 770 for accessing as part of the repartitioning process. Can anyone out there help me?

Last edited by ascherjim; 2006-08-12 at 05:20. Reason: Misspelled word

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