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Originally Posted by alephito View Post
It was my first gz installation too and, besides some trouble, finally everything worked fine. See the other thread, the one about aumix and cron.
Well rats. I think I successfully tar'd cron, but when I try to install Aumix, I get the following problem message:

Unable to install aumix-gtk.
Incompatible application package.

I should probably take this issue to the other thread.

How can I tell if I did succeed in installing cron? It wouldn't show up in my menu now, would it?
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No, cron will not be visible. But you can execute 'crontab -l' and if everything is Ok the system should reply with 'no crontabs defined' or something like that.

About aumix, I cannot help. Sorry.
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I installed aumix just today, it works fine. Make sure you add "chinook diablo" to the distributions line in Application Manager for the maemo extras repository.
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Originally Posted by DistantFire View Post
Linux noob question here: Aren't crontabs part of the Linux OS? Do I really have to install Cron in order to use crontabs?

Why do I ask? Because I've never installed from a gz file and wonder if maybe I don't have to make cron my first. I'm looking to install the cron + aumix solution to muting the IT overnight.

Thanks guys,
Cron is a program like any other, and crontab is a part of cron. Why Nokia/Maemo decided not to install something as useful and core to Linux as a cron is beyond me.

Thanks to the community though, I have my crons back.
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Originally Posted by BoxOfSnoo View Post
I installed aumix just today, it works fine. Make sure you add "chinook diablo" to the distributions line in Application Manager for the maemo extras repository.
Could iit be because I'm on the eaarlier OS2008? Or that I'm not on Diablo?

Still can't install.
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No, DistantFire. I installed aumix previously in Chinook and yesterday in Diablo.
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Originally Posted by darbax View Post
Thanks ichmoimeyo

Am I being too paranoid or does anyone else agree?
We are pretty trusting ... yes, really the source ought to be available for scrutiny and the repositories ought to be digitally signed. I'm guilty too, I haven't figured out how do make a Debian source package (I use RedHat which uses RPMs)

Also, if anyone can please advise on how to go about obtaining the source-code for cron and compiling on the device itself that would be much appreciated. I only have windows - can scratchbox be installed on windows (or via Cygwin) ?
I built cron from
David Loren Parsons <> ; I hadn't found convulted's one. My repo at

I believe scratchbox will run in cygwin (not certain). Putting a whole buiild
environment on the tablet itself would be a squeeze; gcc would probably
fit to build "hello world" but typical apps need all the gnome and hildon libraries, include files etc. etc.
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i have see that there is a cron 4.1 on the 'Dayless' repository, see here and it install just fine on diablo.

The Following User Says Thank You to L0cutus For This Useful Post:
Posts: 90 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Oct 2007
at the end cron from dayless have some problems
back to use the cron.tar.gz from this thread, it seems to work quite goot,
best thig is to 'port' fcron since it have already the debian dir inside, from its
1.1. About fcron

1.1.1. What is fcron?

Fcron is a scheduler. It aims at replacing Vixie Cron, so it implements
most of its functionalities.

But contrary to Vixie Cron, fcron does not need your system to be up 7
days a week, 24 hours a day: it also works well with systems which are
not running neither all the time nor regularly (contrary to

In other words, fcron does both the job of Vixie Cron and anacron, but
does even more and better ) ...

To do so, fcron allows you to use the standard mode in which you tell
it to execute one command at a given date and hour and to make it run a
command according to its time of execution, which is normally the same
as system up time. For example:

Run the task 'save /home/ directory' every 3h15 of system up time.

and, of course, in order to make it really useful, the time remaining
until next execution is saved each time the system is stopped. You can
also say:

run that command once between 2am and 5am

which will be done if the system is running at any time in this

Fcron also includes a useful system of options, which can be applied
either to every lines following the declaration or to a single line.
Some of the supported options permit to:

* run jobs one by one (fcrontab option serial),
* set the max system load average value under which the job should be
run (fcrontab option lavg),
* set a nice value for a job (fcrontab option nice),
* run jobs at fcron's startup if they should have been run during
system down time (fcrontab option bootrun),
* mail user to tell him a job has not run and why (fcrontab option
* a better management of the mailing of outputs ...


and is also well mantained (2007)

Last edited by L0cutus; 2008-06-26 at 13:49.
Posts: 90 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Oct 2007
i've compiled the latest version of dcron 3.2, unfortunately not a deb, but a tar.gz with
installer/unistaller included, so no problems for 'newbe', see this.
It comes with /etc/cron.hourly-daily-weekly-monthly directory pre-configured.
It work out of the box, for user root and for 'user' (with separate config files)
simply download, than as root (easyroot or becomeroot):
tar zxvf filename.tar.gx
cd cron

that's all

hope it helps.

Last edited by L0cutus; 2008-06-27 at 05:56.

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