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all of the program installations I have attempted recently have failed at the exact same place. they all fail to download. I am on a fast enough connection and it was working two weeks ago. I am totally baffled

this is on a relatively new N810. It doesn't matter if I initiate the install through the application manager or through the maemo website. any help would be great
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when it fails, have you clicked on the "Details" button to get a reason why it failed? If not, have you checked the Application Manager's log file to see the failure reason?

If I were to guess, I'd say that you've run short of space on the location where your downloads are being stored. ...but, as a first step, determine the answers to the two questions, above, and we'll work from there...
N800 / OS2008
Now running Canola-free (by invitation) since 2215 UTC 21 May 2008.
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This happens to me too. It is never an issue of space. I typically have to cancel the dl when it hangs, and then try again. Usually, things go better the second time around.
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Possibly the read-only internal memory bug...
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Lets use Canola2 as a for instance but the same thing occurs with all app install. The download window of the prgram opens but the program never reall downloads. After a bit of a wait it pops up a message that says "downloading canola2 failed" there is no details button available, just a close button.

so now I check the log and there are several fail to fetch statements, here is an example of one

Failed to fetch Could not open file /media/mmc2/.apt-archive-cache/partial/libeet1_1.0.0-maemo1_armel.deb - open (30 Read-only file system)
there are several of these but they all have the same general pattern, there also two more tha I have listed below;
W: Not using locking for read only lock file /media/mmc2/.apt-archive-cache/lock
W: Not using locking for read only lock file /media/mmc2/.apt-archive-cache/lock

hey, and thanks for the help, I'm a fresh fish with linux
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>>> (30 Read-only file system)

usually a sign that the filesystem is corrupted, or there's some other issue that has caused it to be remounted as read-only.

...and you can't write to read-only filesystems, whether you're installing software to them, writing temporary files to them, or doing a file copy. read-only filesystems can only be read from, not written to.
N800 / OS2008
Now running Canola-free (by invitation) since 2215 UTC 21 May 2008.
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hence the name "Read only", any suggestions on fixing it?
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well, if you didn't explicitly mount it read-only, you can rest assured that the OS on your tablet probably had a good reason.

did you check dmesg to see if it left a clue regarding this action?

copy what you can from the card, then reformat it, and see if that helps. if that seems too draconian, take a look at the man page for 'fsck'...
N800 / OS2008
Now running Canola-free (by invitation) since 2215 UTC 21 May 2008.

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I gather your saying backup the system and reflash the OS. I bet this is my own fault I was trying to use erminig with gpe caledar to sync with google and ther were some issues getting tthe phyton files

I need a crash course in linux command prompt it would seem

Thanks for the help
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I was seeing the same problem as greymatter314 in my n810. App installations would all fail at the download stage. The error was "Downloading [program name] failed." I was seeing a 'memory card error' whenever I plotted a route in Wayfinder, and I could no longer add POIs (points of interest) due to same 'memory card error.

My internal card had somehow become read-only. Here's what I did to get things running again. I only wish I knew why my internal card became read-only. Anyway.

I tried to use the file manager utility to copy any files from the internal card to the external card, but the big map folder was too large. Not really knowing what those files contained made me a little nervous about deleting them, so I started Wayfinder and wrote down my license code (under the About menu) in case I had to reinstall the whole program.

I then used the File Manager utility to reformat the internal memory card. Once that was done, I immediately installed 'becomeroot.' My download and install went smoothly. (Not to use it for this problem, but it is the app that first gave me trouble downloading).

Next, I started map, but my maps were no longer there. I plugged my n810 into the charger (so I could leave wifi running for hours) and re-downloaded the map data. I didn't need to use my license number to do this, but I had to leave it running a long time, as it was a pretty big file-- the progress bar for the download was about 1/4 across after 30 minutes so I left it and went to bed. In the morning my maps were back and all my POIs were gone but I can reconstruct those from memory and with a little help maybe from GoogleEarth.

[edited to add] I did need my wayfinder license number after all-- I had to open Map, got to the menu and select About Map > purchase license. At the next screen I entered my license number and I could use the navigation software again.

Your mileage may vary, good luck.

-- killick

Last edited by killick; 2008-07-02 at 17:55.

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