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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Actually, I DO care to hear these stories.. at any moment, any of us could be that guy. But I'm not sure I understand the way he framed it. It sounded a bit like he was thumbing his nose at people reading Tablet related stuff.

Personally, the N95 just isn't the convergence device for me. It's a GREAT device, mind you--but what I want would require it to be a LOT more open and a LOT more hackable than it can be--which is where the Internet Tablets come in. I need something that is more like the middle-ground between the laptop computer and the N95.
I agree. I have owned several Symbian devices and have an N95 8GB right now. Two things really hurt the N95 (and Symbian OS) as a general purpose device for me: (1) the small screen and (2) not being hackable.

Symbian devices are very hard to program. Yes, you can run apps programmed in Python on them, but it's not like the N8x0 platform: for any complicated application, you gotta do C++. And that's hard. Even with the Carbide IDE and simulators, there's a steep curve to get applications to run. Also, there isn't the contributing community around Symbian devices as there is around Linux and Maemo.

So I'll stick with my N8x0 devices and keep hacking.

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I have a N810 and a N82 (="N95 in candy bar"). While the functionality of the two overlap, they complement each other really well:

N82: Phone, 2G/EDGE, 3G/HDSPA, Calendar & Contacts, FM radio, PERFECT GPS and Maps (with Voice routing free for 90? days), Nokia Sports Tracker, J2ME GMail, a webbrowser that is quite ok for pressing needs on the go (quickly download a weather radar image) and some google reader-based surfing

N810: Internet everywhere in perfection, touchscreen, keyboard, great OS, ever expanding playground. Media Player.

So while the N82 covers the "serious needs" on-the-go, the N810 is for "enjoyment and fun" while being settled a bit more.

Last edited by twaelti; 2008-08-13 at 14:17.
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I totally agree with twaelti,
So while the N82 covers the "serious needs" on-the-go, the N810 is for "enjoyment and fun" while being settled a bit more.

N8XX isn't a convergence device. It's what comes after the subnotebook/webtop (as in: desktop > laptop > webtop > handtop/IT).

Actually I owned an N95 8GB, but sold it for an E51 which has become the perfect companion to my N810: E51 (lightweight, small, multiple connectivity, FM radio, bluetooth tethering), use for phone calls + quick browsing (Google Reader mobile / Twitter web mobile / Gmail mobile mail check); while I use my N810 when I'm being able to "settle a bit more": in a starbucks, waiting room, train or whatever ("real" Web browsing, office tools -esp. thanks to Debian in chroot-, development, games, video/music entertainment).

With that couple (E51+N810), most of my needs are covered, wherever I go, with minimum weight/space.

What I'd love the N900 to be is an N810 (on steroids?) with TV-Out, USB host (without hacks whatsoever) & SDHC slot (with no max-size, so that we can have a 16 or 32GB SDHC card sitting inside comfortably, dualbooting Maemo & Debian to satisfy our geek instinct).

Until then, I'll enjoy my "convergence duo"!

Posts: 127 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Mar 2008
Sorry I did not mean to sound as if I am thumbing my nose.

The N8XX is awesome however I became tired of needing 3 devices all the time. You all know we have an N8XX, laptop, and a cellphone. Now, with the N95, I only need a laptop.

Also, I am looking at a consumer device and not a hackable device I can code on. With my kids I only have time to keep up with learning the latest Oracle products and dev tools.

I will continue to visit here and was just kidding.

This stuff is all just a lifestyle choice anyway.
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Anyone have a use stowaway keyboard they want to sell ?
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Originally Posted by anthonybuchanan View Post
Anyone have a use stowaway keyboard they want to sell ?
Time to upgrade to an E71?
Reggie Suplido
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eh, don't let it get to you. I recently sold my IT after I bought a HTC/Sprint Mogul and started using winMobile (and like it) so now I am the devil incarnate.

I still like the IT concept though, and hope nokia can make something really great the next time around.
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Originally Posted by mike-y View Post I am the devil incarnate...
no, just another troll... hanging around under the bridge... hassling the goats...
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Originally Posted by hyartep View Post
just one thing to add - i don't see my n800 as converged device. it's no phone, no camera. i like it that way.
Precisely. I mainly like having it serve as a tiny faux laptop that I CAN easily carry everywhere I can't bring my laptop.
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Originally Posted by anthonybuchanan View Post
Sorry I did not mean to sound as if I am thumbing my nose.

The N8XX is awesome however I became tired of needing 3 devices all the time. You all know we have an N8XX, laptop, and a cellphone. Now, with the N95, I only need a laptop.

Also, I am looking at a consumer device and not a hackable device I can code on. With my kids I only have time to keep up with learning the latest Oracle products and dev tools.

I will continue to visit here and was just kidding.

This stuff is all just a lifestyle choice anyway.
Cheers for coming back with a friendly post instead of letting this turn into a thread full of flames! I definitely agree that whether the N8x0 is "the right device" for someone depends totally on what they need to accomplish and whether they have time to hack on it. For you, it's extraneous because you carry a phone and laptop anyways. For some people the N8x0 can actually replace their phone. For a lot of other people who use the N8x0 in a mobile situation it replaces their laptop. This is the situation I find myself in. For 90% of the things I would use a laptop for I can do on my N8x0 without having to sacrifice much. It has a web browser, email client, IM clients, and a terminal. When you get right down to it, that's all that I really need out of any machine. And it means I don't have to drag a multi-pound laptop around when I can slip my N800 into my pocket. The N800 isn't perfect of course, but I think that the little problems I have with it bother me so much because it is *so close* to being exactly the machine I need/want. This is starting to sound like an ad, so I think I'll quit now. :P


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