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Posts: 151 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Dec 2007
It has been on my mind too but not only a BT handset. I would like for Nokia to integrate the tablets more with the N series phones. At the moment apart from sharing internet connection there is no cooperation. What I would love would be to for example be alerted on my tablet when my phone rings in the backpack, receives sms/mss. Be then able to take the call on the tablets handsfree or send texts, add calendar entires. use phone as a bt keyboard, and vice versa. Use tablet's screen to edit phone images, videos, easlily. sync calendard,contacts,files . Come on Nokia, those are your devices, you can make that happen!
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Posts: 229 | Thanked: 108 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Sacramento, California

I'd like it to go a little bit further where when responding to an SMS text message, you could opt to go through a free SMS website. Save a little SMS text charge since I don't have text messaging on my cell phone plan.

I'd also love the idea of answering my phone through the Nokia like anidel asked for. Basically, make the NIT act just like the bluetooth car integration feature.
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2006
Personally, I would just like to simple be able to use my BT headset to answer and make call via Gizmo. Or is that possible and I have just missed the appropriate posting?

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