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I have been running OS2008 V2.2007.50-2 since I got my N800 back in February. I have a lot of applications installed and configured and hate to have to go thru all the work over again. If I flash to the latest operating system is there any easy way to restore the applications? I have run the "backup/restore" utility and have my Sd cards backed up on my PC. Thanks for helping.
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1. Put your backup file back on the internal SD card. Reflashing does NOTHING to the card, and you will need the file later (see below).


3. Enter Applications Manager > Applications Catalog > Maemo Extras. Enter the words "chinook diablo" in the box marked Distribution. You might want to do this for all the other repositories that have a blank Distribution box.

4. Diablo will ask you without prompting whether you want to restore your applications. Tell it yes (except for the wallpaper images).
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Posts: 226 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on May 2008 @ Texas/Earth/Sol System/Milky Way/Local Group/Hubble Bubble/Infinity

Restore from backup works for many, but not all apps.

For example, the restore did not put back my nmap, telnet, nano, tcpdump, vncviewer, and a few others.

It will also not restore customizatons to .profile, prefs.js, bootmenus, etc.

I wish there was an easy way to fully restore after a flash. I welcome any suggestions.


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