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iceman600's Avatar
Posts: 324 | Thanked: 65 times | Joined on Jun 2008 @ FL
after upgrading to diablo and setting NIT to dual booting, i began installing programs. i notice that the canola upnp is not on my downloadble program? is that bcause its not compatible with diablo? if not then why it is not on the canola downloadble programs?
krisse's Avatar
Posts: 1,540 | Thanked: 1,045 times | Joined on Feb 2007
I just had an email from the creators of Canola about a similar problem.

First of all, don't worry, Canola and its components are compatible with Diablo, they've already tested it to make sure.

Problems have happened because the Canola people didn't know that Diablo was getting a public release so soon, which caused some technical problems with making Canola and its components available to the public. They know about it and they're working on it.
Posts: 362 | Thanked: 145 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Sydney, Australia
I've installed the upnp plugin just fine (on Diablo)- and it works like a charm.

I don't dualboot though....
handful's Avatar
Posts: 1,412 | Thanked: 594 times | Joined on Aug 2005 @ Recife, Brazil
Iceman : it's just that we were not "aware" of diablo launch, thus we don
't have the packages. Nokia launched and said "Now port your applications "we are doing that. Sorry for the trouble, but in the meanwhile you can just add the chinook repository and get it from there. Works perfect.

Marcelo Eduardo
OpenBossa Labs @ INdT, Recife Brazil

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