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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Way back in this thread somewhere, I posted a one-liner to bring it back up. Put that in osso-statusbar-cpu (or equivalent), or use kciconsbox...
Using a one-liner to bring it back up isn't really a fix, though. Just relaunching it does the same thing (only much easier than launching xterm or having to install yet another tool to just let me bring it back to the foreground) since XMMS won't allow more than once instance anyway.

This thread is way too long to read the whole thing in decent time but it seems that it should have a few maemo specific patches made to make sure it behaves and have that sent back up to the XMMS folks for inclusion.

If I was a C/C++ coder, I'd help do it myself--but I'm just a network admin/UNIX admin/Subversion admin by career. I can at least understand the process of what we need to fix this properly. Is there anything I can do to help this along in my capacity?

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I'm aware those aren't fixes, but in my understanding, xmms development is pretty much dead, so upstreaming any patches probably isn't gonna work so well, either. (And I've got the other tools on my system anyway, so that worked really nice for me, even though it obviously wasn't the right solution...)

I don't really use xmms anymore, so I haven't kept up with this, but there are at least two variants floating around; my experience is entirely with the one covered here. Someone (not sure who) has released a different build that keeps an icon in the task list... you could look around for that, anyway. (I think the difference is not in the actual build as much as the .desktop file, but there might be some difference in xmms proper as well.)
danramos's Avatar
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Thanks, Benson! I'm lovin' all over this port but I'll keep an eye out for the other one too, then!
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xmms-skins packages updated. when you have these packages installed, you have to select /usr/share/xmms/Skins in the skin browser to see the new skins.

Also, for your next release, you should put the xmms.desktop file into the "/usr/share/applications/hildon/" directory so that Personal Menu can "see" the application. Right now, a user has to enter the command for XMMS manually.
Done for the next release

For the minimize, if you would read a few posts before you would see that the menu entry is used to start xmms and also to bring it back. xmms works fine under other WM but not with the default shipped with the nokias...

XMMS folks for inclusion.
xmms is considered abandonware. It is not maintained anymore by its creators. Due to this and the complexity of the code, it has been removed from official Debian and Ubuntu repositories. I like xmms, I'll keep on using it. The new alternatives were very very buggy when I tried them. So I use the good old xmms.

Someone (not sure who) has released a different build that keeps an icon in the task list...
Do you know how to contact this person and eventually get the patch?
Funny I thought about the same thing yesterday. Creating a top level app that goes in the tasklist. I'll make some test, I'm not very good in hildon specific stuffs.

I have n800 with last 2007 OS firmeware. XMMS playng mp3-songs perfectly, but ogg load 100% cpu. Im trying Alsa, eSound and Crossfade output plugins, but no result. Any ideas about this?
Hum... the vorbis decoder has not been changed since some time.
Ogg decoders are always more cpu intensive than mp3 decoders. I just tried one ogg and the cpu is higher but still very low, and it played perfectly with several other apps running.
I have no real idea and the fact that I'm not running os2007 doesn't help. Can you try to reinstall some packages? (in a shell as root)
apt-get remove xmms*
apt-get autoremove
rm -rf /home/user/.xmms

apt-get install xmms
Try without any plugin first, with esd.
qwerty12's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Someone (not sure who) has released a different build that keeps an icon in the task list... you could look around for that, anyway. (I think the difference is not in the actual build as much as the .desktop file, but there might be some difference in xmms proper as well.)
KotCzarny made a newer build which fixed the open file dialog. I added an icon into the task list.

I made the changes though on Kotc's build:
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free, I trying re-install xmms, now it's work nice with ogg-files. XMMS load cpu 15-20%.

Thanks for your support.
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Hum I just saw the post from KotCzarny . I have no clue about what problem there is with gtk dialogs.. also dunno really about the problem with open file dialog. Never saw any problems as far as I can remember.. unless it's internationalization.

I'll try to see how the taskbar thing works and integrate it in this build.

ps: if people experience bugs, please send me a PM

Last edited by free; 2008-08-08 at 10:01.
qwerty12's Avatar
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Kotczarny's build:

In your build, I stole a picture:

(I have no idea if you fixed in your newer builds, so sorry if you have done)

The desktop thing is pretty easy, enable window decorations and just insert some of the lines from my desktop file into your xmms desktop file (things like startupwmclass). Look at the script too and steal the variable that is exported.

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Ah yes! True!!!
The open dialog appears behind. I got used to it because i'm most of the time using xmms with only the title bar. But it's a pain that's true..

Thanks a lot qwerty12, I'll correct all these things and upgrade to the latest xmms upstream.
PinCushionQueen's Avatar
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Originally Posted by free View Post
Ah yes! True!!!
The open dialog appears behind. I got used to it because i'm most of the time using xmms with only the title bar. But it's a pain that's true..

Thanks a lot qwerty12, I'll correct all these things and upgrade to the latest xmms upstream.
Just an FYI, I'm using the Free build and not the KotKrazy build and my dialog window opens in front of the player just fine. Is it because I'm running this from Konsole in KDE?

I also do notice that when I launch XMMS from the menu in Maemo I get the dialog window behind the player window as in Qwerty12's pic.
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