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Originally Posted by fiferboy View Post
Hey Graham,

It's too bad the Sunday/Monday start patch didn't make it into this release. I think having it default as Monday and have people override it to Sunday if they wish is better than nothing. I unserstand wanting to default to the correct start day for the locale, but surely having the same default behaviour and an override is better than no option whatsoever.

A simple check in the view menu works great. Making it based on locale sounds like too much effort. Set it once and forget it.

I can't go back to Monday.

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Originally Posted by antikx View Post
... and comes back with all my applets gone from my desktop.
Ditto on my N810. But in the last few days, this problem occurred only once (a few hours ago), AFAIK. A core dump was generated (hildon-desktop crashed) but the backtrace didn't give any useful information (the stack was corrupt). I have:
Nokia-N810-23-14:~> dpkg-query -W \*gpe\* libeventdb2
gpe-calendar    2.8+maemo+svn20080722-1
gpe-contacts    2.8+maemo+svn20080722-1
gpe-icons       2.8+maemo+svn20080722-1
gpe-todo        2.8+maemo+svn20080722-1
gpesummary      2.8+maemo+svn20080722-4
libeventdb2     2.8+maemo+svn20080722-1
libgpepimc0     2.8+maemo+svn20080722-1
libgpevtype1    2.8+maemo+svn20080722-1
libgpewidget1   2.8+maemo+svn20080722-1
(though I currently only use gpe-calendar and gpesummary) and the contents of .gpesummary are:
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OK, I've updated the GPE apps and still have the alarm problem. Just now, at 12.19am three went off together. Two were from earlier today (for meetings) - don't remember what the third one was. There seems to be no correlation to set alarm times and activation. Sometimes they go off when programmed, sometimes not. But in either case they can also go off later (and usually after midnight!).

The GPE apps installed are

I presume you were not asking for every installed app on the tablet.

I do like the new summary with todo's now showing.

If you need any more info just ask. Cheers!
N810, OS 2008 5.2008.43-7 (Diablo)
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Originally Posted by vinc17
Ditto on my N810. But in the last few days, this problem occurred only once (a few hours ago), AFAIK. A core dump was generated (hildon-desktop crashed) but the backtrace didn't give any useful information (the stack was corrupt).
Thanks very much for the complete report. It shows that you are running the right version of gpesummary and libeventdb2. And nothing unusual in options (I have set mine to match to see if I can reproduce the problem at all).

I really need to reproduce the problem. If you see it again please take note of anything you think might be relevant. And, if it does crash again, please take a copy of your calendar and todo databases (in /home/user/.gpe) before starting gpesummary again (if gpe-calendar or gpe-todo are running, do not close them before copying the database files). If you do see it again I can send you a special version of gpesummary which writes logs to a file in /tmp.

Originally Posted by dfinch
OK, I've updated the GPE apps and still have the alarm problem.
Thanks for taking the time to report the problem, Derek, and I am very sorry it is waking you up in the middle of the night! Just to be clear, was gpe-calendar running at the time of the problem or was it started automatically by gpesummary? If gpe-calendar was running, is it possible that the time they went off was (some exact multiple of) 24 hours after you last started gpe-calendar?

I will contact you off-line to ask you to send me your calendar database, if you are willing.

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Originally Posted by FGol View Post

A simple check in the view menu works great. Making it based on locale sounds like too much effort. Set it once and forget it.

I can't go back to Monday.

I won't be "upgrading" until the week is able to be set to Sunday. Looking forward to that be integrated in the future.
Posts: 162 | Thanked: 351 times | Joined on Apr 2006 @ Cotswolds, UK
Originally Posted by jjstewart View Post
I won't be "upgrading" until the week is able to be set to Sunday. Looking forward to that be integrated in the future.
That is up to you, of course. But this was intended to be mainly a bug fix release -- many people have been waiting quite a long time for the fix for spurious alarms. I do not want to delay getting that out.

On the other hand, I am looking into whether the Sunday patch can be included with minimal risk.

Posts: 30 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Hope I'm not to far off topic. Is there a way just to disable alarms ?

Posts: 227 | Thanked: 53 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Lyon, France
About alarms, I've noticed that when an alarm fires up, GPE neither switches on the screen, nor unlocks the keyboard, contrary to standard alarms. Could this be fixed?
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played around a bit with the gpe file manager and found two issues.

1. no way to see .hidden dirs

2. it crashed when i tried to open aa sub-dir holding a long named dir with the directory browser turned off...
Posts: 49 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Aug 2007
I Just discovered that GPE Calendar can import ics files. I didn't know that. Seems to synchronize to the extent that only new items are updated.
So my iCal calendar which shares format with Mozilla Sunbird on my pc laptop can also be shared on my n800.
This isn't truly synchronizing but certainly makes my life easer. ics export would be nice.


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