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You, sir, are a god among men. Thank you.

I did notice another weird thing, but it doesn't seem to affect the behavior of the program. When I first start the dialer, my GrandCentral Number on the Account tab shows up as (518) 555-1212, and the text is smaller. The callback number list, and other account information such as contacts and recent calls, is correct. If I re-authenticate, my actual grandcentral number shows up correctly.

Thanks again.
brontide's Avatar
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Originally Posted by tlacuache View Post
You, sir, are a god among men. Thank you.

I did notice another weird thing, but it doesn't seem to affect the behavior of the program. When I first start the dialer, my GrandCentral Number on the Account tab shows up as (518) 555-1212, and the text is smaller. The callback number list, and other account information such as contacts and recent calls, is correct. If I re-authenticate, my actual grandcentral number shows up correctly.

Thanks again.
Sounds like another bug the (518) 555-1212 is just placeholder text in the .glade file, it should never be seen at runtime.
epage's Avatar
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Hmm, helps if I'm a bit more observant. I've not really payed attention to the account number but I definitely see how my last couple of changes would have broken that.

Fixed in rev 112

ps Thanks for using it, with how quiet the thread is been wondering what peoples thoughts have been though probably doesn't help not releasing new packages but suggesting checkout out subversion
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Have people played with the (gc) contact support much? I'm curious what your thoughts are on its performance/functionality/usability. Sorry I've been lazy/annoyed with the SDK and haven't done Maemo contacts yet.
TrueJournals's Avatar
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Just put the latest svn on my n800 running diablo. Here are my observations:
- The menu is not properly hildonized
- GC contacts did not work AT ALL. Switching to the tab shows nothing, even though calling and the recent tab work fine.
- I'd like to see the title of the window change based on tab name. Ex: Dialer - Diaalpad when on the dialpad, but Dialer - Recent when on the recent tab, etc. All this really does is show which tab is open on the task switcher (when the home button is pressed)
- This version seems to be much more cpu-intensive when opening.

GC contacts sounds like a great idea... I'd love to be able to try it ;-)

If it's any help, here's the command line output when opening, then switching to "contacts" tab:
~ $ /usr/local/bin/
/usr/local/bin/ GtkWarning: gtk_widget_grab_default: assertion `GTK_WIDGET_CAN_DEFAULT (widget)' failed
  self._widgetTree =
/usr/local/bin/ UserWarning: Hildon installed but glade file not updated to work with hildon
  handle = Dialpad()
/usr/local/bin/ UserWarning: No abook and No evolution address book support
  handle = Dialpad()
/usr/local/bin/ UserWarning: Performing download of
  forwardSelectionPage =
python2.5[3407]: GLIB DEBUG ConIc - con_ic_connection_send_event(0x246880, Home, WLAN_INFRA, 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/", line 582, in callable
  File "/usr/local/bin/", line 884, in _idly_populate_contactsview
    gc_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size('gc_contact.png', 16, 16)
gobject.GError: Failed to open file 'gc_contact.png': No such file or directory
Am I just missing an image?

[edit]Yup, it was the image. Contacts seems to work well! I'll have to teest how it handles contacts with multiple numbers ;-)
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Last edited by TrueJournals; 2008-08-01 at 05:11.
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Idaho Falls, ID
Thanks, the updated revision fixed the problem with the placeholder phone number showing up.

I have been using it quit a bit lately. More on my desktop than my n800. After your recent fixes, I really have no complaints at all functionality-wise. Contacts work great... with multiple numbers per contact I'm shown a dialog to choose from. Recent calls show up correctly. I can easily change my callback number. For me, Gizmo/SIP-GrandCentral-GrandCentral Dialer has become the "killer app" for my n800.

So, thanks again!

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Thanks for the feedback. It looks like when trying to prevent other bugs I broke hildon support (joy of inheritance). So I fixed a couple of bugs related to hildon support and played with it on my 770 w/ os2007HE

As another note, I learned dpkg-deb and am making packages to some degree. They seem to work on my desktop (ubuntu) and on my 770. I cannot fully attest to the icon placement in the menu yet but at least launching from the command line works well.
sondjata's Avatar
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It seems that Grand Central Dialer or Grand Central itself uses services from Level 3 communications. Does anyone know anything about that company. I'm a bit wary of it given it has a digital rendition of the US Capitol dome on it's homepage. I'd like to avoid the NSA if at all possible.
brontide's Avatar
Posts: 868 | Thanked: 474 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Capital District, NY, USA
Originally Posted by sondjata View Post
It seems that Grand Central Dialer or Grand Central itself uses services from Level 3 communications. Does anyone know anything about that company. I'm a bit wary of it given it has a digital rendition of the US Capitol dome on it's homepage. I'd like to avoid the NSA if at all possible.
As far as I'm concerned, unless you DIY with your own encryption protocols there really isn't a way around the possible snooping of the NSA.
epage's Avatar
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I'm assuming what you came across is L3 the government contractor and not Level 3 the internet and communications company. From what I can tell they are different companies. Personally I didn't notice a capitol dome on either's page.

If you are concerned about the NSA, who google goes through doesn't make much of a difference since it'll still go through the internet (most likely not encrypted) and then go through the phone system on the other end. If you are wanting to be safe, probably the only route to go is a p2p, open source, audited, encrypted VoIP system.

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